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Chapter 36: Fire-with-Fire (1)

Emma Frost was a proud woman, but rarely did she let pride make her take foolish decisions; so when she called the Hand on Enrique, that surely was within the spectrum of her plan for him.

In all likelihood, she was sure that Enrique Nova wasn’t weak enough to lose to some above-baseline humans, highly trained or not. Moreover, when they refuse to use modern weaponries and stick with blades. Emma doubted if those blades would be able to penetrate his thick costume, at all.

Going by that, Enrique should be able to defeat the Ninjas, though it may be somewhat hard for him. The thing he would do next, Emma expected, would be to do what he promised; to come to her and spend the rest of his night as her ‘nightmare’ as he claimed. Because no way would a man like him not realize it wasn’t a coincidence that the Hand attacked him right on the day that she threatened him on.

So, why did she still do such a stupid thing as to sell his location to the Hand?

…Well, to claim it was entirely her plan and no spiteful emotion was behind this would be somewhat wrong, but for the most part, things were as she planned.

Emma Frost called the Hand on Enrique to prove that she could indeed pose danger to him and that he should stop taking her lightly just because she came to him for help. As for the problem with the Hand, she would say as an apology, she would get rid of them from his tail so that they’d never bother him again.

At the end of it all, the Hand was an organization, and therefore it could be oppressed using either threats or bribes. Emma held the power to do both, so the choice would be entirely theirs.

Except, Emma admitted, there was a slight problem with this plan of hers.

Enrique might just come here, at Massachusetts Academy, and go berserk without having a civil chat with her. The chances were low for that to happen, to be fair, but not impossible in case any of the three girls in his villa died or got injured in this attack.

However, as a mind reader who had read the minds of both successful and failed people, Emma Frost wasn’t new to the idea that nothing good came without taking big risks. So, it was worth it.

Then again, it’s not as if she didn’t have a backup plan for that as well.

“Still wondering why you called me here, Emma. From what I recall, I and the X-Men as a whole don’t share a close enough relationship with you for you to invite us for tea.” Said Charles Xavier, as he sat across her with a cup of tea in his hand.

* * *

Emma Frost sipped green tea from a gorgeous cup, with her eyes closed as she sat on a sofa with one leg above the other.

Slowly, she opened her eyes and put the cup down, a smile appearing on her face when she looked at the person sitting across from her; the person who narrowed his eyes when he saw her smile, and then spoke.

“Still wondering why you called me here, Emma. From what I recall, I and the X-Men as a whole don’t share a close enough relationship with you for you to invite us for tea.”

He who just spoke, wearing an expression full of suspicion, was none other than Charles Xavier; the man who has admittedly done the most for mutant kind to this day.

“Moreover,” Charles continued. “To demand that part of the X-Men come with me—I would have assumed this was a silly prank if the call wasn’t from you, Emma. Yet, at this point, we have been sitting still for hours, but you have explained nothing.”

Though he said that, he seemed to have listened to her request in any case. Because as Charles was speaking from his wheelchair, sitting opposite Emma, he wasn’t alone. Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Logan, and Ororo Munroe were standing behind him.

They all wore confused, mostly cold expressions just like Charles. This situation wasn’t anything they were expecting, as such was to be expected from their past relationship with Emma.

Emma clashed with the X-Men countless times in the past, but in recent years their relationship has been neutral; not friendly, but neutral.

Considering all that, it was natural for the X-Men to be confused when she called them for an ‘emergency’. The confusion only grew when they indeed came to her—courtesy to Charles wanting to hear the full story—and currently found Emma sitting across from them with a friendly smile on her face, dodging from explaining the main subject for quite some time now.

Emma was proud of this plan, to be honest, as this was pretty much the real-life representation of ‘Kill Fire With Fire’—the saying. To use her old enemies to confront this new one; luckily the X-Men were people who would rather not kill too, exactly what was preferred by Emma this time as she wanted Enrique alive.

“Somebody advised,” Emma spoke for the first time, looking at Charles. “That I should turn off my mind reading while conversing with people; that I cannot predict their movement without doing this thing he spoke of. I called you here to prove that somebody wrong.”

Charles frowned, looking further confused. “Pardon, I am lost here. Who is this somebo—”

The sky suddenly roared, lightning blooming into a tree branch, as Emma smiled softly.

“That somebody is right here,” Emma said. “X-Men, can I rely on you to help me live through the night?”

Immediately, a voice roared from the outside, countering the lethality of the thunder.

* * *

Logical Planning, and to make the right—perfect choice in every given scenario. Such a mindset was ideal for success, and Enrique Nova was an advocate believer of this mindset.

But at the same time, Enrique Nova was the man who reached the peak in his last time, so he had the pride to go with that. For him, it would be weird to ignore the fact that Emma Frost took his threat lightly; that she thought she had everything under control.

‘Foolish bitch.’

Gender equality wasn’t a thing yet in 2011, so it was rare for women to be so high in this society—so the few women who indeed reached this peak often thought they were hotter stuff than anyone else.

In truth, it was natural; to be so great as to surpass anyone else in the same field was worthy to be proud of, but that didn’t mean that such behavior wasn’t infuriating from an outer perspective. Enrique had met such people before, and Emma gave him the same vibe.


The sky roared behind Enrique; as he came to a halt in his flight above the school of Massachusetts Academy. Enrique took a sharp breath in and then roared with his beast-like voice.

“Emma Frost!” the air boomed in front of him. “Reveal yourself before I burn this play to the ground!”

Enrique crossed his arms and then waited, unwilling to call another time, and ready to actually throw lightning below if it turned out Emma wasn’t here.

Thankfully that wasn’t the case, as, in a swift burst of red smoke, Emma Frost teleported to the grassy terrain below—with the help of Azazel.

However, they weren’t alone—a group of four accompanied them.

The X-Men.

Professor X, Wolverine, the Phoenix, Cyclops, and Storm; Storm, who looked at Enrique for a moment before her eyes went white and she raised her hands to the sky, clearing the dark roaring clouds in seconds.

“Super-Nova,” Charles Xavier called. “I demand you leave this place right this moment; if you have anything you want to speak about, come back when you aren’t in your Beast Form.”

At first, Enrique looked a bit surprised at their appearance—having not expected Emma to ask for the X-Men’s help. But when he heard Charles say this to his face, he couldn’t help a wide grin form on his lips.

“I disrespectfully refuse,” he said. “Rather, I demand you get out of here, unless you want your arms to go useless like your legs.”

Enrique Nova wasn’t the type to back off from a situation where he was seriously insulted, where he was attempted at murder, just because some bald idiot told him to fuck off.





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