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Hello everyone, it's time to show off another great scene, and today we're talking about the Fatal climax one.

Yes, yes, yes, yes, we can safely say that many of you liked this scene by its title. I mean, it's literally mind-blowing! And of course, who loves to blow everyone's mind? That's right, the Queen of Blades. This scene will of course involve her, and the victim, of course, will be our beloved Lizzara, the poor angel, what a difficult fate our game has in store for her... But isn't it wonderful? Isn't that what we want to see, hehe, I think it is!

This scene will continue to teach Lizzara something new, something that not everyone can experience, and if they can, will they stay alive? We plan to make several levels in this scene, and if everything goes well, two of them will already be in the 28th update.

We can also say that this exercise will serve as a launching pad for the following scenes with Lizzara. But the further into the woods, the bigger the trees, I think many of you still want to know where or how Lizzara will end up, whether Sarah can save her, or whether she will fall in the hands of our insane Queen of Blades.

That concludes our broadcast for today and of course, we welcome your feedback. Thanks again for your support and see you soon!

Shadow Portal Team



Dark Lord

It would be awesome if the QoB corrupt Lizzara to this level that she want to do all kind of lewd things with Sarah 😏


Genius! And then maybe Sarah can use her to satisfy hunger? :o There’s a thought…

Anarcho TV

Hmm, not everyone can experience you say? Maybe we are getting squirting but thats just theory!A lewd game theory!


Is lizarra the female leader of the dark templars?


Any chance QoB is gonna end up using those powers to make Lizzara a futa? (or give the players the choice to do that to her?)


Now that's really a "hehe, boy". A twist like that would be unexpected even for us :D And what a cliffhanger could be made out of her becoming a dark templar leader after what was done to her.


Very likely yes, Lizzara has a very specific role in the game ;) But let's not get ahead of ourselves.


Do you mean the Stuck in wall scenes? If so, which one exactly, we have two types of it.


No, I was just making a reference to how Rohana reacted to Terrans with their orifices xP


Isn't Lizarra planning to meet Stukov by chance while the Queen isn't looking?)