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Chapter 43: Tigress Trap (1)

Enrique was satisfied with how this meeting with Lydia Hardy went. Now he also knew why this woman had contacted him, to begin with. It was because her daughter had built a crush.

‘What to feel about this?’

Miss Felicia “Black Cat” Hardy was flirtatious in the comics, more than any other possible character in Marvel. It’s not easy to make her fall in love. However, as she was barely legal in this current timeline, her young heart honestly might have gotten swayed by being a Damsel in Distress.

Enrique didn’t want anything to do with her yet, sadly. He wasn’t sure about her powers. Since she could transform into a Cat-Girl, similar to one of the comics he barely recalled, she might have the Bad Luck power too that she had in that comic.

Did she even know how to control her powers? Enrique would guess—No. If that’s the case, then being around her may not be a smart thing to do, as much as he was attracted to her perky butt.

‘Though, since my Superhero Team is forming out to consist mostly of felines anyway, it might not be a bad idea. But not yet, not before I know for sure that she doesn’t bring bad luck to the people around her.’ Enrique decided at last just as he reached his destination, his villa.

In whatever case, now that he would have a stable fund from this relationship with the Hardy Corporations, it was time to expand his business. It’s time to hire some good workers and all that stuff. However, before that though…

‘It’s time to give Ava her trial, finally.’

* * *

Greer Nelson was mad, angrier than she ever was in a long while.

How could she not be? This guy who she thought was kind after all, who she spent quite a few nights with, sharing a bed, didn’t even see her as a ‘friend’ until now. To be fair, she wouldn’t say she was that close with him either—but she could still call him a friend, that much was given.

More than that though, she was angrier by the… request he made. It was a summary of his future plan, something she didn’t want to be a part of—but he had her leash so she couldn’t say no.

She tried saying no, but that didn’t work so well—her body has already become his ‘Yes Girl’. It moved in whatever way he ordered it to, her powers had made her body submit to this strong male feline.

That, when mixed with her desire to earn back her Cat’s Amulet, she couldn’t help but give in. Greer told herself that this was for the better, for both Ava and herself.

Enrique’s plan was simple. He believed this world will soon face dangers, perhaps maybe from outside, or even inner conflicts. To keep himself and his close ones safe, he said he needed to form a team of Super-Powered Individuals.

“Now I did start this talk by saying you are not my friend and whatnot, but I will admit I like your body—and I am sure yours likes mine too. Maybe that will one day develop into love, for all we can tell? For that though, you’ll need to be around me. Honestly, I would love to have you by my side.” –was what he said, while gently stroking her head as if she was some sort of pet.

“But Ava Ayala. What to do about that girl? You know, I am not so… heroic. You must have realized that by now. While Anna accepts that side of me, and so do you, I doubt this little girl will understand. I am selfish, but I am not self-centered. I want both myself and my loved ones to be well. My loved ones mean only Anna right now, but that will include you soon if you decide to stay by my side. However, as I said, this Ava girl wouldn’t understand that. She is a delusional bitch with White Knight syndrome.” –he had added.

Greer wanted to protest, to defend this girl who she had known for nearly two years, but it was true that Ava was too soft for the society of the current world. People aren’t selfless, if one wanted to live well, one would have to be selfish.

This Enrique Nova person knew what that meant, and how to make that work. With him, indeed, Greer realized she would not be sad. So it might not be a bad choice to submit under him, like she had done so many times on the bed by now, except the problem now was Ava.

“So, my proposal to you is this, Greer. Either, you convince Ava to hand over her White Tiger’s Amulet, which I will then give to Anna. Otherwise, she will come to my room for… a talk. I am sure her powers will form a similar synergy to yours with mine. That’d make things easier to put things into her head.” –that was what Enrique ended the talk with.

Now, Greer liked Ava, she wasn’t the jealous type, so she could share Enrique with that girl. The other option to strip away her power was discarded the moment it was said. Once someone entered this line of Superheroes, leaving would mean that many would target her, and if Ava didn’t have the amulet to protect her from those stray dangers, she would die. Considering that, the choice was simple.

Greer somehow had to make Ava suck Enrique’s dick, there was no way around it.

She felt a tiny winy bad for deciding what man Ava will fuck without considering her thoughts, but in the end—wasn’t it for the better? No other man should be able to give cat-type women like them this mind numbing-pleasure. So, submitting to Enrique was the good ending for Ava and for herself too.

So the current question was… how?

Greer obviously can’t go to Ava and tell her to go to his room and get fucked, that would be weird, and it’s not as if Ava will listen anyway. She couldn’t just force her either, that’d go against the bit of morale she still had left. Which meant, she needed to plan something else...

“How about we just have a party? Like beers and stuff. When drunk, we just leave the two alone and they will decide what to do.” Said the girl who Greer once thought was so innocent. “What do you say, sugah?”

…Greer wasn’t sure why she thought it would be a good idea to discuss this with this girl, but now it seemed she hadn’t read this little girl well before.

This Anna Marie was an evil villainess bitch.

However, she was a smart one, with good plans.

* * *

“Tada! How did the meeting go?!” Anna smiled as she fired a confetti cannon that shot out multi-colored party papers on Enrique’s face. “Why am I even asking, it seemed to have gone well!”

Enrique grabbed her waist and pulled her into a kiss. It surprised her for a moment before she threw the cannon to the side and returned the kiss, feeling like a wife greeting her husband who returned from work.

When the kiss ended, she smiled widely and pulled him inside. “Say, I and Greer thought this was a nice occasion to have a bit of a party! We have yet to celebrate the successful defeat of the Hand, too. So we are going to celebrate both occasions today!”


“Yup. We will play a bit in the swimming pool in the backyard, order some good food, watch some movies on the big TV at night, and lastly drink a little before sleep!” Anna spoke while dragging him inside. “I haven’t done this sort of thing before, so don’t mind adding a thing or two.”

“You have thought well enough already,” Enrique said, throwing his suitcase on a small couch sitting in the living room—before he yanked Anna closer and pushed her onto the long couch nearby. “However, I think you forgot to mention something else.”

Anna was blushing softly as she innocently shook her head, seeing that Enrique’s face went cold.

“What are you planning, Anna Marie?” Enrique leaned over and bit her ear. “I can see through your act as easily as how I pushed you down just now. I hope this isn’t some cheap prank, or you’ll be punished for being a bad girl.”

Anna gasped softly when she felt his hand squeeze her waist and his teeth bite down on her earlobe. After hesitating for a bit, she kissed him again.

Anna Marie didn’t doubt him when he said he loved her, but today when Greer told her that Enrique admitted she, Anna, was his only loved one in this world, she felt a joy beyond anything.

That was why she was more happy than shocked when she learned what Enrique planned to do with Ava Ayala. More so when she heard he planned to give her the White Tiger Amulet if Ava ended up on the wrong side.

In her entire life, Anna Marie was never so happy—so naturally, she didn’t mind planning Ava’s ‘downfall’ if it can be called that.

Breaking the kiss, she whispered in his ear. “Greer told me about your… proposal. I don't know why, maybe she wanted me to turn on your back or just truly wanted to hear my ideas, but whatever the case—I had a plan in mind. We are holding this party for you to hit on her tonight after we tire ourselves out the whole day and at night begin drinking. That’s the golden hour for you to do what you want.”

Enrique pulled up his head backward to get a full view of Anna’s soft smile. For a moment, he looked… touched, shocked, and in-love.

"...." Enrique sighed.

“I can’t believe you are so cute.” he leaned over abruptly to devour her lips, biting them red and chewing on them. “You weird bitch.”

* * *

The day went as Anna had planned. First, the four of them played in the pool, where only Ava refused to get on the water since a man was there.

There, Enrique gave Greer a simple warning. As she had told Anna about the proposal without consulting him. The warning was given under the pool, where her sounds were muffled by the water.

Ava left earlier than everyone else. It was very awkward for her to see two women get touchy with a single man, so she just left first. The three had a bit more fun there, nothing too deep, and left too.

For lunch though, instead of ordering food, the four went out to eat.

Enrique gave Greer her Cat's Amulet back, making a show for it in front of Ava to create a nice-guy image with her. She certainly would have a better opinion of him after seeing him return a valuable item to her close friend.

Greer, now happy to be back to her human form where she still retained some of her powers due to the Amulet, joined the group cheerfully to go out and eat.

The four had lunch in a fancy restaurant, where the girls were more than a bit awkward because they had never been to such places. Thanks to Enrique though, things went rather well, and they had a perfect fill.

To burn time until evening came, the group went shopping. Enrique didn't like being with shopping girls, it was more boring than most other things in this universe, but he forced himself to go this time.

Anna and Greer picked this and that sort of clothes before they changed into them to ask for Enrique's thoughts.

Clearly, as she was a girl too, Ava was forced to try on some clothes too at some point. She didn't want to try revealing clothes since Enrique was there, but Greer insisted she do it regardless. At last, she had no choice but to wear them.

"...How do I look?"

Wearing a creamy white dress, a color that contracted with her olive skin well, Ava stood awkwardly and asked. Her eyes avoided Enrique, and she only looked at the two girls.


"You look gorgeous, Ava!"

Greer and Anna complimented her, while the former moved close to Enrique and said, "Hey, Enrique, what do you think? Doesn't she look so hot?"

"Well," Enrique rubbed the back of his head. "She is beautiful anyhow. The cloth is just too revealing, which seems to be making her uncomfortable. If you don't mind me making a suggestion…" Enrique moved to the side to grab a black cloth. "Why don't you try this? This is fashionable, hugs your curves, but isn't so revealing."

Ava blinked a little, slowly accepting the dress from his hand as she looked up at his eyes. She looked at him somewhat differently than before, nodding with a small smile.

"Alright, let me try this. I will be right back."

Ava tried the new cloth, and she loved it. The two girls did too, as they began to beg Enrique to choose clothes for them next.

Enrique started his business empire with games and stuff, but Nova Corporations didn't focus on one single thing. Fashion was there too, so Enrique knew what he was doing.

The day was fun, Enrique enjoyed it too despite the shopping hours. Lastly, they watched a movie. Instead of watching it on the TV in their home, they bought a ticket for a theater, airing the movie Inception.

They were quickly done, and it was evening, 7 P.M. They had to leave.

“I am not going in a taxi,” Enrique yawned a little as he walked out of the theater. “It’s time to get myself a car.”

So they went to the car dealerships for Rolls-Royce.

The talk with the dealer went smoothly, moreover when he realized who Enrique really was. After a while, Enrique chose to get the Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe car. He did the payment swiftly by himself but transferred the responsibility of the paper works to Slave Frost—who texted him that she wasn’t amused.

“But isn’t 450,000 dollars a bit too much for your first car?” Anna asked in a soft tone as Enrique entered the driver’s seat. “Do you even know how to drive?”

“I am rich, also did you forget I have a driver’s license? That’s where you learned my name from at first.” Enrique reminded her and clicked a button on the car, causing the roof to shrink inside the car. “Now get in, you three.”

Anna hesitated, and Greer took that chance to sit on the seat beside Enrique.

“...This isn’t fair.” Anna sighed and sat on the back seat, followed by a stiff Ava who was more surprised than the other two at the money spent today.

Rather than going to his villa right away, Enrique made a detour around the city. He gave the girls some solid scares with careless driving, which he counted as more fun than the shopping period.

After nearly an hour of speeding around, where he mocked the cops and lied that the brakes weren’t working when he finally did get caught, the driving session was done with Enrique getting the number of a hot female police officer.

Right. It was a fun night indeed.

However… neither Enrique nor the two girls had forgotten the true reason behind today’s shenanigans. So when they were finally back in their villa, the two girls began to execute the plan as if this was all natural.




Master4thWall Note: Enrique’s pull game isn’t weak enough to go after drunken girls. He was only doing this because it was up to Greer to choose Ava’s fate—and it was her who constructed this night.



I feel like sex and alpha cat pheromones aren’t enough to warrant her changing sides. It would make more sense if she only got lulled into being part of their group temporarily and then later something happens that truly decides whether she sticks with him or not.


(Posting again because I think the reply option didn't work?) Greer isn't morally strict like Ava, she enjoys her time with Enrique, and she claims she understands Enrique more than the other two. Unlike Ava, who thinks Enrique is taking advantage of Anna, Greer knows Enrique would have done it with any girl, and Anna just happened to be unlucky. As for the getting lulled part-- a similar thing did happen, when Enrique kept her safe while talking to Emma in the car. He guaranteed a protection even while Emma threatened to hurt Greer by calling the Hand on her. As much as the Damsel in Distress troupe is overused, it is a real thing and can effect a person greatly. Enough for her to take this decision today.