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Hi everyone, welcome back. Today we want to arrange another poll to find out which of the three represented races is your favorite?

It would seem to be such an insignificant thing, but nevertheless very important. Why is it important you ask, because it can show the balance of our favorite players, and just cause it's fun, I think you will also like the idea.

Those who thought 'oh shit, they want to add some character that doesn't fit in the game, just because it won the vote', I want to reassure you. No, that's definitely not going to happen. We love our project, and we treat it with respect. Of course we are inspired by your ideas and your wishes, but that's a little different. If you want, we can talk about it in the future, about what the difference is. 

At the moment, the only members of other races in Slutcraft are extremely rare, Sarah and Stukov are former Terrans with a humanoid body structure, and there's only Lizzara left on the Protoss side.  A rather meager crew. The Zerg, on the other hand, are in the majority. Obviously, the action takes place inside an enormous Leviathan, which traverses the depths of space! This balance of power in favor of the Zerg is due to the part of the game devoted to the Zerg, and this is only logical. 

Now's the time to make your choice and cast your vote! Let's find out which race is loved the most! Get actively involved, you can invite your friends, acquaintances, hell, even invite your pets! That's right, we want to know what race they'll choose! Don't even ask why, because we have an answer for that, too! You may not believe it, but if there were statistics on the number of playing pets those would be huge numbers! But alas, they are very well hidden. This is exactly the price pets are willing to pay for a carefree life!

Thank you for your attention. Yes, we know you're expecting news on the new release. Don't worry, we don't forget about such things, more updates on the development progress will be coming soon. Stay tuned for our project and stay breathtaking.

Best wishes,
Shadow Portal Team.



well it was obvious.. zerg rigth? not only in the porn way, but.. in the game way.. they are fun and really scary as an army and they can destroy all in their way. Playing as abathur in st2 is the most satisfiying thing to do..

Michael Hawk

When you want to say Protoss just to be contrarian, but you are honest and admit to serving the Hive...

Xavius Night

Man, no 'Hybrids are effing rad' option. Ah well, Zerg it is. Hyperadaptation is amazing!

Wild Bill

Terran are my favourites, and Zerg are actually my least favourite to play. For porn though, all Terrans is pretty vanilla, and Protoss probably reproduce asexually or some shit. Zerg have tentacles, weird drugs, and brain parasites though.


As someone else already said, hybrids are probably the coolest thing. They offer the most space for creativity in terms of design, backstory and sexuality.


I love Protoss, and here's why. Terran is too trivial for me, I'm a Terran myself, why should I like the same people? Zerg are something and something and disgust me. Protoss - the first sons of the gods, in their long history have become leaders in terms of technology and amaze with their greatness. They have an interesting history associated with them - Tassadar, Zeratul, Artanis, Phoenix, Adun, Aldaris and other interesting personalities - other races don't have as many characters that became interesting to me. Purely in terms of lore, the Protoss are ahead of me.

Ivrione Moonshadow

To play? Terran or Protoss. For the potential for lewd content? Zerg and then Protoss. As others have mentioned, Terran is just generic sci-fi humans really.

Dark Lord

To play the Zerg. For porn protoss. You only see 2 or 3 female zerg in the game. If you are into sex with spiders and snake like women who are at least 2 times taller then a normal human go for it and have fun xD


Protoss, Zerg then Terrans. As for lewd content depends I would like mind some corrupt Protoss that just me.