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Doing some research for fun projects and future watches, so help me out below...What titles come to mind when I say "star vehicle"? And I'm talking the more modern sense of the phrase as opposed to like the vehicles of the old studio system. THANKSSS 



The Last Starfighter or Flight of the Navigator

Robert Jewell

The first that comes to mind is Meryl Streep in Sophie's Choice although it's not a favorite and then there's Joh.n Travolta after his renewed success in Pulp Fiction in Get Shorty which an absolutely wonderful comedic crime film with a superbly fun sense of reflexive cinema.


Singin in the Rain 1952 and Secret Life of Walter Mitty 1947. I know these are older movies but do these count towards your note about the older sense of the term?


I always think of it as a film that's written for an actor with a story driven by that character, and wouldn't be the same without that actor. I always think of "Fletch" when it comes to this term.

Paul Cox

Point Break and Speed were definitely a result of Keanu Reeves' fluke celebrity from Bill & Ted. Ironically, Speed launched Sandra Bullock into her own string of star vehicles for the rest of the 90s and 00s (and she might actually be the queen of the phenomenon in modern times).

Bill Staley

Any Clint Eastwood Movie old or new. Many of Tom Cruise movies where written with him in mind.

Paul Cox

Most specifically, though, the Miss Congeniality films.

Paul Cox

The Last Samurai might be the be-all-end-all of ill conceived star vehicles lol

Paul Cox

This is the case with a lot of comedians, as well. Most Eddie Murphy films, Dane Cook's trashbag movies, Amy Schumer, Kevin Hart, even Andrew Dice Clay got one 🤦🏼‍♂️


YES this is my idea of like the modern star vehicle -- the movie wouldn't be the same without that particular star


always helps! But yeah I think these are the older sense of the word. I only really separate it because I somehow think the vehicles of the past were more serious and "better" films and then today, they can kind of be cheesy but always work with the right talent.


Picture this: a coming of age movie, a musical, a star vehicle, and considered one of the worst films in history. For your viewing (dis)pleasure: "From Justin to Kelly" from 2003.


Julie Roberts in Pretty Women or Erin Brockovich, Leonardo DiCaprio in The Aviator or Revenant, Jack Nicholas As Good As It Gets, Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson in Lost in Translation. I could dredge up a few more if you need them.

Kristine Friling

Charlize Theron in Old Guard or Atomic Blonde. (HIGHLY recommend Atomic Blonde, I think you will LOVE the style)

Matt Gwinn

Does it count as a star vehicle if the star wrote and directed it? If so, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, and every movie by Woody Alenn or Tyler Perry, The Jerk. Every Stephen Segal movie Most films starring Tim Allen Most movies produced by WWE are vehicles for their wrestlers. John Cena is the most notable. A bunch of SNL movies like: The Ladies Man, MacGruber, Superstar, Stuart Saves His Family, Waynes World, Coneheads, and Three Amigos Also 30 Rock, Portlandia, and The Tracy Morgan Show A lot of Adam Sandler movies.

Nick Parker

I could be on an island here but a personal favorite of mine is Will Smith in Seven Pounds


Erin Brockovich is the first thing that came to mind for me.


For a non-comedy, how about Arnold Schwarzenegger and Conan the Barbarian? Am I on the right track? It's not the most modern of movies, but maybe the best example of a movie made for an athlete that launched that athlete into stardom.


I thought of three, maybe four. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World was a 60s star vehicle for as many movie stars as they could pack into it. Peter Falk, Jonathan Winters, Spencer Tracy, Sid Caesar, the Three Stooges, etc. etc. etc. In 1981, there was Cannonball Run, which was the same kind of movie, a comedy with as many stars as possible. Burt Reynolds, Farrah Fawcett, Dean Martin, Sammy Davis Jr., Roger Moore, Jackie Chan, Dom DeLuis, etc, etc., etc. There was a sequel, Cannonball Run II, some of the same stars, and some new ones, including Frank Sinatra. Then there was the more recent Rat Race, with another pack of stars, including John Cleese, Rowan Atkinson, Jon Lovitz, Dave Thomas, Whoopi Goldberg, Kathy Bates, Amy Smart, Kathy Najimy, Paul Rodriguez, etc., etc., etc.

Paul Cox

In that vein, Knives Out could probably be considered a star vehicle, though it's a far better script than any of the examples you mentioned.


If the definition of "star vehicle" is a movie that seems like it was created *specifically* to showcase already known performers - I think movies that often feel that way are the "mismatched buddy" movies. For all I know, these were cast like normal movies, and they only feel like star vehicles because of the clashing dynamic of the characters. Regardless, they often end up being the type of movies where it's hard to imagine anyone else playing the roles. So, I'm thinking movies like "Twins" with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito. Or even a lesser-known movie like "Outrageous Fortune" with Bette Midler and Shelly Long. (I'm not saying either movie is a masterpiece, by the way.)


Real Genius for early Val Kilmer

Paul Cox

Real Genius is good, but not a movie built specifically to feature Val Kilmer. It's truly an ensemble film. The closest he's ever come to having his own star vehicle was either The Doors or Batman Forever, and both of those were character work.


I can't believe no one else has said it, but "Rocky." (Of course, Sly Stallone wrote it for himself. But still, it's a movie where you walk away thinking no one else but him could've played the lead character.)

Joe Hoy

This one might be somewhat out of left field, but given your love of music-centred movies and snappy humour, I'm going to suggest Sister Act - I'm not 100% sure if it was written with Whoopi Goldberg in mind, but she utterly owns the movie to the extent that it might as well have been!

Joe Hoy

Movies centred around vehicles that can go to the stars... I see what you did there. :D