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Chapter 71: Dessert After Dinner (**)

The sound of clinking glasses and chatter from the restaurant became a distant hum as Enrique rose. Silently, he took Mary Jane’s trembling hand, slight hesitation still present on her movements.

“Let’s go,” he said, the warmth from their touch igniting a fire neither could ignore. Their eyes locked, and without uttering a word, she followed him outside.

The night's cool breeze enveloped them, making MJ shiver. Enrique pulled her close sensing it.

“Just a minute,” he said, lifting her up gently in a princess carry. Then, he took off to the air, soaring through the clouds and into the skies above.

“Where… are we heading?” She asked hesitantly, her arms tightened around his neck as she felt the wind hitting her face. Flying felt amazing.

The city lights below were a blur, but the moon and the stars were as clear as ever. The two of them exchanged heated glances, MJ’s breath slightly uneven, as they were on the outskirts of the city, heading towards a mansion. Its facade was majestic and opulent, the chandeliers inside cast a golden hue, reflecting in their wine-intoxicated eyes, the atmosphere electric with promise.

“That’s my second mansion; it’s empty, away from interruptions.” Enrique replied, and soon the two of them dropped on the rooftop and headed in. Anna and Greer were in his first mansion, this was a bit smaller and was prepared with secrecy in mind. He couldn’t take his dates to hotels, after all, there will be scandals.

The rooftop was luminous thanks to light scattering from the swimming pool, all around and also into the bed resting there. The bed looked comfortable, heaven for mortals, allowing one to enjoy a night’s sleep right under the sky.

Enrique didn’t bother to go for the door, and instead dropped Mary Jane on top of the plush bed, causing it to jiggle, just like her body did. She bounced lightly, the soft fabric of her outfit rustling, her auburn red hair creating a halo around her angelic face. Her emerald eyes, filled with despair just half an hour ago, now glinted with a mix of vulnerability, need, and wild anticipation.

“Enrique,” she breathed, her face red, her voice dripping with seduction, and her chest rising and falling rapidly, “What are you going to do to me?”

He paused for a moment, drinking in the sight of her, chuckling at her question. His mind raced with fantasies. "You have no idea," he whispered back, his voice husky with longing.

He dropped on his feet and began to walk to her. Every step he took toward her was deliberate, heightening the anticipation. It felt as if the distance between them was charged with electricity. When he finally reached her, he leaned down, the weight of his desire pressing her into the softness below.

The tension between Enrique and Mary Jane was palpable, a magnetic force pulling them toward one another. As their lips met in a fervent dance, the taste of rich red wine and her intoxicating floral perfume mingled, further muddling Enrique's senses.

Mary Jane's eyes closed, and her soft sighs contrasted with Enrique's groans of amusement, setting the rhythm of their intimate dance.

His fingers brushed along the side of her face, trailing down to her throat, feeling her heartbeat rapidly under his touch. She shivered, gasping as his fingers grazed over her collarbone and down, teasing the edges of her dress.

"Oh, Enrique," she breathed out, a sensual note in her voice.

He pulled back slightly, his clear silver eyes now dark with lust. “Enjoying, I see, Miss Jane?” His voice was a husky whisper, somehow matching the moment.

She rasped, giggling. “Told you to just call me MJ, ahn~”

He laughed back, kissing her nape. She had no idea how much he’d wanted this, but she didn’t need to know that.

Drawn to her, Enrique effortlessly lifted her, carrying her to the grand couch on the side, near the pool. The plush fabric crinkled beneath them, its texture adding another layer to their sensory experience.

“Be ready to be violated, love.” He hungrily peeled away her dress, tearing the shirt apart, and then the skirt, revealing her voluptuous form. Her breasts heaved with every breath, nipples erect, begging for his attention. He murmured something before he took one into his mouth, her reaction immediate, a high-pitched moan escaping her lips.

Enrique felt his hands exploring her, finding the curve of her hips, and then the soft, jiggly roundness of her ass. The soft spank as he squeezed her softness had Mary Jane arching into him.

"Touch me... everywhere," she whispered, her voice laden with need, biting his ear.

Their garments lay discarded on the floor, MJ’s shirt halfway into the pool, their naked bodies now at the epitome of passion. Enrique's lips found their way down her body, from her neck, to her nipples, and into her navel, making the redhead grip his hair and gasp, writhing with each touch.

After a long minute of feeling her, playing her voice like an instrument, he met her gaze. “Incredible, oh~” MJ murmured, "I want you, now."

With a shared, heated glance, Enrique and Mary Jane delved deeper into their intimate escapade. The desire for a raw, unbridled connection simmered beneath the surface, ready to erupt.

Enrique lifted her over his shoulder and walked towards the bed again. As he did, he grabbed her tights, and tore them apart at the part that mattered. Throwing her on her back on the bed, he leaped at her like a beast.

Enrique didn’t plan to be too rough with her, given she was a normal human, but he planned to give her an unforgettable experience anyhow. To take Mary Jane to new heights of pleasure, even if it meant being a bit rough.

MJ’s hesitation was evident at first, when he spread her legs and pushed his shaft inside. She was wet enough, she has been like that for a while now, but it was still painful given his size. The unexpected intensity of his actions caused gasp, her eyes widening with surprise before she screamed out a moan when he pushed inside fully.

"Ohhh, Enrique," she moaned, her voice trembling, a mix of anxiety and excitement in her tone. “F-fuck~”

Enrique’s eyes glinted with a predatory light, her reaction causing his cock to throb. He leaned down to capture her mouth in a demanding kiss, she parted her lips and gave in.

Then, he began to move. His first few thrusts were slow, adjusting her insides to embrace his size, and then he suddenly became more forceful, faster.

In the meantime, MJ felt crazy. The old sensation of being taken, being embraced, gave birth to a warm feeling in her heart, but a new feeling of unbelievable pleasure, thanks to his size and lightning that danced in her, drove to the brink of ecstasy.

“S-slow down a little, ahn~ You’re t-too big.”

The room resonated with the symphony of her moan, her begging, as he hit deep into her again and again. The sound of flesh slapping filled the air,  as did the sound of skin on skin, the rhythmic creaking of the bed, and Mary Jane's moans of delight. Her body yielded to his unrelenting advances, her initial hesitation melting away as she began to revel in the intensity of their union.

"Faster, Enrique." Her begging topic changed. “Don’t hold back~ fill me up, ahn. Do me harder, pull my hair.”

Enrique’s latest [Fertility Powers] Pack came in handy, his touch carried the sweats of pleasure, his breath smelled like sex hormones, and his body was like a machine made to breed a child into her. All that caused MJ’s normal human’s mind to shift, she stopped begging him to slow down, and wanted him to go faster. Even if her pelvis broke, she begged to be fucked into the bed.

Enrique twisted her body around and pulled her hair while doing her in doggy style. “Yes~ Oh God, unbelievable~” Her voice filled with a newfound eagerness, her fingers digging into his shoulders. Naturally, Harry Osborn had never shown her this kind of sex. This was sex magic on the fingertips of a man who was already a master of this category.

With a cry, MJ’s legs tightened around him, pulling him deeper, her nails tracing fiery trails along his back. The sensations coursed through her, igniting a fire within that matched Enrique's own burning desire.

Enrique's primal instincts took over, driving him to push Mary Jane further, to explore the boundaries of their passion. He barely managed not to transform and ravage her insides like a beast; that might kill her. He relished in her surrender, the delicious friction of their connection fueling their shared ecstasy.

As their bodies moved in a wild, untamed rhythm, Mary Jane's moans reached a crescendo. The waves of pleasure crashed over them, their cries of satisfaction echoing in the room.

“Ahhh~ I am cumming- Enrique, fuck!” Her climax was a symphony of unrestrained passion, a testament to the depths of her desire fulfilled.

Sadly, or maybe to her enjoyment as she would have a broken voice tomorrow, the night didn’t end for a long time. She was satisfied and tired, but he was not. He fucked her, and he bred her, while she begged for him to stop once and then to do her harder another. The redhead revealed her kinky, freak side as she got her brains fucked out her.

With the first light of dawn painting the roof in a soft, golden hue, MJ’s head fell on his chest as she panted. The afterglow of their intense encounter enveloped them, their fingers still tracing patterns on each other's skin.

Their night of passion had been a revelation, and the journey of exploration was far from over. The allure of new adventures draw them to the swimming pool, where MJ was fucked like never before into the realm of unconsciousness; free from her fears and into the promising future ahead.





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