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Hi, this week weekly sketch theme will be:

Any character, has to be on a swim suit or bikini.

- Post bellow who you want to see and what should they be doing/wearing (only one character pls).

- Include any specific details you want them to have and links to reference if possible.

- The 5 characters with most votes (replies with +1) will be added to a poll tomorrow, then on friday the 2 poll winners will be announced.

- VIP Patrons can add a character and a vote, or vote twice.

- Current Winners have to wait until the next weekly to vote or add entries.



Lillico Utgard from Vale-City https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/vale-city-game/images/b/b7/Lillico_1.png/revision/latest/thumbnail/width/360/height/360?cb=20210925002231 this size and shape https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/4/patreon-media/p/post/78933048/7e1a255f2a174e378876508cb8f5826f/eyJxIjoxMDAsIndlYnAiOjB9/1.png?token-time=1695772800&token-hash=JunVswv_bvfBR1r6PNAwem8Kt_Qr_JobYG2dty9bvsU%3D proudly drumming a beat on her huge belly to make it jiggle


Curvy Lois from my adventures with Superman in a black bikini