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Yay, people! So, how are you? Hopefully all your important business is done, cause we bet you’ll be stuck to the screen for a little while — time for update 0.30 announcement! And it’s an anniversary update! This is going to be the biggest and coolest anniversary you know!

Fasten your seatbelts, we’re starting. ♨️

Last update, 0.29, was smaller than usual and that’s because we wanted to save our strength for the upcoming features, and make them in time. The future of SlutCraft is already looking fancier than ever, we have so much planned for you, mh... We are very eager to make all of that a reality, but that will take lots of time, vigor and, of course, work. We’ll be doing our best to make that reality and release the update — you know. So, let’s get to the changelog!

High priority:

  • Scene: Fatal climax (Level 1)
  • Scene: 1000 zergs (fan-scene)
  • Scene: Defiler essence
  • Scene: First pregnancy day sex *Maybe*
  • Scene: Second pregnancy day feeding
  • Help: Sai’mon’s hints

Medium priority:

  • System: Better stress *Maybe*

Low priority:

  • Main menu improvement: main screen
  • UI: Update check buttons
  • UI update for trash collection minigame

Approximate release date: End of August.

Just look at the amount of scenes — insane, isn’t it! The update is promising to be insane, but let’s get into the details of each point. Update 30 will bring continuation to the “Fatal climax” scene with Lizzara, where she experiences new types of pleasure. Yes, we really like that. And the “1000 zerg” scene is to honor a thousand patrons on our Patreon! We know this scene was highly anticipated, and finally, it’s coming! The writing for it took some time, but we finally found an organic way to integrate it into the script. And we can tell you one thing for sure about it, it’s going to be hot!

Defiler essence — is this, what, Sarah’s fifth essence? Oh yeah, that’s something you’ll definitely like!

First pregnancy day sex *maybe* — the “maybe” might be worrying, but we’ll do our best to include it in this update, we just want to stay on the safe side and not overpromise. The name makes it pretty clear this scene happens during the two-day pregnancy Sarah experiences due to the Defiler and his eggs.

Second pregnancy day feeding — the name is also telling, this one’s pretty interesting. Lots more details in upcoming scene announcements!
Next up is Sai’mon’s hints — as we said in the last post, this should help people who got lost in the story, especially the second chapter. Speaking about second chapter: when grass was greener and Sarah was a hostage on the Leviathan… - we came up with a stress system to spice up the game. We’ll talk more about it some other time, because this is it for now. However, lastly, the main menu of the game will change slightly in this update. It’s an anniversary, after all!

Actually, those who were with us from the very beginning might remember that this is not our third anniversary, but second, since we skipped some versions at first due to a huge number of people finding update 0.1 to contain lots more content than they expected, so next update after that was 0.11.

That was quite a lot of text, but it wasn’t in naught, each point deserved some attention. We want to make it very clear that this update is very important for everyone’s favorite game here. More is coming, and this update won’t be our best for long. But for now, we want to thank each person that supports our project. We see how fast our audience grows and of course that can’t help but bring us joy. Thank you, friends, for your support, we value it. We believe the road leads to new height, and Shadow Portal Team wants to reach them together with you. Thank you and see you later! ❤️

Heartfully yours,
Shadow Portal Team




Wow... there are no words, it looks very promising 🔥🔥🔥


good luck with your self imposed schedule. I want to tell you guys, I would rather you do self care and be healthy rather than rush content out on my behalf. It will happen when it happens.

Rolo Clint

Looks very good , as usual :) ! just a bit sad that we don't new content with the queen of blades, but still very happy about what's to come !