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Hello again. This is the time to review the progress we have made in the February. Here's a rundown of what we accomplished in this month.
  • Released 2 minor game versions which included improved translation of chapter 2 and memory handling optimisations.
  • Ported the game for MacOS (Links bellow)
  • Completed writing the main storyline for the next update and finalising work on side quests (The Chicken asks to send you her love)
  • Made 4 out of 6 characters for the next update.
  • Created the required locations.
  • Translation pass on chapter 1 is 60% completed.
  • Work on the new music is in progress.
  • Fixed some gamebreaking bugs.

But there'still a lot of work to do and no time to waste.
We also continuing to search for new artists and even found a couple.

And here's the links for MacOS version:

Google drive: (Mac)Camelot The Game [ver.0.52]
Mega: (Mac)Camelot The Game [ver.0.52] 

First unpack it.
Then you need to set run permissions for these files.

Game.app/Contents/Frameworks/nwjs Helper EH.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs Helper EH

Game.app/Contents/Frameworks/nwjs Helper NP.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs Helper NP

Game.app/Contents/Frameworks/nwjs Helper.app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs Helper


This can be done either in the file's info window, or by running 'chmod +x' on them in the terminal Without these permissions the game won't run. 

Best regards
Shadow Portal Team.




any sexy Dwarf or trolls in the cave ?

Delray Lyndhurst

I'm having trouble opening the game on my Mac--I tried to edit permissions, but there didn't seem to be anything to edit as I had read/write permissions for all files