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Long time no see, heh? Heh-heh-heh-heh, as you might have realized by now, Sarah took in a thousand, maybe more of the most diverse Zerg, hell, it seems that evening might have been more intense than her and Mistress's standoff. 

SFW part can be found here ;)

I don't think there's much we can say here, we just want to ask you one thing: How do you look including this picture in the game, make a small event for it, which will not affect the main plot at all, just a nice little scene where Sarah will have to serve at least a thousand Zerg!

We'll wait for your comments and of course once again thank you all very much!

Sincerely yours,
Shadow Portal Team




I would love to see a Zerg train being ran on Sarah/QoB lol.. that could be part of the game too


Can we not see virus alert with the next update?


That would be hot. Include so many angles, so we can see her get stuffed (;


Who put it in the cake tho 😂


OG Sarah best Sarah, yaaaaas

Rolo Clint

Very nice idea ! that would be beautiful to see ;)


Please make this a scene or a stand alone bonus


Great, congrats!


Definitely put this fantastic scene into the game! Sarah looks so happy and fulfilled - its precious ;p


Hi, we're doing what we can about this, but this only happens with certain antiviruses, the game itself is clear of anything.


A proper implementation of this scene would definitely require several drawings, so it would certainly be something to look at.


Hahah, we were sure you'd appreciate this, it was quite a fun plan. I think it's one of the more curious Zerg, maybe it's the one that took a bite :D

Aarvil Kemph

Definitely put this fantastic scene into the game! Sarah looks so happy and fulfilled - its precious. It could also be an extremely difficult late parts form the masturbation aid. Sarah already has to masturbate for 10 days, in the last part she has asked the help of her zergling pet and not I think that it's time to take thing seriously (maybe serving 100 is too much but having to masturbate a lot more then 10 could be sufficient)

Dark Lord

At First in the cake and then in Sarahs mouth, so that in this case Sarah has to eat something different xD


Hahaha, quite an interesting proposition. What a cute Zerg, a real gentleman, looking after Sarah, ensuring she's never hungry...