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Good day to you from the Shadow Portal Team!

Did you remember those question marks in the "high priority" section of the announcement post? It's time to reveal what those hid since we couldn't possibly fit such a huge thing in the update description - there's simply too much.

People from all over the world play our game, and many of them are Chinese-speaking, and today we will talk about them. More and more often we receive messages asking us to translate the game into various languages, and we always listen to our players. But it's not always possible, for a variety of reasons. The main one is rather simple - there's a huge amount of text in the game, you can't even imagine how much there is... Of course, it can't be compared to something like Cyberpunk or similar games (hopefully you've seen the photo showing how much paper was needed to print the voice lines), but it is still very substantial. So, we are telling everyone who asks us to translate the game into their language: Guys, do not worry, we hear you. And now we will talk about what many of us have been dreaming for a long time - the Chinese (Simplified) translation of our game. 

So many people asked us to make a Chinese translation so many times, we couldn't let them down. 

We've been looking for someone who could translate our game into Chinese without losing any details, jokes, or references for a while. But we've finally done it! And we've got a bright future of cooperation ahead of us.

We think we found the best way to implement translation which is to do it step by step. With each new update, we will add more translated text, and the beginning of the game will be available in Chinese in update 22. 

As you can see, we're trying to do our best, and we also ask you to help us with that! If you are interested in translation, you can always support our project, it will speed up the process, and not just the translation process, but development of the game as a whole as well, giving us new opportunities. We don't encourage anyone to spend their last money on us, but if you like what we do, we are always grateful for your support, no matter its amount! And of course, we will pay you back in full in content! 

What will have Chinese translations in update 22:
The first chapter of Kerrigan's story. It is illustrative and informative, and we strongly believe that our Chinese-speaking players will appreciate it. Also, we would appreciate your help: as you know we don't have a native Chinese speaker among us, therefore we cannot evaluate the quality of the translation with complete confidence in the translator. But we are always ready to listen to you, and your opinion about the translation, how well it fits, whether you like it, whether it is appropriate, and so on.

By the way, if you want to see our game translated into your native tongue, don't be shy to write to us about it, we do our best to make sure you enjoy the game. Thanks for staying with us! 

P.S. The update is coming very soon!

Shadow Portal Team


Light Hou

太贴心了你们! thank you !


So great you listen to people playing your game! Translating into Chinese is a huge undertaking, as Chinese is not so easy. I'm sure the Chinese-speaking players should appreciate it!


can you making korean? beacuse many korea people love starcraft


As a native speaker of Chinese, I feel very glad to hear this.


Chinese translation should be added near the end of development. Don’t want translation slowing down updates


Translation doesn't affect the development process, don't worry about that. The translator works parallel to us and doesn't slow down anything at all.


True, we know about that. Maybe the Chinese translation will even help us out with that - it's easier to find a Chinese-Korean translator than an English-Korean one, though we could be mistaken.

파람 휘

It's almost December.. I think you'd better to make some extra scenes or something for Patrons. Long time we are waiting... 4-month-term is too long to wait with any rewards.... 😂😂😂😂