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Arsene Vulpin requested to keep my project "Just go on", so here is the first page of chapter 2. Don't get mad at Bogo so soon, maybe during this chapter you will understand his situation -w-

PS: A new ZGPack is yet to come at November ;-)




Toujours pas nouvelles ?


Ce projet a été annulé il y a longtemps. Mes excuses u_u


Ah non! C’est dommage que le projet a dû être annulé, 🥺 car cette histoire m’as beaucoup touchée. Et j’aurais tellement voulue en connaître plus sur la suite de leurs adventures. 😣

Vahn Vega

Happy that you're continuing with "Just Go On" <3

Arsene Vulpin

Oh, I'm so excited. I missed the notification for this earlier (much to my displeasure) but I can't wait to see what happens next. P.S. The reason I missed the notification is due to my phone breaking. I just got my new one in and catching up. I'm really, really looking forward to see what's next.


Glad you like it. I was working in page 2, I will be posting it soon ^^