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Chapter 55: The Battle of New York! (3)

Throughout his entire life, he thought Loki Odinson was his real name. That he was the proud younger child of the great Odin.

However, recently he learned he was actually named Loki Laufeyson. Things just clicked then. It suddenly made sense why he always received the short end of the stick when his brother, Thor was involved in anything.

Full of emotion, Loki accepted the offer made by that galactic villain. He would take over Earth, allow the Chitauri to invade the planet, and let Thanos take his first step toward conquering.

Thanos had a plan. A grand one.

'Not that I am aware of it.'

Loki didn't know what it was, but he knew one thing. To execute that plan, Thanos needed Odin dead. Or at least, make him somehow not interfere.

That's why this multi-purpose plan to attack Earth was even a thing. It was to make Asgard run out of Faith Points.

Though the humans of this day and age didn't "pray" to Asgardians, they did other sorts of things that provided the Asgardians with Faith Points.

One example would be the novels, TV series, and movies based on Vikings. People merely consume those media-generated faith points. After all, faith in this particular case didn't mean "faith" in the general sense. The mere emotions generated by the aforementioned media counted too, along with the other things.

So, if Thanos could take out the earth, then Asgard will be pretty weakened. The top figures such as Odin and Thor wouldn't be affected by it, since they were already High-Gods who didn't depend on their faith. However, the general Asgardians would be weakened.

That was enough for Thanos to attack and declare Ragnarok upon Asgard.

So, to boil it down, Loki was working to destroy the place he grew up in for the last millennia.

And he didn't regret it one bit.

To complete the plan, he even got captured by these lowly humans last night.

Just now, he was manipulating this ginger-haired human woman. He was using her weakness, her past, to talk her into breaking apart. But what was this?

"...So Banner? He is your play?"

Said the ginger wearing a tight leather suit, standing outside his glass cage.

Loki felt perplexed.

What just happened?

"Thank you for your cooperation."

The woman who was weeping just now, Black Widow, just gave him a casual smile and walked away.


It only took a second for Loki to realize that he had been tricked.


The God of Mischief and Trickery, Loki, had been tricked.

"Naughty mewling quim…"

He chuckled a little and calmed himself with trained breathing. That woman will get what is deserved to mock a God.

Half an hour later, as a sound of explosion came from the far, Loki noted the process had already started.

So what if she realized he intended to use the Hulk? Could she stop it?

– Roaarrgh!

The hungry, angry, and distant roar of a monster awakened and said that- No, that human woman couldn't stop it.

*  *  *

The next scenes unfolded just as Loki had planned.

His mind-controlled minions attacked the helicarrier from a jet plane and started to wreak havoc.

Hulk awakened due to the mess, only to create more mess. One of Loki’s mind-controlled pets took advantage of that, stole the Specter, and came to free Loki.

In the process of Loki casually walking out of the prison, Thor appeared in the room.


The hammer-wielding, blonde God of Thunder yelled and rushed at Loki. Loki just braced himself, and Thor just passed through his body, falling into the prison just as the door closed.


Loki chuckled, vanishing from his spot and reappearing in another spot nearby. The one that Thor ran into was an illusion, to begin with.

“When will you not fall for that, brother?”

Thor yelled, slamming his hammer against the glass of the prison, but the glass was as durable as the eye-patch-wearing man had claimed. It cracked, but it didn’t break.

Loki smiled and was about to say something, but a female’s voice came rushing into the room.

“Stop right there-!”

Loki frowned and turned to the side. A gun-wielding female agent that he didn’t recognize was here. She wielded a massive gun and started charging up.

“You like this?”

The woman asked as she approached Loki; he was forced to drop the Specter and raise his arms in the air.

“We started working on the prototype after you brought the destroyer.” The female agent added. “Even I don’t know what it does,” she charged it up. “Do you want to find out?”

Just as she was about to pull the final trigger, Loki appeared behind her. He was in front of her too, but it was an [Illusion]. Before the woman even noticed him, he sharply slipped the Specter’s blade behind her waist.


The agent’s eyes widened and she fell to the floor. Even though she was still groaning, she was dealt with. How dare this mere human think she could threaten a God?

Loki ignored her and walked over to the control panel. He looked at the shocked face of Thor and smirked.

“See you later, brother.”

Loki pressed a button and the prison fell.

It literally fell, as it was a separate chamber on this helicarrier. It hatched like an egg and flew down toward the earth’s surface.

“Brother! Loki! Aaargh-”

Thor shouted, but his voice only grew distant.

This helicarrier was high in the sky, and though Thor was strong, Loki hoped he'd be out for a few hours at least.

On the side, the woman began to speak about how he was gonna lose, but Loki ignored her. He would usually reply to such crude words, but he had to hide when he noticed Hulk jumping on a jet plane and taking it down with himself.

For some odd reason, Loki felt chills whenever he saw the Hulk.

So thankfully, Hulk too was thrown toward the earth’s surface a thousand feet below.

By the time Hulk was gone, the woman was dead. Sadly, Loki couldn’t retort back to her disrespectful words.

“Whatever. She was a nameless bedswerver anyway, so it doesn’t matter… Tch.”

Loki grabbed the Specter hard in his hand and channeled the power of the Mind Stone that was inside it. He called back his soldiers as it was time to return. It seemed a lot of his soldiers died, and a few were shaken out of their mind control. Such as that Black Widow’s friend, Hawkeye.

“A pity.”

It was a pity, but Loki accepted it. Their lives would end anyway in just a few more hours when he would bring the Chitauri to this world.

Loki hopped onto a jet plane, with his remaining soldiers, and took off in the sky. He could barely hold himself back from grinning ear to ear, just thinking about the sweet victory that waited for him a few hours later.

*  *  *

A few hours later,

A green creature of armor was seen riding a bat-like sci-fi-themed surfboard, flying in the skies of New York.

A few months ago, Harry realized his currently hospitalized and comatose father was someone greater than what Harry believed at first. He had built a battle armor before Tony Stark had ever dreamed about it…! Sure the functionality was quite different, but the point stood.

It was only when Harry tried to activate the armor did things go wrong. The armor released a strange gas and Harry found his hereditary disease activating sharply inside him.

Later, he learned the urban legend of a green goblin was actually real. That the legend was talking about his comatose father, Norman Osborn, and now… Harry himself.

Strangely, Harry didn’t hate the development. He liked it. He used the power and technology to take care of some annoying pests, such as a guy who liked MJ before.

He also used his powers to take care of things outside of merely personal interest, as a lot of the board members of the company were scheming behind his back now that his father was hospitalized, so it helped there too.

Today, though, he wore the suit for a personal reason.

He flew towards the office [Nova Games], his grenades ready to launch when the large letters came visible in a building in the far.

Harry… no, the Green Goblin crackled in an ear-splitting voice as he approached the office. When he judged he was close enough, he got a little confused.

‘Isn’t today a workday?’

The office appeared to be closed right now. The curtains in the glass wall were pulled down. What’s up with that?

The Green Goblin frowned in confusion, which grew into frustration.

“Why today? It could have been any other day. Ugh.”

But that didn’t change much. So what if the employees weren’t here? He could just bomb the office building itself, that on its own was a big enough mess. Supernova will have a hard time recruiting any new people if his office were to get bombed in open daylight.

The Goblin crackled and then prepared the grenades. He was just about to commit the crime, but before he could throw the grenades away, something mind-blowing happened.


A strange sound that was a mixture between a comic howl and the loud bell of a church, rang from behind the Goblin. He snapped his head back to find a strange scene right out of a fiction.

The world was coming to an end.

The sky split into a hole, and from the dark otherworld, enemies of steel raged out. They who rode flying craft of all manners, they who rode a large snake-like steel creature, began to destroy everything near them.

And they had noticed the Green Goblin too, as a group of them flew right at the sneaky creature.

“Why today?! For fuck’s sake!”

The Green Goblin was infuriated and frightened at the same time.

With those words, the legendary Battle of New York had begun.






You exchanged coulsons death scene with a random agent? But thats an important pivotal scene that brings the avengers to work together as a team...


Fury is good at what he does, so I'm sure he can do the same persuing using a random agent. At least, to convince them for one time. Sure, the convincing will not be that solid as Coulson, since he had interacted with nearly all of the avengers before. But Fury can easily show them the random agent's family pictures and get the Avengers emotional. As for why this is even happening, it's supposed to be the first key point that'd drive the team to not be as tightly bonded as original. They'll go through this current situation, but in the future they would have more disagreements. It's a butterfly effect, and it's supposed to fuel the bigger Civil War than the one in MCU.