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Putting extra work on the backgrounds make the developing of the comic pages more time consuming but I think I'm getting used of perspective rules. Probably the results are quite rigid, but for now I think it suit the style. Page 6 is yet to come.



Max Freeman

Well, I have my answer, Pan Pan and Carlo are together...I think? Aside from that, I love seeing the naked men outside of his room, waiting, are these new characters that you're introducing us too along with more?


About Carlo and PhanPhan no spoilers -w- About the other chars: I hope so but probably not in this chapter.

Max Freeman

Ahh, keeping PanPan and Carlo’s relationship a secret, I see😉 alright, I won't tell. Just wanted to fill the room here, you know I’m thirsty for chasing dick so I regret nothing. That said, hope to see sexual action in later chapters.