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Now let's talk about the update. As you may have noticed, update 24 is a little (hehe), delayed. But do not worry, of course it would be cool if the update already came out, but alas, some things are impossible. Now let's talk about this phenomenon. As you might understand this is about the zergling essence, in the beginning it was planned to be a small scene, which eventually mutated into something bigger, and more, and then one day, I woke up and then it dawned on me, YES! THIS IS WHAT WE NEEDED. The whole team and I got together, discussed this aspect, and of course we decided to do it. The main idea of all this is to make the scene of receiving the essence of each leader something more than just a simple scene, it must be a scene which will remain in our hearts forever. And of course we had a lot of work to do, so the next version drifted away and away and away and away until it was so far away that we had to move it to Update 25. 

You might think, "How awful!" But no, it's not. This is great news, people! So why is it great news, people? Because it's going to be such an awesome mini game no one will be left indifferent to it. Yes, because of the addition of some aspects and the expansion of the scene, there's still a lot of work to be done, and that means even more time before the 24th update. So, our plans right now are as follows: we will quickly finish what we planned for the 24th update except the essence and release it soon (when everything will be ready), the 25th update will contain only the Zergling essence scene (although that's not for sure, we might put some more scenes into it depending on different factors). But of course, the gap between the 24th and 25th update will be quite small. 

Well I guess that's kind of it. Of course we want to hear what you think about this grandiose plan. Talk to us in Discord *link*, or here on the forum, it's very important for us to know your opinion about the current situation. And at this point we'll say goodbye to you, we have a lot of work ahead and we do not want to make you wait any longer than necessary.

Kindly yours,
Shadow Portal Team




Makes sense, collecting essence should be Special sexy events!


I'm excited for more essence


You definitely sound passionate about it. I'll give you that. This has transcended porn and has become this man's art.


Awesome let’s hope for extra scenes in update 25 🤞like footjobs