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Hello guys, it's not a secret we are working on a reborn version of Camelot: The Game and this post is dedicated to that game. We are close to finishing the demo version, just a few things are left to be completed. For now though, we want to hear your opinions on NTR. In Camelot Reborn the narration style will be quite different from the one in the original game. We plan to add many different routes, with each girl having her own unique fetishes. And now we are considering adding the NTR fetish, it will be a story about a married couple, and Arthur will have the ability to "sneak into" that family by seducing the wife. 

To be honest, we find the NTR genre quite interesting and want to try our hands at making something in it. The genre itself has lots of nuances, many of them appealing, and many not so much, and we are not discussing any of them, we just want to know whether that genre has a place in our game or not. In Camelot you'll be able to choose which routes to take so you won't have to play through content you find unattractive.

 If you have no idea what NTR means, just like our translator did, here's an explanation:  link 

Shadow Portal team.


Todo Kirin

Зерги! Зерги! Зерги! Больше Стукова! Больше Керриган!!!


Вы наверное первый человек, который хочет больше Стукова. Но нам он нравится тоже ;)


Шадовс, напомни вы делаете порт slutcraft на дроид? А то пол года нету доступа к компу и норм инету, так что думаю надо ли патреонится 😋


Привет, да наша игра есть на андроиде, она выходит одновременно с выходом новых версий.