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Chapter 33: Emma Frost (3)

The White King.

Within the Hellfire Club, a group of people with the highest authority are referred to as the Inner Circle. These people are given a title based on chess pieces, which prove their position within the Circle.

Pawn, Knight, Bishop, Rook, Queen, and King. These pieces all have a ‘White’ and ‘Black’ version of themselves, as what happens in a game of chess. Here, obviously, the Black King and White King are the ones who hold the most power, both super and political, within the club.

Enrique knew that much, but beyond that was knowledge unknown to him— as he wasn’t sure what timeline this world’s Mutants followed. But whatever the case, accepting such an offer would undoubtedly make him grow faster, quicker.


“I decline.”

Enrique was smarter than that.

* * *

Emma didn’t trust this Enrique Nova at all.

To begin with, she didn’t trust people because she knew about their thought processes, but in this particular case, she didn’t trust him for exactly the opposite reason– that she didn’t know about his thought process.

Yet, she offered him the position of the White King, the one person who would have power over her own body and soul.

Because amongst the people in this current era who had money, power, and fame— besides perhaps Tony Stark, only this Enrique Nova might be able to defeat Shaw, the current White King.

Sebastian Shaw, the monster in human skin, has been using her as a life stock for years. If Enrique managed to overthrow him as the White King, then Emma would finally be free.

Freedom. That's why she was offering this unknown and suspicious Superhero such a world ending offer.

Though true that Enrique didn’t possess a great quantity of the three qualities that she spoke of— Money, Power and Fame— but the more important part was that he lacked a real past. Therefore, Emma could easily fabricate a noble background for him, enough for him to be accepted by the other Inner Circle people.

The plan right now was as follows; Emma would fabricate a fabulous background for Enrique, and he would later defeat Shaw in the battle of thrones. Then, he will be the King, and she will be the free Queen.

It was a smooth plan.

Yet, he just had to say this.

“I decline.”

Emma’s lips twitched barely noticeably when he declined her out loud with a flat face.

* * *

The lamo kept moving forward in silence for a few more seconds before Emma sighed gently and asked politely.

“And why is that so?” she said. “Perhaps I was wrong to assume you know what the Hellfire Club actually is?”


Emma continued speaking, uncaring of Enrique’s denial of her claim.

“The Club is a superpower in this world. Have you heard of the conspiracy theory about the group called ‘Illuminatis’ before?" Emma said. "We are the thing closest to that. We rule the world from behind the shadows.”

“Money, power, and fame – you can have everything. You already have some from within three of these, but you can’t imagine the sum you’ll receive as the White King. It's the highest role in the club, even beyond my own as the White Queen."

Emma grabbed the tablet that was kept on top of a side table; she swiped the screen a few times and then presented the display to Enrique.

On it, the names of hundreds of female celebrities were shown.

“See this? Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, and Taylor Swift. Four biggest musicians of the current era.” Emma said. “They’re all a part of us, one way or another. But they’re not the only ones, of course. With a click on this screen, they’ll appear in your bedroom tonight. That’s the power I, a rank below the King, hold as the White Queen. Ah, or perhaps you are more into Hollywood actresses?”

Emma quickly said, biting her lip for a moment.

You her, it was more than just a bit annoying that she couldn’t read his mind and therefore couldn’t predict his preferences. She was too used to doing that since she was but a child, so this person in front of her annoyed her. It didn’t help that his poker face was just that good.

“I am aware of these benefits you speak of,”

Enrique said after a while, moving his fingers mockingly when he said the word ‘benefits’.

“However, it’s not worth it. Isn’t there a White King there already?”


“Sebastian Shaw, I think. He is a crazy guy with a crazy power on his hands.”

“Shaw is a dumbass,” Emma declared. “With the support of a strong individual, such as yourself, I can take down Shaw any day. That’s the plan, first, you become my personal escort/bodyguard and later when we plan a take down for Shaw, you become the White King”

“You must be kidding. Shaw is dangerous." Antique corrected. "I wouldn’t want to fight him for the position that he loves so dearly, in exchange for some pussy and money. Don't get me wrong, you are a top notch product, but not worth my life."


Emma didn't quite like being called a 'product'.

“Besides, suppose Shaw is gone and I do indeed become the White King—in such a scenario, I can’t digest the possibility where Emma Frost would willingly be under someone who she can’t read the mind of. The proof of it is that you want to erase Shaw even though you can read his mind.”

Emma frowned.

Obviously, he was right when he said that she wouldn't work under him him—it’d be foolish for her to trust a person of whom she couldn't read the mind of, it went against her entire character.

'…I underestimated this man,' Emma admitted.

Not being able to read his mind didn’t leave her much to work with, so it couldn’t be helped–but no, she couldn't let him go. She needed him, she was unwilling to keep her head down for Shaw.

Currently, only Tony Stark had both the power and influence to match Shaw–but she had conversed with Tony before and therefore knew he wouldn't help her. Tony did ‘say’ he would help, in exchange for a few bed services, however, Emma knew better since even his genius mind was like an open book to her powers.

So for now, only this shrewd Enrique Nova could help her cause.

‘I should have gone with threats from the moment he rejected the offer in the first place.’

Emma took in a deep breath and leaned back in her chair a bit more, throwing one of her legs over the other.

“You are right, Emma Frost would never work under such a person, let alone willingly. By herself.” she said. “Rather, you’ll be a figurehead while I will be the real leader. You understand?”

Enrique chuckled, as if it was what he had expected, while Emma continued.

“Greer Nelson, isn’t that the name of your lover here?” she pointed a finger at Greer who flinched. “Ava Ayala. Six months ago these two girls were seen fighting the Hand. Yes, I do know that group of fools. I can just contact the Hand about these two and they’ll come hunting for your pleasant villa. Would you like for that to happen?”

Enrique stopped chuckling.

“You know where my villa is?”

“Not hard to find.”

“What a coincidence, that's just like your Mutant School. Massachusetts Academy, is it?”


Enrique smirked as Emma closed her lips tight.

Emma Frost wasn't pure evil, she knew so herself. She had hobbies and weaknesses, one such was her school of mutants that she made after being inspired by Charles. Though she was mostly a selfish person, she wanted her Mutant Kind to rise above the others just like any other Mutant.

Seeing her expression unreadable, as she had trained for her entire life, Enrique didn't seem to shake at all and continued speaking.

"I hold the power to challenge Shaw, or you think I do. Say, what if I hurl such powers against those innocent little Mutant children in your school?”

“You are a hero, you wouldn't-”

“A hero? Not anymore, if Ava and Greer are hurt.”

When Enrique interrupted her coldly, Emma glared at him.

“...I see, so this is how it is." Emma said. "Then I wonder what the general public would think when they find out that their nice and shiny Superhero makes fake documents? Countless men try so hard for these papers, but their dear hero just paid some money for it. How do you think the Public would like the news?”

“Exactly how they'd like to learn that the beautiful CEO of Frost International, is a disgusting mutant.” Enrique smiled.


“As a mind reader, you must be more aware than me what the level of the bad reputation the Mutants actually have. How do you think your partners and customers will react if they learn that they have always been mind manipulated into dealing with you?”

“I did not–”

“After such a revelation, would they really believe the accusation you’ll throw at me, that I am making fake papers? The more probable possibility in my opinion is, they'll think you are simply trying to trash my name to get revenge for your fellow mutant Magneto who I defeated.”


“I think, Emma,” Enrique leaned forward a little as he sighed. “You are too used to reading the minds of the people you are talking to. Stop doing that for a while, and come talk to me after that. Perhaps you’ll have a better chance at talking me into this game of yours. Stop the car.”

The car that was swiftly moving stopped as Enrique kept staring into Emma’s blue eyes that had by then gone red and bloodshot.

“...This wouldn’t end well, Mr Nova.” Emma said as Enrique grabbed the hand of Greer and walked out of the car. “This is a fair warning, if you leave just like this then tonight you wouldn’t be able to sleep in peace.”

“Take a fair warning from me as well,” Enrique stood straight with one of his arms around Greer’s waist, just as his hero suit sprung to life from the casual check shirt he was wearing. “If I am not able to sleep peacefully tonight, I will rather spend the night as Ms Frost's nightmare.”



Enrique lightly tapped the ground with his feet and sprung up in the air with Greer on his hold.

* * *

As Super-Nova vanished in the horizon, Emma’s right hand transformed into her diamond form that she slammed on the glass window, making cracks appear in it.

“...Contact the Hand,” Emma said to Azazel. “Tell them their prey was found.”

Nobody threatened Emma Frost and left just like that.




Master4thWall Note: It's my birthday in 2 hours 🥳



You got Emma being smol brain to justify bed wrestling later 😂


Nah, it's just as Enrique said, she's not used to not reading mind. She's obviously not dumb just because of that, as she has the experience to back her lack of powers against Enrique, but Enrique also has his own experience to clash against that.


Antique? Part 3