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Greetings!Today we'd like to present you Camelot: The Game [ver.0.68.0]


  • Chapter 3 is now complete.
  • Added 3 new characters: Hyeon-ju, Mahildra and Zeal.
  • Added 8 new quests.
  • The "Wooden death" quest has been extended.
  • Added 3 new locations.
  • Added new background music.
  • Arthur's "Wide strike" skill has been changed to work properly.
  • Changed message/dialogue window style.
  • Improved performance.
  • Fixed bugs from previous releases.

We also made a build for Linux. We hope for your assistance in testing it. Let us know if you have any questions or encounter a bug.

Thank you for your patience and your support. We're able to bring our ideas to life becase of your help.
We're eager to see your comments about the updated game.

Best regards
Shadow Portal Team.

Download links:
For Windows:

For Mac:

For Linux:

To play the game you need to:


  • Make sure you have the (Win ver.) 
  • Download the game archive
  • Unpack it to any convenient place
  • Launch game.exe


You can find the instructions to launch the version for mac here.




Bug Report. I went to day 3 without completing the Chicken Lost Chicken Quest...had the chicken show up in my room...then went to where you find the chicken it started following me back to the Chicken Nut, but I couldn't give him the chicken and now I am gated from using the quick travel as the chicken won't stop following.


Thank you for the report. Could you tell us if you started the game from scratch, or if you used the bonus code? This bug will be fixed in the next update, what you can do for now is load a save that was made before you entered the Chicken house and don't go in there. This bug shouldn't interrupt the main quest.


Scratch game not bonus code. Unfortunately, I didn't split up my saves, so have to start over or just play without using quick travel, as it hasn't gated anything so far.


Please keep in mind that the game is still in the development process, so bugs are inevitable. We're sorry about your situation, but we can't do much except recommend you to save more often and use different slots. Meanwhile, we'll try to get rid of as much bugs as possible! Thanks for reporting and trying to make the game better.


Not a problem it is my fault for not saving more often in multiple slots...normally I do. I just wanted to make you aware of the bug so it can be fixed.


Also could you post a link to the instructions on how to use the bonus code...I can't seem to find it in the build I have...


You need the bonus code to get into the Hall of Fame in Camelot: The game. The way to that location is through the strange gateway in the Hall of Merlin's hut. It is right in the middle of the hall, so you shouldn't miss it. When you go through them, a big statue will block your path. By entering the bonus code then, you'll be able to pass it and gain access to the Hall of Fame! There, you'll be able to activate bonus scenes. Also, the bonus code is used to start the game not from the beginning, but from the 3rd chapter (if you've played the game before and want to get right to the new content without redoing what you already did), letting you make all the important decisions you should've made before reaching chapter 3.

jason freeze

Any plans for future updates or have you moved over to working on slutcraft full time now?


We are currently only working on SlutCraft, but we want to port Camelot: The Game to Renpy game engine sometime in the future. It will speed up the development process significantly and the game itself will slightly change too (at least the main character)

Bertolt Hoov

Hello, I've gotten pretty far along but cannot for the life of me find the lamp, could you tell me a general location or where it should be, thank you!

Bertolt Hoov

That ended up leading me to another problem though, I have foreign girl with white hair, but when I head to the marketplace, the owner isn't their to continue that quest, any advice?


That is a weird bug we couldn't fix yet, it appears because of reasons we are unaware of. All you can do is wait for an update that might fix it. We apologize for the inconvenience. P.S. The Camelot project is on hold for an indefinite amount of time.


Hi, is Camelot still being worked on, or have you fully switched to working on slutcraft now?


Hi! We are working on Camelot Reborn, where we try to eliminate most mistakes we made while making Camelot. The game will still be adult-only and based on another game engine. A demo version isn't far away!


Hi! I need some help. I stuck with the quest "Eastern mysteries", I cnnot find marketplace owner. He is not on the trade zone and I don't see him somewhere in the village. Can you tell me where is he situated?


Greetings. After some investigation we've figured out that he is absent due to a bug. We're going to include the fix for it in the next update. In the meantime you can use a workaround: load a save that was made before Zahra's quest in this chapter and do not advance this quest. The trader disappears during the main part of it but does not come back after the quest ends. Thank you for letting us know.


And there is another stuff in dialogues when you are talking to some NPC his head covers part of text and its become unreadable


Please clarify what character(s) you mean and when. Or just send us a screenshot when it appears.

[Insert enthusiasm here]

I ran into a bug at around the beginning of chapter 2 while trying to get the alchemy book from merlin. i initiated the "weird picture in alchemy room" dialogue, but she keeps telling me I already have it. even when the conversation end, the pictures of author and merlin don't disappear; not until i interact with her again and either pick "end conversation" or use another topic. is there a fix for this? because i've done this with and without using the secret patreon code room, and still can't get the book. still enjoy the game, though.


Thank you for reporting this. It'll be fixed in the next version. We're glad you like the game.


Just played Camelot, great parallax mapping, looks promising! Keep your good work up! :)