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As Queen of Blades overcomes her challenges, Lizzara faces her own difficulties - she'll have an adventure of her own, too. She finds herself in a room with a strange mirror, where she sees her reflection completely naked, and someone behind her. And out of the shadows comes Mistress herself! 

Mistress talks Lizzara up while the mirror has done its thing and steals Lizzara's soul. This scene will be about just what happens to Lizzara's soul, namely we see it reflected in the mirror, completely naked and exposed, but damn, where are the tentacles coming from? Why was her innocent pure soul being surrounded by thousands of tentacles? Were those tentacles also imprisoned? Then how dangerous could they be when encountering such an innocent soul? 🦑

Friends, we are pleased to present to you our anniversary scene “Split: Soul”, where you'll see the magnificent Lizzara surrounded by hordes of Tentacles! The update will be coming very soon - so much work has been done - and all thanks to your kindest support! ❤️‍




will she grow a 🍆? :)


Ohhhhhh we all agree that we need to breed lizzare. Also i think her Breasts will get bigger