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Lug is so big that make all other characters look like children =P

I think next page will have some relevant dialogues. 



Max Freeman

Wait a minute....is this gonna be like Meg crushing on Joe from Family Guy? If that the case, I can clearly see that happening, I wouldn't be surprised if Theo was trying to seduce him and is hoping for him to get his ticc ass noticed. If you want to go in that direction, I understand

Max Freeman

Aww shoot, I'll pass it off as a reference then, just though it'll be a fun take cause everyone knows this. Is it gonna be related in any way shape or form? Similar as it may be, Theo is in love with him, that part is obvious it seems to me


Honestly I don't know much of Family Guy and I'm not sure about the reference you mean.


It would’ve been epic if Lug had a outfit similar to bowser lol. Love this!


I bet that those guys are really envious of Theo right now.


Yes, but it would be too much =P Maybe for a single picture or so could be a good idea.


You'll know soon, I'm sending the page 3 to be checked ;-)


I am salivating to see where this goes - hope I do not have to drool for too long.


I hope so. Sadly it takes time to keep the quality and do my other pictures.