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Hello our dear patrons! We are sorry for keeping silent lately, but now we can tell you what will be included in the next update. Those with a dislike for spoilers should probably just check out the release date and close the post right now in order to avoid unwanted information.

Approximate release date: Second half of September.

Now, about the update:


  • New scene: Zergling's punishment (blowjob route) (level 2)
  • Scene: Satisfying the zergling (old scene + new blowjob scene) (levels 2-3) 
  • Scene: Masturbation (the grindy part (level 2)
  • Scene: Final test (stage 1) (level 0)
  • Mistress's sprite changes
  • Alerts integration
  • Intro addition

This update will move Sarah further down the main plotline and bring Stukov's trainings arc closer to the finish. As usual, we won't deprive you of content with out cute little zergling, there will be enough of him. We've decided to change up the masturbation task a bit, you'll see how in the update itself. We were hoping to update the Mistress's look in the previous update, but didn't have enough time, so we are doing it now. We will make another post about her a bit later, in which we will focus on all of the important changes. In general, the update should end up massive and interesting. A lot of the work is already done, and there's not that much waiting left. Once again, we want to thank all of you for supporting us! There's more and more of you and that cannot but please us, we can't thank you enough for staying with us! Huge thanks to all of you, and now it's time to return to development! See you later.

Yours respectfully,
Shadow Portal team.




Are we going to wait til next week ? I need to know when it comes out 😀