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Hey! Shadow Portal Team here and ready to show off another teaser for the big update! You’ve been waiting for this, right? Ha, we knew it, and that’s why we are here! Today we’ll be talking about the continuation of the main story of the game, specifically about the Defiler’s essence, which for some reason is still not inside Sarah, hmmm..... Time to fix that!

Last time, during the three-day pregnancy event, Sarah suffered quite enough due to the leader’s eggs that somehow ended up inside her belly. But that’s now in the past, and it’s time to get what she deserves for that — at least that’s what she thinks. But few things in Sarah Kerrigan’s life go as they were planned. This time is no exception. Upon going to retrieve her spoils, she suddenly finds out that it’s not that easy. And yeah, you got that right! More. Egglaying. No other way it could go, nah-nah-nah don’t even think about it.

The Ghost, in absolute bewilderment and utter confusion regarding how her life ended up like that, ends up having to agree to the leader’s conditions — she has to get the damn essence somehow — she thought. With this weak self-serving excuse (we all know that deep down she likes that stuff), Kerrigan follows the Defiler’s orders and straps in as he asks her to. And then... find out more in the next teaser!

Well, that cliffhanger certainly raises interest, doesn’t it? Well, we are a bit sorry for it, but the anniversary update has had so much effort put into it, we want to present it all properly! Just a bit of waiting left, so we’re leaving now to be done in time! Thanks for reading, see you soon!




Give her a nice slutty face when she gets the tentacle treatment.


Something very hot is coming up


Great Pov on this scene!

Spencer X

Heck yeah bring on all the egg laying!!!


omg so nice !!!