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Hey folks! Shadow Portal Team here, and we're in a helluva good mood! Everything's going great: the winter feasts known as Christmas and New Year's Eve are slowly approaching, the holiday spirit is growing, and work on SlutCraft is going just as well as ever. Today we will talk about some development news, and a scene no Hydralisk would remain indifferent to. Let's go!

*Excited hydralisk noises in the distance*

Development is going great: most of the script for patch 0.27 has already been written and tested, the English translation is halfway done, and the artists did their best - all that's left to do is to put it all together, put some magic in the game, and, of course, test it before release! We are confident that the next build will be released on time, as planned. By the way, since we're talking about update readiness, remember how 2 years ago we introduced the "status bar", which clearly showed the progress of an update? We are thinking to implement this idea again in a slightly different style, and as soon as possible. What do you think about it, should we add these stats? Comments are always open, and the last word is always yours, dear players. Next, we'll talk about the scene that was mentioned in the beginning, we really want to get to it quickly!

So imagine you're in the room with the Leaders, and you're just an observer. You notice the Queen of Blades walk into the room, pausing to peer intently at something. This goes on for a while, but then you notice the purple-haired girl dash over to the Hydralisk and stare at him eagerly. The Zerg doesn't understand what happened, but you can already guess where this is going. Yes, yes, you're right!

The Queen of Blades knows what this leader needs, but she has other plans tonight. She wants to kill two birds with one stone - to amuse herself, and to enjoy the process to the fullest. While the bossy girl was talking Hydralisk up, she suddenly found herself at his cock, and was already pawing him with her slender hands. She proposes to start with feet, and he resists, because he rather prefers big boobs, but it's hard to resist under such caresses... and he finally gives up. What happens next... not a word more from us! Patience, patience, you'll see it in all its juicy details in the 0.27 update!

We want to be honest: the scenes in the next update came out hot, the art alone is worth it! Our artists are doing wonders, and that's not even an exaggeration. When the time comes, we want fans to appreciate and praise these wonders for themselves. Our artists read the comments, too, and we wouldn't be wrong to say that they, too, enjoy being praised. (Anyone does)

Well, it's time to end this post, but I'd love to chat with our beloved audience some more. There will be more opportunities before the next patch is released - we've got a couple more presents ready to go, so don't miss out on being the first to receive them!  Every day there are more and more SlutCraft patrons, and we can't thank you enough for that - thanks again! We aren't quite saying goodbye yet!

Shadow Portal Team

P.S. We'll share the finalized sketch-art of this scene very soon!




Turn her into a real slut queen! Also I think the progress bar is an excellent idea to bring back.


Status bar - cool option, I remember it from patches 0.13 - 0.14, it was convenient. Teaser - the best!


footjobs Yes plz :)

Aarvil Kemph

The status bar is cool only if you update it frequently. Instead of a progress bar why don't you make regular post to tell us how the game is coming along?


i think developers bring us news as much as they can already


Actually, that was the problem of the last progress bar, updating it meant quite some work: change the picture in photoshop, save it, notice a mistake, fix it, save, upload it, make the patreon post, notice the bar looks bad in it, summon an ancient horror, try to fix the post... Well, this time it will be different! But anyway that'll be coming next year, right now we're completely focused on the update!