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Results of the last poll 

Here are the weighted results of the last poll!

  • 28.53 % NPC interactions
  • 25.70 % NO NTR
  • 19.10 % Leveling
  • 12.71 % Vaporeon cosplay
  • 5.96 % Random events
  • 5.43 % More NPCs
  • 2.56 % NTR

Looks like most wanted things this time are new NPC interactions. We will try to include more of these in further updates.

Progress report

We are getting quite close to finishing this update! Our previous estimate was late April/early May. We are working hard to make it early May, but since there still is some work left, I can't guarantee that yet. I can say with very high certainty that this update will come out sometime in May!

About included screenshots: 

1. New equipment screen - It includes sets of equipment which you can export and share with people and zooming to get a closer look. 

2 and 3. Lady Annalie is quite an important character in the next update. To make her even more useful, you can order clothing in the color you want at her shop now! No longer, you are bound by luck in getting the colors you want. You will be able to get any piece of clothing in any color you want(for a bit more money) 

4. Mod creator screen - Quite a big part of this update are improvements to the modding system. Modders will be able to change more than just clothes. Skin, tattoos, moles, scars even. New modules can include pretty much every part of the bot now and have multiple layers with different colors! 

5. New room - This update will include the bot walking around as well as going outside. In the old art, bot under the blanket was on the same layer as everything else. The old artist lost the original file, so it had to be remade.

Thanks for the support!



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