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Time to switch a bit to the secondary plot -w- 

I like to tell at least 2 different things happening at the same time to not overexpose the same chars all the time.



Max Freeman

Thomas wears pants now; I guess men have a specific time for that...I think or only is the presents of women. This is getting more and more complicated, and I'm loving every minute of it


In past pages, Clarisse told Thomas to tell Lena about his "failure", now he just put on a robe to cover himself as the plan to seduce Lenora didn't work out. Thomas wears normal formal clothes in general (and of course the mask).

Max Freeman

When you mentioned seducing Lenora, what does that mean, was he ordered cause as you said women are in power


It could be. Thomas said that Lena wants a granddaughter.

Max Freeman

Make sense, considering why he married her for financial reasons. Lena thinks it’s out of love or to make him continue the bloodline. It reminds me of the HAHN where Jeffery who is gay, his mother Veronica tried to get him to continue the bloodline cause she wanted a granddaughter


I have no idea what is HAHN, google just shows Otto Hahn (a Nobel prize). By the way, there's not thing like financial reasons and Thomas is not gay =P

Max Freeman

Have And The Have Nots, it’s a reference and in Beastars (manga), Louis marries for those reasons


Poor Thomas, being bossed around by Lena and Clarisse. He probably just wants to be with Lenora and Theo.