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Chapter 31: Emma Frost (1)

It was nearly midnight, but Enrique and Greer hadn't returned to the villa.

Ava Ayala was aware of what it meant for two vigorous adults of opposite gender to spend a night out together. A part of her had expected this outcome the moment Greer said she wanted to go out with Enrique, but Ava had hoped and prayed for Greer to resist his approach.

However, that prayer clearly didn't reach the right place.

From the moment Ava realised those two wouldn't be returning tonight, she couldn't find the courage to look into Anna's eyes.

Thankfully, both of them were watching a K-drama on the TV at this moment, so they had their eyes on the big screen. However, Ava unfortunately couldn't focus on the show at all. It wasn't that the show was bad, but she just couldn't focus on it while a sad creature like Anna was sitting beside her. Worse of all, Anna was enjoying the show, clearly yet to realise her lover was out sleeping with another woman.

When the ongoing episode ended and an ad greeted the screen, Ava's mouth moved on its own.

"I am sorry."


Anna blinked when she suddenly spoke, turning to the side to meet Ava's guilty gaze.

"What do you mean?"

"I am sorry… for Greer. I swear she was never this sort of woman."

Ava said, knowing Greer was indeed a bit playful but she never went after taken men.

"I think it's her power… that doesn't allow her to resist when Enrique forces himself onto her."

When Ava said that, Anna blinked again. Then a deep frown formed on her face.

"What are you talking about, Ava?"

Anna asked in shock.

"Enrique? Forcing himself onto a girl? Did you drink tonight?"

Ava's expression only showed more pity at that reaction. '

What a poor girl. She never thought of this possibility, did she…?'

Ava took in a deep breath and decided to explain her theory. She soon spoke, explaining her theory even as Anna kept looking at her with an incredulous look.

Her theory was; Enrique and Greer's situation was similar to how the dominant and submissive system worked in the animal kingdom. A tigress was a dominant creature against any other animal, yet she naturally turned submissive in front of a dominant tiger. If the said tigress was married to the said tiger, then she would even happily hunt food for him.

Because of Enrique and Greer's respective powers, their relationship may be like that– Ava theorised– and therefore Greer couldn't resist whatever Enrique wanted to do to her.


Anna Marie gave Ava a dry look after she finished speaking.

"W, what's with that look? It's a solid theory."

When she continued staring like that, Ava cleared her throat.

"Alright, let's ignore the possibility that Enrique may be forcing Greer for now. Anna, you must at least agree with me that Enrique isn't a good person… Sure he is a good hero who helps and saves people, but you know how he treats you. What sort of lover sleeps with other girls? Heck, he doesn't even try to hide it!"

"...We aren't lovers though." Anna finally spoke.

"I think I told you this before, sugah. He is 'something' like a boyfriend. We aren't really dating. He can do whatever he wants."

"And that is exactly the problem," Ava didn't want to back off.

"This sort of relationship in itself is sick, but it's fairly common in today's era. We call it an open relationship. In the cases of such a relationship, two people who are dating don't mind sleeping with other people. However… in your case in particular, Enrique can sleep with other people, but you can't. You don't have the ability to do so. Anna, you are on the losing side. He is using yo-"


Anna shut her up with a soft glare.

"It doesn't matter. It's my life."


"Even if… he takes advantage of my condition, I don't care. He did a lot for me, he accepted me back in his arms even after I left him selfishly, even after I forgot about him in less than just a week. So he has all the right to treat me in whatever way he wants to… As long as he doesn't throw me away."

Ava stared at the mutant girl with an agape mouth.

"So, since I don't care, you don't have to either. I love him, Ava, and he likes me back. That's all that matters. I don't need all of his heart just for myself… not that I deserve it, anyway."


Ava Ayala just stared.

* * *

[Massachusetts, America]

Tonight, when Anna & Ava were having their debate and Enrique & Greer were getting busy amongst themselves– far from them, a scheme was unfolding regarding them.

The White Queen of this Hellfire Club, Emma Frost, was reading the file in her hand with a smirk on her face. She found the information on it particularly striking and interesting.

Enrique Nova the man who had singlehandedly taken down the Brotherhood of Mutants and thrown them behind the bars, had this evening visited a broker to make a few fake certificates.

The Hellfire Club had their arms stretching across entire America. The broker Enrique visited just happened to be a member of the countless companies that Hellfire Club owned. Emma Frost had earlier requested information on Enrique Nova, and luckily it arrived right on time for the certificate requests to be part of the information as well.

On the requested fake certificates, most of the personal information he entered was related to France.

"Is he French, then?"

Emma asked herself with a tilt of her head.

"Or perhaps the organisation he's from originates from France?"

Emma Frost was sure this man was a test subject of some country, a super soldier, one of the many tries to create 'Captain America'. Otherwise, it wouldn't make sense how he had literally no past.

Hiding things from tech in this era may be hard but it wasn't information. But hiding everything from a strong Telepath like Professor-X and Emma Frost herself? Now that was unheard of.

"More so, he came to the broker's house with someone…" Emma noted.

By now, she had a bit of information on that woman as well.

"Greer Nelson? She went missing six months ago, from the Dojo incident of the Hand. Not much is known about her yet."

Funny thing was, these two people entered a hotel. That as well, was part of the Hellfire Club. So Emma knew where Enrique currently was.

'If I can use him properly, I might finally succeed in breaking free from Shaw and taking the Club for myself.' Emma noted. 'But he is a hard nut to crack. The X-Men approached him, but he didn't accept their offers. I need something on me that'd make him accept my offer…'

Emma started to think as she chewed on her lips that were applied with blue lip bum.

"...Ah, I know."

Emma blinked soon as information ran into her head. She smiled.

"If a man doesn't want to listen to orders, you just have to threat him to listen."

He was a hard man to deal with because of his unreadable mind. So, she'll ask nicely first. If he didn't accept, she will have to use her trump card.

* * *

Later in the morning, Emma Frost was sitting inside her Limousine and looking outside the window, the entrance of the hotel Enrique Nova and his girlfriend were on.

After half an hour of waiting, Emma's eyes lit up when she noticed Enrique walk out of the entrance. Beside him, a woman wearing a long brown coat, and a hat to match was walking.

'Almost as if she's trying to hide her appearance. But why? She didn't do the same yesterday when she went to the Broker House.' Emma thought as she narrowed her eyes at the woman.

Realizing that there was no point in speculating, Emma dove right into the woman's head.


And yelped immediately when the woman's last night's memories rushed into her head.

Her subordinate Azazel, the devil-like mutant, who was sitting beside her, quickly leaned over with a frown.

"Is there anything wrong?"

"H-huh? Oh, it's n-nothing."

Emma Frost looked flustered, greatly so, which shocked Azazel beyond anything else.

Emma shook her head soon, but she was unable to hold back a gulp when her eyes once again fell on Enrique, this time her gaze on his waist.

"...Yeah, it's nothing."

Emma said dazedly.

"Ah? Alright."

Azazel nodded awkwardly and then backed off.

A while later, as Enrique and Greer approached closer, Emma shook herself out of her daze and took a deep breath to prepare for the two Supers.

Soon, Emma Frost smiled and rolled down the window of her seat.




Emma Frost Picture:



Emma frost is always a nice choice to add. 👍


With someone that has seen and experienced as many memories and scenes like her i find it unlikely she would be smitten like that...


That's actually precisely the point. It wasn't anything like what she had seen/read before. Remember, those two become beasts (literally) in bed.