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Chapter 59: The God of Mischief (3)

"You mudblood!"

Enrique threw the blabbering Loki on the floor, as he rolled the ground and then cursed at him.

Enrique's cape moved away from his shoulders. It rushed to Loki and tied against his wrists and forearms.

"What are you doing?! You are a mere Avatar! Act like one! Free me this instant!"

Loki continued his session of yells while Enrique looked around him.

It was an abandoned garage. He had rented this piece off a few days ago after Anna told him about her wish to grow stronger. This wasn't the only garage, he had rented quite a few for emergencies, but this was the one closest.

This garage was where his plans would be executed. If nothing went wrong.

"Which God are you the Avatar of? Who sent you?! Was it Olympus?!"

That made Enrique turn his head and look at Loki. So he didn't know whose Avatar he was? Did that mean Gods couldn't tell at a glance which God an Avatar served?

"I am Loki of Asgard, you'll pay for this!"

Loki struggled to free himself while yelling, but his attempts were meaningless.

Enrique chuckled deeply.

"Weren't you exiled, Prince Loki? How idiotic of you to still brag about Asgard. We wouldn't be after you if you still were a part of Asgard."

Obviously, Enrique had discussed this with Goddess Mut before engaging. She permitted him only because Loki was already exiled. There shouldn't be any danger from Asgard to Egypt after this incident.

Enrique continued.

"I can give you useless ranting about how you were being a manchild, jealous and insecure about meaningless things, but that'd be a waste of time. I usually only do typical villain dialogues when I'm trying to buy myself time."

"You dare! You dare call a God such as I, a manchild?! Free me this instant, and let us find out who is-"

Loki continued yelling, but Enrique tuned him out and turned his head to the side. His ears had picked up a little sound from far away. He watched the gate of the garage, as it moved upwards, and then Anna Marie – Rogue – walked inside.



The two greeted each other, and then Rogue paused as she looked at the body tied to the floor.

"This guy is… from the news? He was there in Germany."

"Yes, he is a God from the Asgardian Mythology. I think you'd know Thor and Odin, right?"

"Yes, I recall reading about them back in school. So is this the guy who…"

Rogue didn't finish her sentence and looked at Enrique. Enrique walked to her and put his hand around her shoulder, giving it a slight squeeze. He then led her forward, towering over the body of Loki. He was still yelling.

"You saw what sort of person this guy is. He's quite the scum, you agree? So I believe you shouldn't feel guilty if any accidents occur."

"You two! What are you talking about?! What is this foolishness? Girl! Yes, you! Free me this instant, and I shall grant you a seat in my palace after I take over the earth!"

Loki yelled seeing them chatting over him, as the two of them exchanged glances. Rogue broke into a giggle, and Enrique shook his head.

"Alright. I guess I won't feel guilty if it's him. What are his powers though?"

As she was asking, she crouched down. Enrique stood over her with his arms crossed and watched the procedure with careful eyes.

"You'll see what his powers are. It's mostly illusion based. Do remember, he is still a God. If anything feels wrong, immediately tell me. If you can't talk for some reason, then back off."


Rouge was crouched down near Loki's face. Her green eyes stared down at his as he yelled, calling her names, but she ignored it all. Slowly, she put her hand on his cheeks. Loki's eyelids flinched but then nothing happened.

"Huh? Nothing happened?"

Rogue frowned and looked back at Enrique, who facepalmed.

"Take your gloves off."

"Oh. Ah. Right."

With an embarrassed blush, Rogue quickly took off her gloves and put them aside.

Loki grew nervous this time. He could tell that something was going on. Sadly, he couldn't use his powers when his hands were tied like this. He needed to move his hands to use his powers.

Now, when Rogue's hands touched his cheeks, he flinched visibly. His entire body shook, and his body trembled.


He tried to say something, but the veins on his face and neck tightened. He grumbled, his voice weird, as he felt his strength leave his body.

Rogue stared down at Loki, her eyes gaining light, as she felt a rush of power sweeping into her body.

It was different. Compared to anything she had absorbed before, this felt so much richer. What was that energy that was rushing into her?


Rogue's limbs trembled. This power felt delicious. It was soul-touching. She felt her muscles tremble, as they grew a lot stronger.

Loki wasn't strong compared to Thor, but he was still a Frost Giant. His body was a lot stronger than a human's.

What more Frost Giants had were pure Ice Powers. Loki, the son of the strongest Frost Giant, had pure blood. Rogue with her power could absorb the essence of that blood. Her veins that were filling up with magical energy, Mana, began to fill up with Frost Giant bloodline powers instead.


Visible blue lines went up through her veins as Enrique frowned.

"Are you alright?"

"Ah, yes, it's just chilly…"

"Don't worry about it. It's one of his powers. Though he hates using it."

Rogue returned a vague nod at that and continued focusing. Not that the process needed any of her focus, it was automatic. Enrique observed the steam of blue grow, as Loki entered a seizure. His skin turned ice blue, reacting to the process, and his true form came into sight.

The process was long. Perhaps it was because he was a God, or maybe this was the usual time one took to entirely absorb another's power. Enrique didn't know.

Rogue's breathing grew rigid. When she first absorbed the Mana, it was a stream of bright blue through her veins. As she was absorbing the Frost Giant powers, it was an icy blue color. But as this side was done absorbing as well, the next part was a rich color of green.

Enrique watched as the blue changed to green and Rogue, who was feeling uncomfortable from the heat, with her entire body a light shade of blue by now, reacted in surprise. Her face turned into a show of pleasure as divinity rushed into her body.

The power of the Gods, Divinity.

"E-enrique- m-memories!"

Rogue yelled with a sharp moan, her expression bewildered.

'So she is absorbing his memories too. I don't know how much though.' Enrique clicked his tongue.

It was a little problematic. But there were benefits too. Depending on what the memories were, they could teach her how to use magic from the get-go.

Rogue could absorb memories of the people she was sucking the powers of. It hadn't happened until now because she hadn't absorbed enough. She also kept a bit of their personalities, too. Which could be a real problem, given she was touching Loki of all people.

By no, Loki was a shaking corpse. Not that he was dead, but he wished he was. He looked in great pain, but he didn't have the power to move a muscle.

Enrique looked at Rogue. The power to subdue a God… with just a touch. How terrifying she was. He was glad that she was so naive and by his side.

The process continued for a bit longer, and, as Enrique watched, he noticed how Rogue's body language changed a little.

At last, nothing was coming from Rogue's touch anymore. Rogue gently withdrew her hands. But she didn't move after that. She stayed in her spot, her movements still.

"Rogue? …Anna?"

Enrique called, frowning.

Then, in sharp movements, she turned her head around. Her green eyes locked with his. Luminous green energy shone in the air, and golden horns formed on her head. Her blue skin returned to normal, and her dress was replaced by a scaly green one, with a fur coat hanging over her shoulders, while accessories hung from her hair and neck.

Her brown hair went black, though her partial white hair was still there.

"You foolish mudblood."

"If this is a prank you better stop."

"Prank? You think a Goddess would joke around?"

Rogue's accent was different. Enrique sighed and watched her get up, while he called Mut in his head.

'Any solution to this? Like removing the foreign memories?'

[There is but, uh, it's a long process. I don't think you can do it right here.]


Then, in a fast motion, faster than ever, she leaped at Enrique. Enrique was about to pack a punch in response, to leave her jaw dismantled, but he paused at the last moment. Because…


The girl jumped to hug his arms.

"Got you! Ahaha, you should have seen your expression, sugah!"


…Enrique gave her a suspicious look, careful if she would pull out a knife or not. However, she didn't do any of such things, making him sigh and hug her back.

"I nearly dislocated your jaw. Stupid prank."

"It was worth it."

She turned her head from his chest and looked into his eyes. Her green eyes were more vibrant than ever before. They had a supernatural glint.

Her lustrous black hair vanished and her brown hair returned, as did her old outfit.

"It's not entirely an act though. I do… feel a great deal of change within me, but I suppose you'll just have to fix anything you don't like manually? You mudblood~"

"First thing, you don't call me that. I'll break your pinky." Enrique pinched her nose and stared into her eyes. "Second… let us leave, we need to make a bit of a show outside before it all ends."

The two of them cast a long look at Loki who was seemingly frozen in time. He was in a coma, as it happened with anybody who came too long of contact with Rogue's touch. He might wake up, or he might not. Whatever the case, there was no need to let anybody else find them with his comatose body.

Enrique's cape came flying and attached itself back to his shoulder. He grabbed Anna by her waist, feeling her plump curve, and then took off in the air, lifting the door and flying off.

That day, a new God of Mischief was born.

That day, Anna's first divine power was acquired.






Hello author thanks for this chapter. 'The first of her divine powers', I see what you've been up to here. I'm looking forward to more. :)


By the way, really cool photo