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Any ideas what we want to do for June? Do you like when channels do themes?! Is this an annoying question? Sound offf!


Paul Cox

What are your feelings on dramas? We've seen comedies, sci-fi, and musicals, but maybe a run of dramas would be cool.


Yeah good point, obviously for it. I want to see good movies no matter the genre. I’ll consult my list from the last live we did!

Bill Staley

For a obscure great movie, "History of Future Foke" Other suggestions: Sixth Sense Oh Brother Where Art Thou The Usual Suspects Mars Attack If you haven't seen it and since you love Musicals "Fiddler on the Roof".

David Crabtree

I'd love to see you tackle the original Star Trek films. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan is considered one the greatest sci-fi films of all time.


Also what if I said I’ve never seen Forrest Gump 🙈


Roxanne with Steve Martin EDIT: Another Steve Martin one could be My Blue Heaven

Paul Cox

People either love it or hate it. Even if they generally like Tom Hanks. I'm rather fond of it, but I keep quiet around my very cool friends because I don't want to get an earful about the thousand reasons it's terrible haha


Starman, Last of the Mohicans, The Haunting from 1963, Ladyhawk. As Bill said above Fiddler on the Roof.


June theme: modern(ish) black and white movies: The Last Picture Show, A Hard Day's Night, Ed Wood, Pleasantville, She’s Gotta Have It, Raging Bull, Manhattan

Paul Cox

Modern black & white got me thinking about Jim Jarmusch, which then got me to think about Night On Earth—not one of his black & white films, but one of my favorite movies of the whole 90s. I know Shanelle likes films that take place in one day. In this case, it would be a single night, in various taxis around the world. It's a remarkable film that deserves to be remembered.

Emily Smith

My blue heaven is hilarious! And a very underrated comedy with Rick Moranis.


I'm still pitching Return To Me (2000). Great screenplay, superbly well-drawn characters including a crackling supporting cast, set in Chicago - it checks all your boxes! Now on Amazon Prime Video as a top-rated film.


You could have a few "director"-themed months like Steve Spielberg and have Jurassic Park (favorite of all time), E.T., Catch Me If You Can, etc. or Quentin Tarantino. But after reading you've never seen Forrest Gump, uh, yes, you kinda need to watch it! It's wholesome and will make you have emotions!

Robert Jewell

Because you've often spoken of your fascination with long takes I'd love you to watch 2 classic films if you've not seen them yet: Alfred Hitchcock's ROPE and Orson Welles' TOUCH OF EVIL (the restored version), a film which if anyone asks that ridiculous question, What's your favorite movie? I say Touch of Evil. I know your channel has to have a popularity index, but classics should make an occasional appearance too. By classic I mean silent films through till roughly the 1970s. Thanks! 👍

Billy Dancel

Since you’ve already seen Labyrinth and The Princess Bride… along the same lines you would love The Never Ending Story…. Willow…. Legend…. And for my personal favorite, Ladyhawke

Matt Gwinn

If you like long takes, you should really watch Russian Ark. It's 1hr and 39 minutes, all done in a single take with 867 actors. It's a beautiful piece of filmmaking. If you like horror movies, One Cut of the Dead is an amazing zombie film all done in one 96 minute take.

Matt Gwinn

Some of my favorite fantasy films not mentioned by Billy are Excalibur, Dragon Slayer, and Strings. Strings is a fantasy film set in a world of marionettes where the marionette strings are actually part of the mythology. It's pretty unique. Beastmaster, Krull and the Conan the Barbarian movies are also classic fantasy movies from the 80s. Not as good as all of the ones previously mentioned though.

Matt Gwinn

Have you considered post apocalypse movies? You could do all of the Mad Max films, The Blood of Heroes, Tank Girl, The Road, Terminator, Waterworld, Snowpiercer, Logan's Run, The Matrix, Stake Land, Carco (2017), or 12 Monkeys. You could also go with dystopian future and choose from: Gattaca, Escape from New York, Children of Men, Platform, Johny Mnemonic, Battle Royale, City of Lost Children, Tank Girl, West World, Surrogates, or Total Recall. There's some overlap there if you wanted to combine them.


Flight of the Navigator or Earth Girls Are Easy!

Paul de Wijs

Please do a Steve Martin series, the three Amigos , All of me , dirty rotten scoundrels, Planes trains and automobiles etc.


Flight of the navigator or there will be blood


Loving all of this you guys! I’ve moved yet again; finalizing that space this week. I might take the briefest break, but I’m writing it all down!

Paul Cox

Ooh, There Will Be Blood would be a good one. Alternately, Gangs of New York.


I know i feel like I should do a month of just "I cannot believe I haven't seen this one yet" hahah but that'd be like everything


O’ Brother where art thou, not only is it a great movie, nobody has done a reaction to it. If they have it was unwatchable


Arachnophobia - Jeff Daniels and John Goodman. Perhaps movies featuring a specific actor, eg: films starring Tom Hanks or Meryl Streep etc...

Michael Buhl

The original 1979 version of The In-Laws with Peter Falk and Alan Arkin.

Kevin Hooper

Some of Spielberg’s early stuff. Duel, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Poltergeist


These are all movies, I think you'll really like. Kill Bill: Volume 1 (2003), Can't Buy Me Love (1987), Girl Next Door (2004), Adventures in Babysitting (1987), Secretary (2002), Career Opportunities (1991), Empire Records (1998), Roadhouse (1989), Legend of Billie Jean (1985). All these are just lighthearted really fun movies.

Paul Cox

Yes! Finally a second request for The Legend of Billie Jean! I've been begging for six months lol

Rumpus Parable

Somehow just sent a message without seeing this OBVIOUS POST despite watching reactions below it. As said there and now here for others' thoughts: the film Dancer in the Dark Future tv: Firefly (being sure to get the episodes in correct order, not with The Train Job as the first)

Joshua s. Jackson

1984 "Starman" it stars Jeff Bridges and Karen Allen. It is beautiful childhood favorite of mine.

Kristine Friling

I commented in the other recommending Atomic Blonde. I love this movie. It has some great actors and acting and is a fun watch!


I am not a fan of themes. Halloween and Christmas themes are already enough. Plus I feel like the things become stale in a theme.