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Chapter 64: Another World-Ending God-like Being?

Amara's eyelids fluttered and her eyes slowly parted. A sweet yawn escaped her lips- and paused midway.

As the picture her eyes were seeing registered in her head, Amara froze.

She was in bed. On her left side was Greer, while on her right was Anna. But she wasn't the only one in the middle, she was on top of Enrique, laid on top of his naked body.

Naked. He was naked.

She was naked. Greer was naked, and Anna was naked too. What the hell-

The memories from yesterday returned like a wave of a tsunami. Firstly the busy daytime when she fought hundreds of enemies, and then the night when she was enjoying a hot bath. Until things spiraled down when Enrique looked at her, inviting her into his embrace, which she ultimately accepted and…

"Oh gosh,"

This was not good. What the hell? Why did she accept that stupid invite?

Anna's body burned. It heated up just a bit, and a part of her looked down on the man beneath her. She instinctively almost melted his chest, but she held back when she felt a twitch inside her.

As she had woken up, moving slightly upwards, the white liquid inside her trickled out of her as she shivered.

Her focus shifted from the memory of the situation that led to this, to the situation itself. During the hours last night where she had felt more alive than ever before. She wasn't a child, she knew about sex from an educational point of view, as Sex ED was taught in Emma's school, but this wasn't explained there.

Was it supposed to feel that good? She felt euphoric the entire night. Even now, as her body recalled last night, she felt her insides heat up.

"...Mhm, it was my fault anyway."

She was the one who accepted it. Well, and it wasn't exactly a "fault". Sure, she hadn't expected her first time to be a foursome, but it wasn't bad. She didn't regret it.

It was… pretty hot, on the contrary. It may be a bit troublesome if her grandmother found out, but honestly, this was worth it. It just felt so good last night.

Grumbling slightly, she looked down at the sleeping Enrique with a frown.

"Stupid hot beast."

She lightly smacked him in the chest. Then, after frowning at his face again, she leaned back to his chest, her arms hugging his body, as she closed her eyes and decided to sleep for a bit longer.

…As she drifted back to sleep, Enrique opened his eyes for a bit, smiling, before he returned to slumber.

* * *

Emma Frost called and apologized for not being able to come to pick Amara up for another day. Enrique didn't let this chance slip either and pulled her to his bed once again.

By the end of that night, Amara was a giggling mess as she enjoyed a movie with Enrique, Anna, and Greer. She was enjoying her time more than she ever had with her school friends, less so with the people back in her home.

Only after that, did Emma come. She had teleported to his doorstep and rang the bell, and that gesture made Enrique truly realize that she was in a hurry to retrieve Amara. As it'd been more than a day anyway, she could have just come with her fancy car and picked her up more professionally.

However, the woman came here in the fastest way possible. She stood in front of the mansion's door, with her pet devil mutant behind her, and looked restless.

"Hey, it's Miss Frost."

Yet, Enrique wasn't inside the mansion at all. He called from Emma's left side from afar, causing the platinum blonde woman to shift her head towards him, as her frown melted and she blinked.

Enrique was in the front yard of the mansion, on the green grass, as were the three girls. A stove was by his side, as the thick scent of BBQ filled the air. The girls were eating meat while wearing euphoric expressions.

Emma opened her mouth but shut up. She looked at Amara, who waved at her while happily enjoying a piece of meat.

'What the hell?' Emma frowned.

Immediately, her mind shot towards Amara. Her mind slipped into the girl's, and she grumbled loudly the moment she saw a glimpse of the last two nights.


Emma turned into her diamond form out of anger as she stomped towards the BBQ place, causing Amara to blink, suddenly looking panicked, while the two other girls frowned, ready to fight. Only Enrique looked unbothered, still chewing on a juicy steak.

"Good morning, Miss Frost."

"Good morning my foot! What was the promise you made, you bastard?!"

"I only remember two requests, no real promise from my side."

"Shut the hell up!"

Emma shouted on his face, as he shook his head and hid the steak plate behind her so that it didn't get any of her stray spit on it.

"It was entirely her choice. I didn't leap into her, I just invited."


Emma was about to yell but paused. She looked at Amara, whose confusion had faded, realization hitting her, as she looked panicked. Emma looked into her head again and found the exact second when Amara had given in.

Indeed, it was Amara's choice. If she had rejected, he would have just taken the other, a masked white-haired girl for the night. Still, that didn't satisfy Emma.

"Why would you even- no, there are too many whys there. You could have just taken the other girl, why would you even ask Amara?! Do you even have the slightest idea who she is!?"

Enrique frowned at her tone. More specifically, he frowned at her last question.

"Emma, what do I not know? She is Amara Aquilla, the princess of Nova Roma. Her grandmother is Selene Gallio, the black priestess; the Black Queen of Hellfire Club. Your ‘rival’ in name, but really she can be the owner of the group if she so wishes. A 17,000 year old vampiric dark witch and I just fucked her granddaughter into the bed. I know what route I am walking through, Emma.”

Both Emma and Amara quieted down, stunned by his knowledge. Though Amara was embarrassed by the way he talked about her, Emma let her thoughts take sound.


"That is not important, is it?" Enrique cut her off, all to the billionaire woman’s annoyance. “The reason you are so worried is because you think she would be angry that I took her granddaughter’s virginity. I personally don't think that is an issue since Amara did beat her up and ran in the past – such a rebel. If Selene really cared, she would have killed Amara a long time ago, while she was studying in your school. If I had to guess, based on her age alone, Amara’s whole situation was just a game for her.”

“She one day thought, ‘hey, you know what was fun? Rome. Let’s make a new one.’ and now Nova Roma, the New Rome, exists. An immortal witch bored out of time can care less about one of her probably thousands of descendants.”

Emma seemed to have a lot of things to say, but for the first time in a long while, she didn’t have a way to express her thoughts in words. She was caught off guard by the amount of knowledge he seemed to possess. What the hell was his source?

“He has a point, you know?”

Now it was time for not only Emma and the other girls, but also Enrique and Azazel to get startled. As the feminine voice, so ethereal as to enchant one’s mind, boomed in the area, everyone turned to look at the picturesque woman standing beside Emma, eating a steak from the BBQ that flew near her face.

It was the woman in question. Selene Gallio, black lipsticks and thick eyelashes, with a cape behind her as she was wrapped in a hot black outfit, hanging from her chest.


A threatening voice boomed in all of their heads, causing Selene to chuckle, shaking her head. It was Mut’s voice, Enrique recognized.

“Don’t worry, Mut, your child is safe here. He cooks good steak, killing him would be a pity. I just heard my name being taken quite a few times, so I came to see. Hey, Amara.”

Amara looked panicked, Emma looked pale, and Enrique looked unsure of what to do. This was a peculiar situation, being visited by a being older than even the majority of the Gods, though he was unsure about Mut.

“Anyhow, Enrique Nova, nice performance yesterday. Your adorable companion reminds me of myself from back in the day, when I absorbed my first God.” said Selene, reminding Enrique that her main power was similar to Anna’s, though somewhat a downgrade since she only absorbed life-force and no powers. “Other than that, allow me to be blunt. As a dark mage, I find your resonation with the void very attractive. So, what’s thoughts on becoming the Black King? The seat has been vacant for too long.”

This time, Emma looked more panicked than Amara. She shared a somewhat rival-like relationship with Selene, but she wasn’t a fool to think the millennia-old witch was someone in the same league as her. Her interest in Hellfire Club was just one of her phases. However, if someone like Enrique became the Black King…

“No, sorry. As much as I like goth, I think you’re a bit too over my budget as of right now. Can’t take such risks.”

Enrique said easily, causing Emma’s head to spin as she considered if her judgment of his character until now was all a hoax. She truly wondered what went in that head of his.

“Sad, but fair. Some other times then. Goodbye kids, and Enrique.” said the old witch, even though Enrique should be a ‘kid’ to her too, as she vanished from her spot as stealthily as she had come.

“Ah, by the way,” just when everyone had sighed, the voice returned, though the physical body was nowhere to be seen. “Quite rude of you, Emma, to look into my granddaughter's head like that. That was her first night, you know? And you just observed all of it without her permission. I am leaving a mental barrier on her so that you don’t do this ever again; don’t break it.”

While Emma groaned loudly in her head, Enrique cheered inwardly.

The voice finally disappeared, and Emma grabbed Amara by her hand before she could say anything. She gave Enrique one last glare, telling him how frustrated she was with him, as she nudged Azazel to teleport away.

“This is a good day.”

Enrique went back to eating juicy steak, somehow not bothered by sudden encounters with civilization-ending disasters anymore, as he rather cheered the thing Selene had done. If he wanted to transform Amara into his spy, it would be nigh impossible since Emma Frost was a fucking telepath. But now that problem has been fixed.

Enrique was planning some sort of drama for Mut to put a barrier on Amara, that Emma would have to not willingly break, but now that was sorted out so easily. Emma Frost would never break a barrier left by Selene, not after she had been warned.

Truly, luck was on his side recently.




Master4thWall note: Another godly being, another Tuesday for Mr Nova.



Sometimes i wonder if there are any "normal" humans left in marvel With all these rogue gods and other ascended and supers running everywhere


Haha, for sure. And hey Shin 👋 long time no see! Happy to see you continuing your read, though CG and HV must feel left out without you 😫