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A toasty hello to you! How are you doing out there? Our team continues to work on the next version of SlutCraft. But let's get distracted from the routine, if only for five minutes, it's time for our favorite polls!

But the theme for today isn’t an upcoming update, we want to find out what choices you made during the game, and we’ll start in chronological order!

In the second chapter, Sarah has to choose either Abathur’s or Sai’mon’s method of connecting to the Swarm. They both have their own unique approach to training Sarah, but both strive for maximum efficiency and success. While Sai’mon suggests several days of intense exercises, Abathur offers a quick solution, though the master of evolution certainly has specific tastes... Eggs, bugs, tentacles... — Yuck, but damn is it effective!

So, the poll! Who is more popular? Which path you liked more? Take part in the poll and share your thoughts in the comments! We also welcome any discussions on our Discord server, where lots are ongoing already!

And while our dear fans decide whose method is superior, we’ll continue working on the next update, time doesn’t wait for no one, after all.

Thank you for your time. Pretty soon you’re going to hear more news from us, so we aren’t saying goodbye for long!

Shadow Portal Team



This is hard, I like how Saimon convince Sarah to slowly progress her "exercise" and I like to see the progression so far, but I also like Abathur's method of linking her to the swarm but it's too quick and I (and maybe only me) can't feel the progression of that part. So I suggest mixing both, more Abathur style but longer progression like Saimon. This is just my opinion, no need to be serious


We can understand you. I guess for cases like this, we should have let you choose more options. BUT so far the results are pretty great! The main problem with many choices is that one of them is just not popular, well riight now we have almost equal votes for either, and that's really cool!


I agree with Jäger! Edit: Now that I had a minute to think about it, that is kind of the goal, right? Sai'mons Route was a bit slower and less radical but internally motivated. Abathur was way more radical but more or less had to be forced upon her. The logical conclusion would be for Sarah to WANT to do the radical thing for as long as possible to gain as much power (read: pleasure) as possible.


I have never tried Abathur's route.


Only Saimon's path


Maybe. What I would really like to see is, after the point were Sarah is getting naked for most of her daily activities, she just stays naked. Especially after the Saimon 3 day adventure.


The Abathur because he can make her tits bigger and probably other sexy stuff to make her sexy


I've only just recently found and started playing this game. I like the premise and the approach thus far, with one caveat - I was really disappointed that Sarah's sprite doesn't show the effects of how much 'food' she's eating, even though the text describes her as being "bloated". Given I have a gluttony kink... I'd really like to see her become a greedy, slutty aphrodisiac food addict, with overeating, belly expansion, and maybe even a tie-in to pregnancy content as a fat, matronly broodmother. ETA: So I realized I hadn't actually started either route, and ran both... and Sai'mon's is orders of magnitude better than Abathur's, in terms of actual content. It just takes way longer to play through.


Sai’’mons route since it is hotter. Abathurs is too quick for me. Outside of abathur changing things in chapter 3, this is only in regards to chapter 2 content.


<p style="color: #008600;">Looks like Abathur has a better chance as his approach to teaching Sarah seems to be more effective</p>


Abathur route is better it just needs more content like different types of tentacles need to breed with her.


Pretty tough choice between Simon and Abathur and I think both of them should get the same number of votes


Yeah, lots of missed opportunities for including inflation... But we take our failures into account and will strive to make scenes to every player's liking!