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Here's some more information about the upcoming update 0.80 and a nice doodle by our artist

Main thing we plan on adding in the next update is allowing you to go outside with the bot, or maybe even do more things with her in your apartment. You will probably need right clothes and maybe a module which will allow you to make her look a bit more human, so she doesn't get found out(Sexbots are sadly still illegal) This by itself is be a lot of work both in terms of art and writing, but if we manage to do it in a reasonable time frame we might add a new sex scene of some kind as well. 

If it comes to smaller things, here's what we are working on: 

  • Items and mods which allow you to easily alter bot's body. - If everything goes well it will for example be easy to make tattoos or different types of limbs.
  • Multicolour items - For example hair will no longer require two hypercamo hair modules, one will be enough. This also extends for clothes, clothes like stripped panties will  be able to easily come in different colours
  • Item quality will be visible. Lower quality items will be more beaten up.
  • Bot will no longer be all quiet during sex scenes.
  • More interactions in currently existing sex scenes
  • New minigame of some kind(Not decided yet)
  • As with every update: More dialogues, more story, more events, more websites.

A lot of the things I've said are pretty vague, because the details will be decided by YOU(our Patrons) in polls, which I will post soon. We've already talked to some higher tier Patrons (Impregnation and Mutual Love) on discord. If you are in this tier, but not on our discord please message me and I will send you the questions about the game I asked them before, so your opinion is taken into account as well.

Thanks for the support!

P.S. I forgot to mention the most important thing for a lot of you. The planned release date. So far I'd estimate it for April. All 3 of the developers pretty much earn a bit over minimal wage in our countries now, so we will soon be able to start working on the game full time which could make it come out faster. 



Khai First

Proudly supported you Thank you!!!


Lookin' good


Aahh shit.. I love this progress. Can't wait