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Chapter 39: Teenager

“Get away from her, you two!”

When Enrique was contemplating what must be done with Emma Frost, this wicked lady who could never be trusted, a new interruption came from inside the school that was right beside him.

A group of teens, wearing nightwear as they were probably sleeping until a while ago, came rushing from the school campus with their guards up and taking amateurish battle stances.

‘They must be the Helions,’ Enrique guessed. ‘The group of super teens who were Emma Frost’s take on making the X-Men.’

"L-leave Principal Emma alone!" One of the Helions, a green-skinned teen girl, yelled at Rogue nervously—her eyes flickering on Enrique's scary form for a bit before she snapped her gaze back to Rogue. "D-do it while we are still being nice!"

‘This must be…’ Enrique tried to recall. ‘Oh fuck this, I don’t know, there are too many characters ugh. She must not be important if I don’t remember her.’

From his side, Rogue stared at the green girl and then all the other members of the Helions for a long few seconds. Soon, she frowned and leaned over to Enrique to whisper, "They're basically kids, younger than me even. Some of them don't even look 15."

"I noticed," Enrique replied, not trying to whisper as he said out loud. "It would be a pity to kill such children with fantastic and bright futures."

There were eight of the Helions in front of Enrique, three guys and five girls, and they all flinched hearing what he just said and so nonchalantly too.

They already looked nervous before, but now they looked to be panicking. In that state, some of them flared their power instinctively—such as the girl in the middle, with olive skin, whose forearms turned slightly red, and then into lava.

She must be Magma, Enrique barely recognized.

Though most of these kids were unknown to Enrique, thanks to both his lack of comic book knowledge and also because real people looked much more different compared to the many comic books that were released. Especially since they weren't wearing any distinctive costumes—Enrique recognized a guy in the group really well.

Douglas Ramsey, the young boy with blonde hair and handsome features, had a power that Enrique very much craved in the earlier part of his life.

The ability to know all languages, including but not limited to computer language, coding stuff and all that. At the same time to be able to manipulate his own body language to appear calm, collected, and even handsome—that was the power this boy had.

However, this boy shouldn't have any real attack power, as should a few more of the eight kids in front of him, so why the hell did he come here? To die?

Amongst the eight teens, some indeed were strong; such as Magma and… wait was that Magik? In any case, some would indeed become strong in the future, but they were still kids at the moment. They were just annoying flies in the eyes of Enrique; coupled with the unstable emotions that came with his transformation, Enrique wanted to punch them right here for interrupting this scenario.

"Though I have to admit, Emma, you indeed collected a good batch of kids. They have crazy potential to grow." Enrique said as he observed the kids, making Emma grind her teeth together as she realized he somehow knew about them.

Amongst them, Empath—a guy with self-explanatory powers—and another red-skinned boy who seemed a bit older than the others also stood out, they must be strong too.

"Kids, leave." Emma said suddenly, her face squinched frustratingly. "They're not attacking me, see? I got this handled, go and sleep like you were."

Enrique looked at her from the corner of his eyes, uncaring to hide his smirk. Emma Frost was silent until now, surely counting all the possibilities of this group of teens actually standing a chance against him— but now, she had reached the conclusion of her foolish hope and realized they would just die if a clash were to indeed happen. This guy alone messed the X-Men up badly, and even had a casual conversation with the Phoenix Force itself, and to make matters worse, now he even had an ally in the form of Rogue.

"...Rogue. That reminds me, you are not on the right side, little girl." Emma whispered softly to Rogue who frowned but said nothing.

Enrique noticed this of course, and it didn’t please him. He stood in front of Emma and put a hand under her chin, making her head snap up to look at his eyes, in the process his claw scratched the surface of her diamond form just a little, as he made her look at his clenched jaws.

“White Queen,” Enrique said slowly. "Watch that damn mouth; stop saying useless things. It is I who decides if her side is right or not, do not meddle in."

Emma stared at him silently, not letting out a reaction. She was hard to scare in her diamond form, it was a side effect that she didn't feel much emotion in this form.

A moment later, she gave a short nod along with a sigh. "Fine."

"Good. Now, in any case," Enrique turned around to look at the kids again, while putting an arm around Emma's waist, squeezing it gently. He already decided what to do with Emma Frost, he needed to talk with her first. "Your Principal is smarter than you can imagine, she has it handled, we are good friends as long as she doesn’t mess up first. So you kids should go to sleep instead of messing with things between adults."

Though the Helions kids looked uncomfortable at the sight of Enrique’s arm around Emma’s waist, Emma maintained a straight face and just nodded at them. "He is right, kids. I have it handled. You should go bac—"

"You can trust us, Principal Frost!" Douglas Ramsey yelled of a sudden, his form suddenly looking so trusting and reliable that affected even Enrique, looking like a hero all of a sudden. "Please, listen to us. We got thi–"

Just like Enrique, even Emma was affected by the effect of this power. After all, it wasn't Mind Manipulation, but rather an effect like Mirage. Noticing the change in Emma’s expression, Enrique growled and interrupted the kid’s speech.

"Shut up." He said, and then nudged Emma by her shoulder. "Emma Frost, I don't have time to waste here. I don't wish to kill these kids, I want to keep my image as a superhero nice and intact, so tell them nice and quick to get the fuck off here."

These kids were strong, though they lacked experience in using their power. Especially Magik, Magma, and probably that red-skinned guy—it would be an annoying fight to win for Enrique. Besides that, there was another point to consider in all this.

Even though Enrique fought the X-Men, nobody unwanted should have seen the fight as this was a secluded place, so his image wasn't ruined yet. Unless, well, Emma reported this to the authorities. However, if Enrique killed these kids then Emma would surely report the incident, as they were a project she spent quite the time and effort on to make her own version of the X-Men, and even if Enrique stopped her somehow the other students in this school would take photos and post it on social media before he could perhaps kill them all too. All the problems that'd come after that, with his image ruined, were not worth it just to smack some kids dead.

Enrique glared at the kids. "If they waste another of my minute here, I might not kill them but I will hurt them. Badly. Very badly. I will break their limbs, cut their ears and fingers off, and fuck them up. Tell them to fuck off and go sleep in their little rooms. What, did you forget to teach them to not meddle in what is between adults?"




The Helions took a step back and gulped, while Emma Frost looked more angry than scared; enraged at her students.

"Did you not hear him? Do you guys wish to insult me by making me beg him to let you guys off? Leave at once." Emma said harshly, watching her students hesitate before they saw her glare and left with sour faces.

"Fuuh..." As Enrique’s threatening expressions loosened, Emma sighed and turned to look at him again. “You are a big bully, you know?”

“Apologies, though I don’t quite like teenagers, I don’t quite usually react so strongly either. It seems I lost track of my emotions due to this beast form.” Enrique looked at her unapologetically. “Now, where should we talk?”

They obviously were not going to talk inside Emma’s office, and taking her to his own home wouldn’t work either since there were two more girls who would be vulnerable to Emma’s mental attacks if she decided to fight—so he would need to take her somewhere else.

A minute of discussion later, Enrique thought of a place—somewhere that could be easily accessed with Rogue’s current set of powers—that being his hometown in France, where he was born in his original world, a place where he shouldn’t exist in this parallel world.

That was a perfect place for a talk such as this.


