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Chapter 50: The Tiger & The Phoenix (1)

It was the new year of 2012.

Enrique had no idea precisely when the plot of ‘Avengers’ would take place.

Odds were that it might just happen in the last month of the year. So, there was no point in holding back the things that needed to be done.

One such thing was Anna’s school. She was yet to graduate high school.

Anna’s third year was supposed to start in October last year. But on a holiday a weekend before that, she discovered her powers. After which she fled her home.

So Anna Marie's a 2nd-year high school dropout. Which wasn't a good thing for what Enrique had in mind about her.

“But still, c'mon, sugah! I am a freaking Superhero! Why must I have to attend school?!"

As Enrique had expected, she didn't react calmly when the news was broken to her. It was natural given her age. Only a decade or more later will she realize the true importance of school.


Enrique sipped coffee and said.

“College is ignorable. In the incoming era, there is nothing that college teaches you that's important enough to waste four years there. You can learn those things yourself. However, the subject is a little different when it comes to high school."

The two of them were sitting inside a Starbucks, and a few people were looking due to their costumes. A kid had come earlier for an autograph, but other than that, everything was at peace.

Unlike the rumors, most people in this country minded their own business.

Rogue wore a frown as she sipped boba and stared at him with unamused eyes.

"What's so different?"

She asked since she clearly saw no real reason.

"More so, when I have such a handicap. Why must I… go amongst people who will fear me? Are you even planning to send me to a mutant school?"

"As of right now? Nope."

Enrique shrugged at her question.

"The only two mutant schools are that of Charles and Emma. Charles is clearly not even being considered, while Emma is someone I have a passive-aggressive relationship with. She may be on our side right now, but that may not always be true. I don't want you to study in her school and let her learn all the secrets about your powers."

"Fair enough. Then, a normal school? Um, Enrique…"

She looked hesitant. Scared, even.

"Is this… really necessary?"

Her glove-wearing hand that was holding the boba glass tightened around it.

"Hah. Let's ignore the benefits you'll get by being a high school graduate. I plan to make you a public figure, in which case it's better to have a clean history than a dropout one. But again, we are going to ignore that since money can fix some certificates. The main thing is, you and yourself."

Enrique explained while sipping coffee. She looked more confused than before as he spoke further.

"Did I tell you that I don't at all suggest therapy to people? Yes, there are cases where therapy is needed, but I speak for the general. The number of people who are taking therapy shouldn't be that high. Ask me, why?"


"Because most people like to think that they're weaker than they actually are. I am not joking, people find comfort in thinking they're weak. But in truth, they are just little cunts who are scared. Just like you."


Putting her to silence, Enrique was still calm. He moved to his real point.

"You're scared. You're nervous. You are an anxious little girl. I don't want you to be that way. I'm an evil bastard, right? You said you figured that out. You are not wrong about that. At one point, I just wanted to keep you as you are, only comfortable around me. So that I can use you as much as I want, without you ever even building the courage to say no to me."


"But, ‘evil’ I may be, I'm a little weird. I'm evil not only for myself but for all the people close to me."

He pointed a finger at her.

"That includes you."

With her expression melting, Rogue put her hand down on the table and listened to him.

"This is very beneficial for you. To go to school and graduate manually, I mean."

"Sure, you will have to be very careful to not touch the students, but that too is a good thing. I know that accidents are inevitable. When such accidents happen; I know that when you touch someone and they collapse, you'll feel like shit. You'll blame yourself for everything. However, once that phase passes, you will be stronger. That's what it means to face your fears head-on."


"Lastly. I don't like weak girls."

Anna was already put back to the center by his earlier explanation. Yet, his last line seemed to hit harder.

Rogue's lips quivered before she slowly nodded.

"I… understand. You have a point."

She accepted that he had a point. Not that she was eager to do this, but she will do it regardless. Since he asked.

He said it was better for her. So it must be.

"Good girl,"

Enrique reached out a hand to ruffle her hair a little. Her white hair danced with its brown counterpart before he brought his hand back.


Blushing a little, Anna rubbed her nose and smiled a little.

"Alright. But what about our patrolling? If I attend school, I don't think I will be able to accompany you every day…?"

"Tigra will,"

Enrique finished his cup of frappuccino and got up.

"I'm planning on having her officially debut soon. So you just have to focus on studying and fixing your anxiety. We'll take care of the super side."

*  *  *

The 1st of January was a workday for both Enrique and Anna, albeit different from the 15 employees of Nova Games who were only called to attend a party.

Unlike them, Enrique and Anna had the job to save lives. As it was the first day, many people acted recklessly.

Perhaps it's due to how people thought it unlikely that they would be unlucky enough to die on the first day of the year, so they took risks without much thought.

Such as speeding, even though the road was super slippery from the thin layer of snow above it.

"If the police caught you, sir, you'll be in big trouble."

Enrique chuckled to the driver sitting inside the car, while he was in front of the car's engine. His hand was on top of it, leaving a dent.

Enrique had just stopped a slipping car that was just about to hit a mother and a child.

"Are you two alright?"

Anna reached the spot running from far and asked. She had no sign of tiredness as she checked the nearly-victims.

The driver cursed himself and leaned back heavily on the seat. He too was relieved to see nobody died.

With that, the matter was settled.

The mother was very mad, but at the same time understood the driver wasn't to blame for everything. It's just that the weather was so weird.

Though the mother forgave him at last, the driver still promised to compensate.

"Thank you for such an understanding conversation, guys. But we two need to leave now."

Enrique showed them a smile and took off into the air with Anna in his arms.

*  *  *

What was the best way to put Anna in school?

Was it to have her hide her identity? No, because that'd ruin the whole point as the students will soon realize she had powers.

The true answer was to broadcast it nicely and big.

However, that'd cause another problem. Super-Villains.

The school might be in danger because many would know that Rogue studied there. In that case, the school needed to have enough power to handle itself against such threats.

As of right now, Enrique only knew of one school that was still normal but had the means to keep itself protected.

Midtown High. Peter Parker's school.

'Blackcat is also there. Wasn't she third year too? Maybe she and Anna can get to know each other better.' With a hum, Enrique noted. 'That's not a bad idea. I should contact Lydia and tell her about it just to have a conversation.'


Later, it was fully decided that Anna will go to that school.

It was perfect, there was no better alternative.

At least in Enrique's opinion.

At least until he took Anna to school a week later.


The host of Phoenix Force, the stunning redhead, Jean Grey stood in front of them. With glasses over her nose and books in her hands, she looked as if she was playing a nerd.

"Why are you guys here?"

Turns out, the phoenix was a part-time professor in this school.

'Why in hell's name.'




Master4thWall Note: Finally one MFG chapter!



Of course Charles and Jean cant keep their hands in their own pockets... I forgot when along the timeline jean is supposed to die with their timetravel shenanigans? Hopefully permanently...


Yayyyy finally another chapter!