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You may notice that when I draw Theo outside the comic he has freckles. Originally he has to have freckles in general but when I started the comic I thought it will be better to simplify the design to make more easier the coloring and keep the consistence, but I think he looks cuter with them.




Will Matt's dream ever become reality?


This so cute! I love that hat. It seems like Theo really likes hats.


Man, Theo is so cute🤩 I'd say he beats Phan in cuteness and in the butt departament =P (wonder how is his dick)


Check the attachment here. I didn't want to pot it too visible due the intimate feeling between bros ;-): https://www.patreon.com/posts/getting-along-65377235 Even so, it's still a Matt's fantasy, it could be different later -w-

Max Freeman

You can do a mini-comic on the bros on Furaffninity; they allow it. WAIT, that's probably a bad idea cause of his current route, so maybe an alternative one or deleted scenes kind like in some Disney movies.


If Patreon ever allow it I would love to do some bro action mini comic, but I'm still worry since last time I got in troubles.

Rei Loire

With Theo this lerotic I just had a really evil thing for when it is his Time to get engaged. He will surely also take lessions where Lug is swimming. So he will have the same experience than Stephan and his bigger brother will so rib him for being just the same horndog than him


Maybe he will be drawn into a similar situation, but Theo is a different guy and it won't be the same -w-

Rei Loire

Theo may be different but he has the same crush as Stephan. So even if it goes differently he will be the same hormone driven puppy as his big bro and peek around the corner of the showers. And just with that Stephan will have a field day. Could even imagine him being there as well and him finding Theo in the act. Could be a good moment for a brother brother moment where he advises him about the error of it.