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Greetings, players, here's your lovely Shadow Portal team! You know, we've really picked up the pace lately, haven't we? Heh, well, let's not slow it down. You can read the previous teaser here — it came out quite recently, but we move on to the extra content.

Arthur originally had a different vision for this scene. It was to be drawn from a different angle, somewhat reminiscent of the “Punishment" scene with the Zergling, where the faithful assistant decided to punish Sarah for her long lack of attention, and Kerrigan, of course, was all for it.

However, our artist decided to experiment and they saw her from a different angle, more poignant and allowing for an easier and more beautiful drawing of Karda's anatomy. He showcased this with a little diagram, which seemed rather interesting. In the end, we settled on this version, which proved to be the best and worthy of the scene. But most importantly, we hope you enjoy it as much as we do!

That's all for now, friends. We highly recommend waiting for our next teaser, "Revenge of Lizzara", because we're about to share some exciting and sizzling hot content with you! Yes, yes, it's about story and a full art - don't miss out!

And of course rate it from 1 to 10, the sketch that Arthur drew, I think I don't need to say which one is his :)

Shadow Portal Team



Anarcho TV

Ooooooo, now i get what's gonna happen in this scene. Big fan of Karda so I look forward to seeing this scene in-game :D


I kind of get a April fools feeling from this

Rolo Clint

I think you should start introducing Arthur's Art into the game :'D


Beautiful 🎨


Any scene with Carda is a 10 since she the only female Zerg leader


We're delighted that our teasers are shining a light on the dark waters of gamedev, you'll be able to see them in-game very soon!


So sexy mmmmmm