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The first epilogue page ^^

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Rai Husky

I wonder when will Chapter 2 be posted?


Sadly, just about 20 persons bought the comic. As the interest is low probably I will be delayed or canceled it =/It is so much work and people seem to be not interested.

Rai Husky

Oh no, I love it. If I had the spare money I'd buy the comic too :(


No problem, your support here is more that enough (and I really appreciated by the way ;-)), you can get access to the comic without buying it, don't worry ^^. It is just that most of people want more of my regular content rather than the comic, so I should focus my time in other things for now.

Aaron (BullseyeBronco)

You should definitely make the 2nd chapter!! I didn't know there was a print version. And tbh I don't buy prints that much because of the way digital is, and how convenient and easy to hide it, as I live with my parents. But I hope this will just be delayed, and not cancelled, I found it very entertaining.


Oh, there isn't a print version, I offered the HD version for those who don't have patreon, sorry for the misunderstand.


the story in the comic is fantastic and basically the greatest erotica I've ever seen, and I look at alot for alot of different genres - this takes first place. I don't even read gay or furry that often but this is better than any of the more normal stuff I read/watch by far. I subscribed for the comic (30$) so I really do hope you'll make a second one - basically, its a porn masterpiece so a second one would be great. This said, where can I find the epilogue page where Judy and Wilde are talking? Also, did you ever get around to making a page where Herv and Wilde get busy?


Hi, and thanks for the encouraging and support ^^. The last page will be posted soon too. About the Herv and Judy stuff I will tell Chicobo too, because he was the one who created the character, maybe he could lend some ideas. Chapter 2 is already wrote, but I want to correct some datails before start sketching, the composition and passing of the storyboard is the most difficult part, at least for me because I don't have much experience, but I hope to be doing it on this weeks. Thanks again for your kind words, is nice to know that my effort is apreaciated.