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Hello! How are you doing? Hopefully, fantastically. And we're almost about to finish this update, but only almost. Still, we've prepared a little spoiler of what awaits you in it. We'll probably keep releasing these little spoilers just before an update for every update, unless of course you don't want us to. 

We're satisfied with what we've done with this update, it has many interesting features and hot scenes. We really want to finish Stukov's training already and get to Sarah's transformation, but our calculations show us that we need about 2 more updates before we can do that, and still, this is not certain. We have lots of ideas and plans which require Sarah to have already started her transformation.

You might've also noticed that we finally changed our patron tiers and made them, SlutCraft-based. We've also come up with a little description for each tier but decided not to clutter the main page with them, the main page is only for the most important stuff. Still, we'd like to share the descriptions:

1$ - Zergling:

"The hardiest and most numerous, the fast and fierce zerglings are both scouts and sacrificial lambs. Despite their size, they are able to tear apart even the biggest of an enemy."

5$ tier - Hydralisk:

The backbone of the zerg army - the most versatile of zerg. Thanks to their ability to launch dozen of extremely sharp spikes they are effective against any enemies. And despite their versatility, they are easily created, which means whole armies of these creatures can march onto the battlefield.

10$ tier - Ghost:

Ghosts are elite assassins of the Terran Confederacy. Each and every one of them is trained at the Ghost Academy psionic. Telepathy, invisibility and the С-10 rifle with 25mm exploding rounds is their weapon. And only the Ghosts are trusted with directing nuclear rockets capable of destroying whole bases at once. Enlist now!

20$ tier - Abathur:

The evolution master is the creature in charge of evolving the Swarm. He studies recovered essence, alters it and integrates into the Swarm that which he deems necessary. Master of Evolution is the one responsible for creating hydralisks, zerglings and ultralisks and other horrific beasts for the Swarm. He turned harmless herbivores into perfect weapons. Without the Master of Evolution the Swarm cannot evolve.

50$ tier - Overmind:

The heart of the Swarm, the soul of the Swarm, father of cerebrals, the Overmind is the first true zerg. He is the one who created the first servants, he is the one who lead the zerg to space, to greatness. Every zerg submits to his will and none can challenge him. Overmind orders, zerg obey.




It was obvious about the zergling. Its good to see a moob from the original game. You know The one in zerg campaign... will need to cut the left horn after some war. Nobody knows how much zerg live or how fast they get old... so you can say its the same


Como on guys you can do it make it real😍😍😍😍😍