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Chapter 32: Emma Frost (2)

Enrique had a great time last night with Greer.

After waking up in the morning, he realised that Greer had transformed into her beast form at some point in the night. The clothes she came wearing wouldn’t be able to cover her appearance. So he went to grab a long brown coat at the earliest morning, even before Greer had woken up.

After eating breakfast that was delivered to their room, the two soon left for the villa.

Tigra was wearing a long coat, coupled with a round hat and large shade. She looked quite the suspicious woman as she tugged her arm around Enrique’s elbow.

“This is kinda bull,” Tigra complained with a whisper. “Haah, how I wish I still had the Cat’s Amulet…”

[The Cat’s Amulet] was a magical necklace used by the “Cat People” to transform into their human forms. Greer Nelson had received her powers from the said Cat People, becoming a figure from their legend, so she could as well use the Amulet to transform back and forth from her beast form.

However, that Amulet was lost–most likely stolen–by the Hand six months ago in their little skirmish.

Enrique chuckled lightly and reached out his hand to squeeze her waist, she moaned a little and he was about to speak right away— but then he stopped.

Enrique’s eyes flickered to the limo standing not far from them.

‘SHIELD?’ Enrique asked himself. ‘...No, it doesn't seem like it. A smiling man or woman would usually stand outside their car to greet the person they want to meet.’

Enrique realised he had no idea who this might be, though he was more than certain this car was waiting for him in particular. His heightened senses could feel the gazes directed towards him and Greer from within the car.

“...Greer, be on alert.”

Enrique warned with another squeeze on her waist while pretending to be smiling.

“I doubt it, but we might need to fight.”

Greer blinked before humming, also pretending she didn’t notice the suspicious air around here.

A moment later, when they were close enough to the car, the window of the back seat rolled downwards. A bright blonde woman, wearing red sunglasses, peeked out with her blue lips curling upwards to form a smile.

“Mr Enrique Nova?” the gorgeous woman said.

Enrique didn’t even take a second to recognise her. How could he not? Her white dress was iconic, and she was also an influential businesswoman in this world.

“This is Emma Frost of the Frost International.” The White Queen said. “May I have a bit of your time?”

Enrique Nova had a flat face as he held back a frown.

* * *

Emma watched the strange and suspicious man’s expression stay blank for a moment before he went ‘ah!’ – which slightly surprised her.

Perhaps, he did not recognise her earlier?

‘...I had higher hopes, truth be told.’

If he really didn’t recognise her, he might be too naive for the business world.

“It’s sudden meeting such an influential figure outside such a cheap hotel.” Enrique quickly said with a smile. “I don’t think you were here for me?”

Emma chuckled a little at his reaction, at his hopeful question.

She couldn’t read his mind, not even the stray thoughts, but she didn’t need to know that he was excited. He may haven’t recognised her right away, but he knew who she was—so he must be excited and nervous. He must be feeling special right now.

Emma was used to dealing with such people, so she felt a weight of nervousness lift off her shoulders. At first she was worried he would be hard to deal with since she couldn’t read his mind. He was the first person with such absolute immunity that lasted presumably permanently, so she was somewhat nervous at first.

“I actually am here for you, Mr Nova.” Emma said. “I hope I am not disturbing your time with your girlfriend here?”

“Ah?” Enrique nodded. “You actually are, yes.”


* * *

“Thank you for understanding, Miss Frost. Perhaps next time you’d like to make an appointment first?” Enrique suggested kindly.

Looking at her smile vanish, he held back a smirk. Emma Frost could go fuck herself, for all he cared. She thought she was hot stuff? How dare she come out of nowhere and expect he would have time to talk to her? Emma Frost or whatever, if anyone tried this skit in his old world he could have ruined them bad.

Enrique knew this level of ego was somewhat idiotic in a world where Gods roamed the street, but fuck Emma Frost.


“In any case, I would like to get going. My shy ‘girlfriend’ here would have a harder time keeping calm if the sun rises any higher in the sky. Sun sickness, you see.” Enrique smiled. “Now, if you will excuse us.”

As Emma Frost kept staring at him blankly, Enrique turned around to walk off.

However, Greer didn’t move an inch even as he pulled at her.


A frown formed on Enrique’s sharp eyebrows.

He turned around to look behind the shades Greer was wearing, finding cloudy eyes behind them.

Enrique turned back to glare at Emma Frost.

“I don’t appreciate mind-jacking the body of my friend here.” he put a hand on the top of the car. “I hope you realise what you are doing, White Queen.

A murderous grip pressed on the top of the car as it bent inwards under Enrique’s hand. Emma Frost’s eyes widened when he referred to her by her Hellfire title.

A second later, Greer’s body flinched back into life.

“Ah? W-what happened?”

“It’s nothing.”

Enrique patted her shoulder.

Slowly, the door opened on the other side of the car, making Enrique glance over it.

Emma wanted him to enter the car from that side.

However, Enrique just crossed his arms and moved back his eyes to stare at her.

Emma Frost stared back.

A long minute of silence later— as Greer and Azazel exchanged awkward glances— Emma grunted audibly.

“This is childish.”

She said with a sigh. Slowly, she moved her ass to the other side of the car, and closed the door after sitting there.

“...Come in.”

Smirking in his admittedly childish sense of victory, Enrique pulled the door open and then walked in with Greer awkwardly following behind him.

* * *

Inside the car, her subordinate– Mutant Azazel –was sitting beside her, while Enrique Nova sat with his girlfriend in front of them.

Though Emma supposed calling this girl his ‘girlfriend’ wouldn’t be the right thing to do– this Enrique Nova person seemed to be as perverted as Sebastian Shaw himself. But, Emma hadn’t read the woman’s memories enough to know what else to call her so she will stick to it until she finished reading her memories while travelling through the car.

Soon the car started to move, and just then Emma noticed Enrique’s ears twitch– as if he was listening to something. Soon he nodded and clasped his hands in front of his chest.

“Follow what I do, Greer.” said Enrique, and though the woman looked confused she did exactly as told. “Good. Now repeat after me: O’ My Great Goddess Mut, I pray to thee for thou shall protect my mind from evil witches.”

Emma frowned but not because she felt insulted, but because… suddenly, Greer’s mind became less ‘visible’. It’s like a bonfire turning into a barely lit candle flame.

Emma could feel that this ‘defence’ could be broken, but it wouldn’t be easy and immediate– she would need a while to break it. Therefore, she wouldn’t be able to freely read this woman’s mind while conversing with Enrique, unlike what she had planned.


‘He played me like a fool.’ Emma held herself back from biting her lips. ‘He acted so naively when we first met… This rude person.’

Meanwhile, Greer blinked twice with a tilt of her head.

“Huh? I suddenly feel better and lighter?”

“You do? Perhaps you should think about converting.” Enrique patted her back. “In any case, don’t mind taking off that hat and shade if you are feeling uncomfortable.”

“Huh? But–”

“This woman already knows who you are, I am pretty sure.”

After pausing, Greer nodded and slowly took off her hat and shade. Underneath, Emma found a beautiful woman’s face with her skin in the form of a tigress.

Silence fell in the car again, and this time Emma decided to break it first.

“Apologies for what I did earlier, I hope you don’t mind.” Emma said, “I am here to specifically talk to Mr Nova about the ‘Hellfire Club’. I doubt I need to explain what that is? Since you already seemed to know my title within the club.”

“A secret group consisting of the richest people of the world, mostly Europeans and Americans, who like to do the things that are publicly considered inappropriate?” Enrique asked. “Beyond the corrupt businessmen, it’s filled with Mutants, Magicians, and other Super people? Controlled by the ‘Inner Circle’ which consists of people who are given titles of chess pieces, where you are the White Queen, the 2nd in power of the entire group.”

“...You know more than I thought you would.”

“All thanks go to my Goddess.”

Enrique smiled.

* * *

Mut, however, was also suspicious of him at this point.

[“You said your old world was similar to this one right? That’s how you know many of the things. But just how influential were you for you to know this much about so many things and people?”]

Enrique didn’t reply to her, of course, as he couldn’t speak to her at this moment.

Rather, he looked at Emma Frost with all seriousness.

“In this case, are you here representing the Frost International, or the Hellfire Club?”

“What if I say it’s both?” Emma smirked. “I find you really fascinating. Perhaps Frost International wants to invest in your growing company? While the ‘White Queen’ wants you to do something with the Club?”

“I fear you’ll have to elaborate more on your second point.”

Enrique said seriously, making Emma smile.

“Basically, I just seemed to notice how you have quite the white theme going around you.” Emma said. “White Superhero Suit, a White-Tiger Beast Transformation, and at last grey White Eyes…”

Enrique waited for her to reach the point as Emma leaned forward, coming closer to his face.

“I was wondering, what do you think of the title of ‘White King’?”






On one hand it would be interesting, on the other I have seen way too many stories where people end up villains in these fanfics and it gets boring. I personally would find it more interesting if he was a antihero/Deadpool/Wolverine level of ambiguous but still on the “good guys”. Make his own group that would do shit. That’s my opinion anyway.

hawkshe .

Why make a group when he could take one over and turn it into what he wants it to be? Afterall, he's going to be just anyone in this club, but a "king" according to Emma frost. I would assume this would put him in a leadership position in the group, allowing him to shape it to what he wants it to be from the inside.