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Recently an user asked me for this comic and I realized I never uploaded it as a pack. So here is the full chapter 1 and 2 (so far). As many of you already know this project was cancelled for various motives and I don't plan on continue it for now. For those with curiosity it would be a sex drama about Bogo struggling with his feelings for Clawhauser while he keeps a very promiscuous life style with many characters from the movie (you know, the classic I fuck every guy but the one I love =P)



Amber Fang

It’s not letting me open this on any of my devices :(


Oh my gosh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you so much !!!!!


How i can open that file on iphone


Yes, a sad memory for me. I have many issues with bad critics and piracy.


I know you have your reasons for cancelling the comic, but for whatever it is worth, you are ace at drawing Bogo. :)

Drake Arlin

That's so sad. It was such a good story too. Sorry you had to go through that.


Thank you for posting all of these together. I know I mentioned this on your last Zootopia post but finding out about your Zootopia art was on of the reasons, there were a few, I started on your patreon. I know you said a few years ago that you were not going to continue it and that is fine but I just wanted to say I thought it was go, the art was great, and thank you for posting all of them together including those few extra files as part of the pack. It makes it easier to find and is good for people who did not start with your patreon a while back.


My pleasure. Honestly, do a fanart comic is kinda complicated sometimes, in particular with the reception. People make their own ideas about how a character must act or feel and some of them get really mad if the comic doesn't fit their ideas, that another reason to cancel the project.


You are *ace* at drawing characters. 😍


I don't think so. The community sometimes is too sensitive about the use of well known characters and I don't want to have problems again =/