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Chapter 61: The Aftermath

Enrique flew off from the gathered Avengers, not a minute after Ironman woke up. He didn’t want to associate himself with them, he surely didn’t want the media to assume he was a part of them either.

Shooting through the air, he noted that Human Torch was busy helping a bunch of pretty ladies; who seemed to be a part of some cheerleading group, based on their outfits. They got caught in this incident while running to their game. It didn’t seem like the living sun would be doing anything else in the meantime.

Next, he noticed Magma, who was panting for air while the surrounding meters around her were a living hell. Everything around her was burned, melted, and turned to charcoal in a circular motion. She had stopped her power now that the Chitauri had gone inactive, their cyborg bodies falling to their faces. Her skin returned to normal, and she found herself naked, forced to cover her privates with her hands.

“Hello there,”

Enrique shot down from the sky, stopping just an inch from the ground as he floated. The teenager flinched, covering herself more, by tightening her arms around her, not realizing that doing so was just emphasizing her curves more. Admittedly, those weren’t teenager curves.

“Oh, how shy of you.”

Enrique closed his eyes. There was no reason to make his best performer uncomfortable. He grabbed his cape and tossed it toward her. With his eyes closed, the cape moved on its own to wrap around her body, giving her the look of a robe-wearing goddess.

Opening his eyes, he noted she still looked hot. Tight robes weren’t the best thing to wear to hide curves. Still, she was used to wearing tight stuff, all that mattered to her was that she wasn’t naked, so she heaved a sigh of relief and nodded in thanks.

“You ended up destroying the million-dollar suit, in the end. Good for you, at least you seemed to have enjoyed massacring those alien bastards.”

Hearing that, Magma seemed to blush a little, though Enrique couldn’t be sure since her skin was still orange, it needed some time to cool off. She probably hoped nobody saw her rampaging earlier.

“Come here,”

Enrique suddenly spread his arms. Magma blinked. Adrenaline was going off in her body, her mind was a little blank, she walked over, wondering what he wanted before he wrapped his hands around her waist and shot off towards the sky.

Magma’s eyes trembled as she felt his strong arms around her barely covered waist.

“M-Mister Enrique! I can walk on my own-!”

She yelled, and in response, he pointed beneath, where she saw a few people recording with their phones, she was confused for a moment before she understood. Even if covered, her body still attracted too many eyes, people would for sure make weird things with the clips of her running with her chest swaying back and forth along with the robe. So he had saved her.

The problem was,

“But now people saw you grabbing me like this…”

Magma complained, her tone a little annoyed but docile, before she sighed in the end. With a shake of her head, she stayed stiff in his grip and wished this would be over soon.

Oh, and it didn’t help that her still-hot skin was too sensitive for any of this.


One person who Enrique barely kept up with, was Tigra. She was fine he knew based on her report, but he didn’t have the chance to witness her in action.

He wasn’t worried at all, of course, as she was someone who could lift tons, with the addition of claws that could cleave through metal with ease. These Chitauri were of no danger to her strength, durability, and agility. She was a beast for sure who had left a trail of defeated enemies behind like a river.

Enrique spotted her laying on an open staircase, catching a breath, while the few light wounds on her body were slowly healing. He dropped up to an inch over her face, looking down at her with a smile.

“Rested enough?”

“Not yet, come back later.”

“Have no time for that, you can come rest on my arms.”

With a yank of her hand, he pulled her towards him, which she compiled with a giggle before she made herself comfortable in his left hand. At the same time, his right was holding Magma, who was growing increasingly red, except this time it wasn’t her power at work.


After that, Enrique spent a minute looking for Black Cat and Spider-Man. He was a little surprised when he found them surrounded by a pack of hungry reporters.

Police had reached here, Firefighters too, busy handling the aftermath and providing rescue to anybody who needed it. With them, annoying reporters were here as well; Peter and Felicia seemed to have been caught in the storm of attention, with cameras and mics focused on them from all directions.

Enrique had noticed Spider-Man before. He was a little worried about the safety of the teenager under the mask, but ultimately Spider-Man was a lot stronger than people gave him credit for. He had defeated the X-Men, the Hulk, and even the Avengers as well in comic books before. If ignored his goofy personality, he was a force to be reckoned with.

As for Felicia Hardy – the Black-Cat looked annoyed at someone other than the reporters, and it was himself if Enrique had to guess. It was her fault that she came here to begin with, but secondly, it was his fault that she got stuck with the survivors, having to rescue them, and getting all that caught on camera.

Enrique decided to help them out for once. Dropping inside the circle of reporters, right beside Spider-Man and Black-Cat, he put the two girls on his arms down too. A few reporters’ cameras focused on Tigra and Magma, while most focused on himself.

Enrique looked annoyed. “We just saved the city, and since we aren’t robots, we are tired. Both mentally and physically. Stop bothering us. Leave.”

He gave them a stern look, but when most of the reporters didn’t turn off their cameras, he sighed and bought his hands before his face. He clapped his hands, and a discharge of electricity caused the cameras and mic to start smoking.


The humans yelped and scattered a few steps backward, most frightened but a few annoyed at losing such expensive gears. Enrique ignored them and focused on Peter, patting him on the shoulder.

“You did well, thanks for the help.”

“Uh… any time, haha.”

Peter smiled under his mask, rubbing the back of his head.

“You too, bad kitty.”

Enrique shot Black Cat a look, watching her narrow her eyes and glare at him, putting her hands on her waist.

Enrique ignored it. He grabbed Tigra and Magma again and was about to take off.

“You two should head back.”

Peter said a cheerful ‘bye!’ but the white-haired girl had more to say.

“Hey, take me with you! Give me a lift, I am injured.”

She yelled and pointed at her right leg’s calves. Indeed, it was injured, she was bleeding. Enrique stared at her, wondering what to do before he sighed.

“Hop on.”

He was slightly surprised when she happily jumped, taking a position between the two girls, hanging from his neck, her body pressed tightly against him.

The reporters, Peter included, looked a little jealous at the display. With three bombshells of girls hanging from his body, it was a juicy scene indeed.

Not wasting any more time, Enrique took off for real and in the back of his ear he heard Peter swinging away too, freed from the devious reporters.


He had spotted Rogue earlier, so it didn’t take him time to find her again. He landed before her, watching her give him a peculiar look as she looked at the weight he was carrying.

“Uh… backpack ride?”

He gestured to his back, noting there was no other space to occupy. Shaking her head, she jumped on his back and gestured. She put his arms around his neck, from behind, causing her arms to touch Black-Cat’s, while her face too faced hers.


The naughty cat gave her a vixen-like smile, to which the newly enthroned divinity smiled back, a little more malicious than usual.

Geared up, with the addition of a stray cat, Enrique shot through the air and rushed towards his home. The one he was ‘gifted’ by Emma Frost, not far from here, as he appeared on the rooftop, and casually dropped them in the large swimming pool on the roof.

They needed a good, lovely bath. This happened to do the work.





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