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Chapter 68: Paparazzi (3)

With the help of Jean, enrolling Anna into the school didn't take long at all. After doing that, Enrique left the girls together and went to look for someone.

He walked through the hallways for a bit, and luckily they were empty now since Anna had vanished earlier and everyone thought they left. He stopped in front of a classroom when he noticed someone from the corner of his eyes, he waved his hand inside.

"Peter Parker, hey!"

Enrique called and everyone turned to look at him. The middle-aged man who was taking the class turned towards him too, wearing a scowl, but the moment he recognized Enrique, his eyebrows rose to his forehead and his jaw dropped.

"Peter, come here quickly, I have some things to tell you."

Everyone turned their head toward Peter in a comical motion, and Peter quickly got up from his seat to rush at him awkwardly.

"Teacher," Enrique gave the teacher a thumbs up. "Continue the good work, I'll return him in a minute."

Then, he grabbed Peter by the shoulder and blitzed from the spot, appearing on the staircase of the rooftop. Being on the rooftop would give their positions away, but this was a good spot.

"Hey, kid, you doing all right? Sorry, I didn't come to see you right after the incident." Enrique asked genuinely.

He didn't like teenagers for more than one reason, but Peter grew on him. He was a nice kid and he was capable. Of course, he would still throw the boy in front of a train if it would save his own life, but that's beyond the point.

Peter grinned. "Dude, you won't believe how fast I made my way to Manhattan when I realized an alien invasion was happening! I mean I was a little nervous too, and some of those enemies were above my pay grade, but damn was it awesome!"

For the next few minutes, Enrique and Peter talked for a bit, catching up on their recent doings. Enrique was happy to hear the kid was doing well.

"Oh and, me and MJ—that Michelle girl, if you remember—we are dating. It happened out of the blue but it's going great!" Peter explained excitedly, telling him how great his first date had gone.

Yep, Enrique was happy that Peter was doing for himself. He didn't come here to ask him anything other than his whereabouts, and now that he knew about it and since classes were going on, he let go of Peter a minute after that.


Trying to find his way back to where the girls should be, Enrique was walking past a washroom just as a girl walked out.

It was a purely coincidental encounter, and Enrique would have repaired for a selfie if he didn't recognize the girl right away.


The girl looked panicked. He had seen her naked, it wasn't hard to recognize that body. Plus, her silver hair stood out even in a crowd.

Felicia Hardy looked at him and then avoided looking at him. She looked over his shoulder and paused, composing herself quickly and smiling.

"Ah, m-my bad. I'll be going."

She said and rushed past him. Enrique almost pulled her by the wrist and then pinned her against the wall, but this was a high school, he would be in jail in no time.

He let her go watching her butt jiggle as she fled the scene.

Oh well. Some other time. Since Anna was going to attend here, they'll get a lot of opportunities later.

* * *

Later, Jean stood beside a window of a second-story room in the school. She was looking outside where Anna, Greer, Kitty Pryde, and another girl who was wearing a burqa.

"Who's that?"

Enrique asked as he just walked inside the room. This was Jean Gray's personal restroom, which the school was kind enough to prepare. They surely hadn't been bribed with money for this.

Jean turned to face him, finding that he was carrying a can of alcohol in each hand. He reached out once as she replied to his question.

"Sooraya Qadir. Born in Afghanistan, sold into slavery. Just a few months ago, she was saved by Logan- ah, Wolverine. She was initially fearful of us, but now she is being a good girl and studying at Xavier's. We thought it'd be a good idea to bring her here where she can interact with the general people, that's why she is here." She said, waving her hand. "No alcohol, please. I don't drink."

"You guys only attend classes here on, what, Monday and Saturday, right? Hmm, it's good for her then. It'd be too much for her if you guys attended every day, since for someone with her background adapting to the Western lifestyle is a bit hard." He said, not withdrawing the bottle from reaching out. "What are her powers?"

Jean smiled. "Confidentiality, mister. We can't reveal our students' powers to just anybody."

"I am 'anybody' to you? I'm hurt." He smiled back. "Accept the beer since you are being so professional, otherwise I'll think we aren't friends."

"Huh? Wow, since when have we been friends? You beat up my team, did you forget?" Even as she scoffed at him, still smiling, she accepted the beer.

"Well, we can be friends starting from now on after sharing a drink," Enrique said and moved closer to the window. Jean stepped to the side just a little, to not touch skin with him, and he didn't seem to mind. He looked outside at the girls. "Should Anna attend class starting today?"

"You think she has any plans to?" Jean opened her can and said. "Let her be. To begin with, we are here less to study and more to communicate. Let her and that tigress friend of yours get to know the others better."

"Huh. True logic." Enrique took a sip from his beer and yelled. "Hey, girls! If you wanna skip classes, go to some café or something. Show that hijabi young lady there around the town, maybe."

The girls turned their heads at him, a bit surprised seeing him there, before Anna grinned.

"If you say so! Kitty kitty, take us out of here." Anna said.

Enrique watched, while Jean hesitated to make a decision if to stop them or let them go, as the girls grabbed Kitty Pryde and were led outside through the school walls. They were enjoying the fun teenage life. Wait, Greer was 26… ah, oh well, he'd count her as their guardian.

"Aren't you spoiling her too much?" Jean asked when the girls vanished in the horizon of the metropolis, and took a large sip from the beer.

Enrique also took a sip and turned to face her, shrugging. "You need to treat your girl like a princess."

Jean chewed her lips for a bit. "She is a minor, you know? Well, I guess she is close enough to 18 that I can say love doesn't care about age."

"Mhm, I suppose." Enrique put a hand around her waist gently, she blinked but he talked before she could say anything. "Just like what your million-year-old Phoenix friend did that day. If anything, you'd be the one on the FBI's radar."

"Hey," Jean looked slightly flustered, putting a hand on his chest, but she didn't exactly push him away. "That was the phoenix, I am Jean. Let us not mix up the two of us, okay? I don't… have any of her weird feelings for you."

Was that true? Would having a being like the phoenix inside her not influence her thoughts and desires even a little?


Enrique gently grabbed her by the chin with his left hand.

"You don't?"

He poured beer on her parted lips with his right hand. She sighed and closed her eyes, allowing beer to fall into her mouth, which sometimes trailed down by the side of her lips, falling on her white shirt and showing the black bra under. She gulped in the liquid, while her body was being pulled towards him by his white belt.

Jean Grey was frustrated with what she was going through recently, always enduring the emotional outbreak of her uselessness and boyfriend, and so forced to hold back. If Cyclops didn't have a breakout after accidentally killing that mutant kid, Jean wouldn't have had to stay back there to support him. She could have flown to New York and helped destroy the aliens. Helped the mutants earn a better reputation from the world. None of that happened.

She needed a bit of relief, and Enrique just happened to be fun to spend time with. He was also the one who saved the day, he and Anna were helping people's opinion of the mutant grow better. That made him attractive, like a kind of hero from the legends.

It wasn't her fault that he was approaching her with touchy intent, and the little dizziness of the beer didn't help the situation, so she gave in just a little. It was fine, this was not the bedroom, and this wouldn't end in anything too bad.

The beer can fell from her hand, and she barely managed to send it away to rest on the table with her telekinesis. His left hand caressed her nape, and his right hand finished pouring the beer entirely. He threw the can outside the window, and put both hands behind her waist.

"You might regret this later, are you sure?" She said, in one last hope that he will back off, but he just smiled.

"We will see about that." Enrique's hands squeezed her backside and his face leaned over to kiss her like a hungry tiger.

Jean hesitated, but she reached out her hands and grabbed his face to kiss him more fiercely.

The two superheroes kissed standing right beside the window, unaware of the one paparazzi who had noticed Anna come out of this place, and rushed here in hope for a piece of news. His camera clicked, catching the moment in his frames that’d go viral tomorrow morning.


