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Chapter 37: Fire-with-Fire (2)

Under a large golden umbrella, where a table was kept with two stools placed around it, the Mother Goddess of Egypt, Sky Goddess Mut was sitting in one of the stools with a small glass of white wine in her hand.

Being the royal drink of ancient Egypt, this was Goddess Mut’s favorite drink. However, her mood wasn’t so pleased even as she took a gentle sip of the wine, her eyes entirely locked on the dark blobby thing, with elongated fingers and a grotesque face, sitting across her.

“Why don’t you show your real form while talking to your grandmother?” Mut asked while wearing a frown, making the creature chuckle deeply.

“Great-great-great grandmother,” the creature corrected her with a snort. “But sure, I suppose I got to respect you as the pantheon’s elder and a former Mother Goddess.”

Mut held back a grunt when hearing that, it didn’t feel so good being poked like that. But it was true. Isis was the current Mother Goddess of Egypt, who was Mut’s Great Granddaughter. Currently, it’s true that Mut was but an elder god in this pantheon, rather than the Divine Mother Goddess she once was.

Slowly, Mut watched ‘the Beast’ change its form into that of a lean, well-built woman of darker skin, with her chest barely covered. Her facial features were stunning, with a smile dazzling and sweet, the woman had a snake-like glint in her eyes as she stared back at Goddess Mut.

“Now, if you would speak,” the Beast, the Snake Goddess Kebechet—child of Anubis—spoke. “I paused my session of eating three children just for this meaningless meeting, you know?”

“You ought to be a bit more respectful to me, you know?” Mut sighed with a shake of her head, as a small smile appeared on her lips that were soon touched by the glass of wine. “Who would believe the same disgusting Beast is in actuality so beautiful? My mood is good again.”

“I would have been more respectful if you still were the Mother Goddess, grans.” Keb smirked as Mut shrugged. “And thanks, but you know why I use that disguise.”


“Maybe try to regain your position someday, overthrow granny Isis and then I will deliver the respect you deserve.”

“Well, that is the plan,” Mut put the glass of wine down. “Isis is… too soft, too fearful, and too weak-minded for the current state of the Pantheon. So, that’s the plan; to take down Isis and make myself the Queen again.”

“Oh?” Goddess Keb blinked and raised an eyebrow. “That’s new. Is that why you called me here? To sway me in your team? Sorry, but, you know I don’t like to tangle myself with the meaningless politics of the Pantheon—”

“I know, I know,” Mut sighed. “If I didn’t know, I would have contacted you a few decades earlier. What I called you here for today, girl, is for something else entirely. I just told you about my plan because I know you have better things to do than to snitch, besides I am your favorite granny anyway.”

“Heh, of course. Who else got me out of so many troubles other than you, when I was still young? Without you, I would have been a statue by now.” Kebechet shook her head. “Haah, what a foolish rule we are forced to follow, the reason why I am acting like a monster to begin with.”

“I know, I know…” Mut sighed as she once again recalled the oppression they were under.

After a moment of shaking her head, Mut went to the point. “Precisely because of that, I reached out to this Enrique child. He is what I plan to use to liberate the Pantheon. It’s not that you didn’t know that he is my Avatar, correct? So it’s kind of annoying that you sent your men after him even after knowing who he was. Why did you do that, girl? When I found out that it’s actually you who is behind the Hand, it made me quite angry you know?”

“Haah~?” Keb trailed off as she stood up and walked over to Mut, to hug her from the side and rub her cheeks with her; the bottom of her cheeks, her jawline, were covered by snake-like scales. “Perhaps I just wanted you to call me home for once? Maybe I just wanted to meet my grandmother?”

“Not great-great-great grandmother?”

“Oh, fuck off, you just ruined the mood.” Keb softly chuckled before she returned to her seat.

“You shouldn’t curse in front of your elders, girl.”

“…Anyway, I just wanted to see your reaction, nothing more, that’s why I went after the shiny boy. Though to be honest, it did stun me a little when I realized that this guy was your Avatar. I thought you’d never get one, to be honest.”

“I wouldn’t have, but the Pantheon’s current state… I am sure even you are aware of things even though you are in Japan.” Mut sighed. “In any case, my point is that you stop your people from messing with my Avatar and his girls, I will forgive you if you do so without causing any more problems.”

Kebechet chuckled. “Oh well, you speak as if I have a choice? If I don’t listen to you and keep sending people after him, who would ever manage to beat him and come out on top? It’s a waste of time and effort to spend numbers on him, so I would have stopped a while later on my own, after I at least bothered him out of his sleep for a few weeks; he did kill so many of my minions, after all. But sure, since you asked so nicely I will stop right here.”

“Thank you,” Mut gave her a short smile. “Don’t forget to vote for me as the next Queen, by the way, when such a voting session happens in the Pantheon in a few years. Alright?”

“Sure thing, old timer.” Keb yawned as she petted her open mouth.

* * *

After a bit of casual chat as the duo caught up with what each other was up to these days, Keb looked at Mut and stared silently as if she sensed something.

“By the way, I see a tinge in your powers… as if your Avatar is still fighting? But at the same time, something else…? What’s happening?” she asked a while later, unable to suppress her curiosity.

“Well…” Mut sighed. “Things are a bit complicated, Enrique boy is indeed fighting, but one of his opponents is a child I once blessed.”

With a snap of her finger, a hologram screen appeared in the air that showed a 3D-POV of Enrique having started his fight with the X-Men.

“I am surely taking Enrique’s side here, but…” Mut looked at the screen, where Enrique wasn’t showing mercy to Storm. “I feel bad for her too.”

“Whoow~ Brutal.” Kebechet cheered from the side. “Hey, I like this guy. He didn’t hesitate to ask you before he beat up the kid you blessed. That’s some balls he got. Unfortunately, he will lose sooner or later.”

“You think so?”

“I mean… they got the Phoenix on their team.” Keb shrugged her shoulders as her eyes locked on the figure of Jean Grey. “I don’t know much, but from what my minions gathered before, she is pretty damn powerful. If she decides the danger is great enough, she can just tear him apart like a ragdoll—I am not sure though, his Suit might just protect him—or at least severely wound him.”

As the scene got bloodier, the fight progressed further, and Mut got worried. She could sense that Jean wasn’t taking an active part in the battle yet and she feared what would happen if that were to become untrue. Mut chewed on her lips with a worried look on her face as Keb spoke.

“I think he messed up this time, grans.”

“He usually has plans in his pockets though…”

“Eh, I don’t know, I am just saying what I am seeing.” Kebechet didn’t know what else to say. “Perhaps, he indeed does have a plan? We will have to see.”

As Jean Grey prepared to meddle, Mut dearly hoped he did have one such plan—otherwise, all her plans would be down the gutter.




Master4thWall Note: Thoughts on Kebechet before and after make-up?

By the way 😔 Black Hancock is real, canon in the manga, don't call me out.


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