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Chapter 44: Tigress Trap (2)

“I am seriously not in any mood for dinner..”

Greer yawned as she walked from the fridge with bottles of beer in her hands. “This old woman is gonna drink with the man of the house~ you little girls should go to sleep.”

Greer Nelson was down to her typical clothes right after reaching home, now wearing just a black sports bra and shorts.

“Oh, piss off! I'll be 18 in a few months.” Anna complained to her suggestion and yanked a bottle from Greer's hands.

Anna Marie had also changed to casual attire. She wore a large white t-shirt that hung from her chest, coupled with white shorts that hugged her round creamy thighs.

“Isn’t your birthday in April next year?" Greer kept along with her joke. That’s like six more months. Enrique~ tell your little girl to go to sleep.”

Greer didn't put up any fight to stop Anna from having the bottle and just sat down on the floor near the couch.

“It’s fine, she can drink for today. But just today, okay, Anna? Or else Papa will listen to aunty Greer and get mad.” Enrique played along with a chuckle.

Enrique Nova was wearing a white shirt that looked somewhat tight for his large build, so he had the sleeves rolled up and the two buttons near his collar loosened. He looked like an office man back home after a tiring day at work.

He was sitting near the couch already, and Greer just sat down on his left side. Anna sat down to his right and stuck her tongue like a little girl in response to his words.

“I think 'Papa' should keep his mouth shut.”

“I think someone is being rude today.”

“Is that so? I think it's not me.”

Anna smiled at him mischievously while opening a bottle cap.

"Huh. You two sure are funny. Well, if that's the case," Greer ignored the two weirdos and looked to the side, on the couch. “You should return to your room and sleep, Ava.”

“Huh, why? I am an adult, you know?” Ava blinked while lying on the couch near the group. “I already graduated from high school. I just didn’t enter college yet because I had a certain Ninja Clan after me and had to keep hiding.”

"Heh," Greer smirked. "I am not suggesting this because of your age. But… well, you know, a beer party can be dangerous for a single little girl like you. Have you ever gotten excessively drunk before?"

"A little, and stop with your tease." Ava climbed down from the couch to join the group, forcing a square with the beer bottles in the middle. "Why would it be dangerous? I don't think a guy like Enrique will… try anything weird. Moreover, since you two are here to stop him in the worst-case scenario."

"Are you talking about precautions against me while I am beside you?" Enrique faked surprise and blinked at her.

"Yeah? Is there a problem? We can't be too sure about men who are drunk, you know? At least, I also said I know you wouldn't try anything." Ava giggled. "I am just kidding, don't mind me."

To the side, Greer had a terribly guilty look that she quickly hid. She sighed while muttering sorry and opening a bottle to take a long gulp.

"Ahh! Now this feels great!" Greer returned to her former self and burped. “Just like the day earlier, today was great."

"Because you're back to your human form?"

"Of course, why else will I consider this day nice?" Greer replied with a raised eyebrow at Enrique's question. "Surely not because you got a car. It's not as if it's my car."

"I can gift you one if we get married." Mr Nova lied with a straight face while taking a small gulp from his own bottle.

"You wanna get married to me?" Greer smirked, nudging an inch closer. "You know, Anna's right here, she will be hurt."

"Anna will be my first wife, you can be my second." Enrique smoothly pointed at Anna and then at Greer. "Simple problems require simple solutions, you know?"

"Yay, I am the first wife!" Anna played along and laughed, hugging Enrique's arm.

To the side, watching the two girls take each of Enrique's arms, Ava Ayala looked a little uncomfortable.

She was wearing one of the clothes she tried while shopping and was too lazy to take off afterward, and even after reaching home. She wore high-waist sports pants, and a short t-shirt that had her tummy revealed but hugged her perky chest alluringly.

Hiding a soft blush of awkwardness, Ava said nothing and poured beer into one of the small glasses placed on the ground. She was not a bottle drinker, so she took a sip from there.

Over the next half an hour, filled with jokes and peals of laughter, where Ava didn’t shy away from participating, the night slowly began to get rowdy at one point.

It all started with a drunk Anna beginning to get touchy, her hand moving to touch the lower waist of the only man here. While the man in question, Enrique pretended as if nothing was wrong and chatted with Greer on his other side.

“Y’know- hicc-” Greer also looked drunk, smiling at Enrique as she leaned heavily on his shoulder. “I am interested in what sorta life you led before this. You seem to- hicc- know a lot about rich people stuff. Were you the prince of some kingdom before this? Ah, are you the young master of some secret family that rules the world? The Rothschilds?”

“You are too drunk,” Enrique just laughed, his face just a little more colorful than usual, but he wasn’t drunk. “I think you two should go to bed.”

At this point in the night, the previous ‘square formation’ that the group sat on was ruined. Two of the girls had moved onto Enrique’s side entirely, leaning heavily on his body, as he sat right opposite Ava who was the only other sane person in the group.

More than once, Ava’s eyes flickered to watch the bulge Anna was rubbing her hand upon. Every time her brain registered that… thing’s size, her heart pumped loudly, and she just blamed things on the drink.

"Uhm," Ava cleared her throat, seeing an opportunity to end this when she heard Enrique’s words. "I agree. Both of them drank too much… maybe we should stop for tonight."

“Y-yeah~” Anna smiled weirdly. “Let’s stop drinking, Enrique. Come on, start ravaging me!”

Anna stopped touching Enrique, and with her face flushed red, she grabbed him by his cheeks and then pulled him to a kiss.

While Ava blinked with a flinch, Anna pushed Enrique to the floor, riding on top of him, as she kissed him with her sloppy tongue.

Ava gulped and stood up. "Um, Greer, I think we two should leave them alone and-"

"Where are you going, girl?" With a sultry tone, her own face flushed red, Greer yanked Ava by her arm and pulled her down on top of her body, causing the younger girl’s face to land flat on her chest. "I reckon it's been a while since we two got… touchy. I agree, we should leave those two alone and get busy ourselves~"

Back when Ava talked to Anna for the first time, there were definitely reasons behind why she said Greer could be touchy.

With her left hand clasping onto Ava's butt, Greer's right moved to push Ava's hair to one side to open a clearance to her neck. Then, with a sharp breath, she bit on Ava’s neck.


Ava hissed in a softer tone than usual, trying to hold back a moan, while Greer's fingers dug into her butt.

"Alright, Greer, stop."

Suddenly, the loudest voice in the house spoke while releasing a sigh. Greer didn't stop for a moment until two large arms pulled Ava into the air to separate her from her prey.

"It’s time for you two drunkards to go to bed,” said Enrique, while his other hand was lifting an unconscious Anna. “Come on, get up.”

Ava looked at him with a grateful light in her eyes, thankful for his timely rescue.

“But~” Greer complained with an excessive moan, “I wanna touch her more~”

Enrique released a sigh and dropped Ava to the side. With this free hand, he picked up Greer with no real effort. Greer kept faking moans while Enrique walked towards their respective bedrooms.

A moment later, Enrique returned to the living room. Ava was still there, sitting on the couch with a relieved face.

"Thanks… Enrique." She said with a sigh. "She can be weird sometimes."

"It's not any problem." Enrique sat beside her with a soft release of breath. "You're not gonna go to bed yet?"

Ava didn't notice how close he sat to her, but as she was in the corner of the couch, there wasn't much she could have done in either case.

"Well, no, I am not sleepy yet," she said. "Was planning to go to the rooftop and bask under the moonlight. Always helps me feel warm and sleepy.."

"Ah-huh." Enrique hummed. Did the moonlight have anything to do with her powers? "Wanna get a few more cups of drink? I was thinking about your past before all the Hand ordeal."

"Well," Ava laughed a little, a gentle blush on her face that was from the alcohol. "I might tell you if you tell me about your past. I feel the same way Greer does about you. What sort of life did a 21-year-old man live for him to know this many things while being so unknown until a month ago? Are you some Nazi Experiment or what?"

Enrique chuckled at that while getting up to fetch the bottles and returning to her side.

"Honestly, tell me what you think?" Enrique asked as he passed her a bottle.

Ava hesitated for a bit but accepted it in the end, telling herself it was fine to drink from a bottle for once.

While she thought of an answer to his question while opening the bottle, Enrique used the TV remote to turn on the TV that hung huge on the wall in front of them. It opened with a weird romance-horror movie, with Enrique putting it on low volume.

"Ah well," Ava took a sip and said. "I am not sure. You're… suspicious, but you don't seem like those brainwashed super soldier sort of guys."


"Maybe you're… someone from the past? I recall hearing people calling you Pharaoh the first time you started to become popular. I think… it was from when you preached about your Egyptian Goddess? If she is real, which you've been saying is the case for a long time now, then it may be that she revived some ancient Egyptian Pharaoh and blessed him with modern knowledge?"

Enrique chuckled hearing her, giving her a weird look for guessing so close by.

["Drunk humans are interesting, it seems."] Mut's voice said, while Enrique ignored and continued chatting with Ava.

In the next hour, while drinking lightly, Ava began to open up to Enrique about her own past. Enrique told her about himself too, not really fabricating and just pulling things out of his first world.

More importantly, though, Enrique's hands were beginning to move.





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