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Chapter 30: Business Deal? (2)


Felicia Hardy had her Kleptomania acting up by the shiny man she encountered yesterday, and she knew she had to get a piece of him if she wanted to peacefully sleep at night.

‘The question is, how?’

Felicia tapped her finger on the desk that she was sitting behind, while her eyes were locked on the computer screen in front of her. For a while now, she’s been searching for anything related to ‘Super-Nova’ and his true identity, but even after hours she didn’t have a lead on that subject.

Felicia did notice some ‘footprints’ that led her to believe his name, along with his public address had been dug by someone and then published to the public not long ago. [1] But all the core information on that had been wiped out. Felicia wasn’t really an expert in this subject, but it seemed to her that such clearance wasn't a single man’s work. Did he have an organisation behind him?

“It would be problematic if that’s the case.” Felicia thought out loud. “If I try too hard to track him, they would rather reverse track me– and my identity will go boom.”

Felicia covered her face with her hands and leaned back on her chair, suddenly moaning in annoyance.

“So annoying~ Ah. Should I just visit a psychiatrist?”

Deciding to stop her pointless search for now, Felicia grabbed her smartphone and was just about to order some food when a message popped up from her school group chat.


Felicia frowned a little in annoyance and was about to throw the notification to the side just when the message caught her eye.

“...What the fuck?"

— 1st-year student, Flash Thompson, paid a pro hacker to find Super-Nova’s true identity.

Felicia read the line as her eyes widened. She clicked the notification to view the full message.

— Though the Hacker didn’t have much of a lead, saying his personal info has been locked away in a manner that makes it seem that he didn't even have a past. However, the hacker did manage to find something interesting connected to this Hero, along with his real name.

— Guys, it seems the recently hyper-popular game, Subway Surfers, actually belongs to the company called [The Nova Games], which is owned by Enrique Nova– the real name of Super-Nova.

‘...Ah shit.’ Felicia cursed in her head. ‘Of course, this new company named Nova games somehow had Spider-Man promote their game, and Super-Nova knows Spider-Man too. How did I miss this connection before?’

Felicia felt more than a bit annoyed that this Flash fool was trying to dig out the identity of a Superhero, and even leaking personal information about him. If made public, who knows what sort of problems Super-Nova– no, Enrique will have to go through?

Sure, she was doing the same too, but she was aiming to own him while Flash was just being a fanboy.

Nonetheless, this was useful information.

Felicia just had to find the main office of [Nova Games] and then steal something from there to grab this man’s attention.

Felicia warningly sent a message and told Flash to not spread this news, and for those who have seen it to keep their mouths shut– if they were at all grateful to Enrique for saving their lives.

Felicia actually wasn’t sure how many people would listen to the empty words of a socially detached girl, but she still gave it a try– unwilling to make things easier for her shiny hero.



Later on, Felicia came up with a better idea than to steal from a Superhero. In the heat of the moment, she forgot that Super-Nova didn’t like her as much as she did– so if he caught her he might just throw her behind the bars. So she needed and therefore came up with a better plan.

Felicia didn’t really wish to, but she would convince her mother to take a look at Nova Games and maybe make a deal with them. With Nova Games’ only game being so popular, her mother might just agree— there was also the card of ‘saviour’ that Felicia could use to convince Lydia Hardy, though she doubted she’d need to go that far.

Sooner or later, it will be revealed who was behind [Nova Games] and when that happens many companies will reach out to Enrique. Knowing her mother, who was a lawyer before this, Felicia was sure she wouldn’t want to miss this chance at business.

* * *


With the help of Ava's voice, Enrique managed to set an appointment to visit the Hardy Corporation HQ and meet up with Lydia Hardy a week later.

There weren't any more details talked about in the call, but Enrique had a rough idea of what the meeting will be about.

What he didn't understand was– why? Why did this decently huge Corporation suddenly contact him?

Enrique researched about them a bit after the call ended, and found this company to have a decent track record on its partnership or sponsorship with other companies. This corporation was one of the cautious types, so what exactly convinced the owner to reach out to an absolutely new company like [Nova Games]?

Enrique's confusion didn't last long when he soon reached a conclusion of his own in his head.

'Lydia Hardy… Ah, wait, I remember, she's Felicia's mother, right?' Enrique blinked.

'Perhaps Black Cat is trying to repay me after I saved her life?' Enrique thought. 'Or is it about…'

He stopped thinking a while later. He could never be sure about women. From time to time, they were quite hard to understand even for him.

'Also, wasn't her mother a Lawyer in the comics? Or am I remembering things wrong?' Enrique frowned at himself. 'Weird timeline I ended up in.'

Whatever the case, his business would profit from a deal with a bigger corporation. However, there was another problem.

'I don't have my educational certificates. In 2011, I basically have zero worth to big companies without that.' Enrique smiled a little. 'Thankfully, using the money I scammed from SHIELD, safely forging the required documents would be easy.'

As a corporate giant in his last life, Enrique Nova was aware of such procedures as he personally knew the leaders of such facilities who helped create fake identification and other documents.

That was one of the reasons he asked for a week of time before the meeting. He would use this time to create fake documents that he needed.


Later that evening, Enrique was preparing to leave his house, alone, to visit a broker who'd help him with this document problem. Greer "Tigra" Nelson, however, seemed hellbent on tagging along with him.

"Hey c'mon, I want to go out and see the sun once in a while too– it's been six months!"

The sun had set already. Enrique pointed out to the window.

"...That's not the point; the point is I must go out!" Greer grumbled like a little girl. "Anna can take my powers for a bit, that's how nobody would notice if I tag along with you."

Enrique deadpanned.

"What if Hand attacks you?"

"You'll keep me safe."

"I didn't think you trusted me this much."

"That makes the two of us."

Enrique sighed in defeat. "Alright. Anna, help her with her powers for a bit. I will take the little lady out for a walk."

Greer cheered while Anna looked slightly jealous. Anna Marie herself had tried talking Enrique into taking her with him, but that hadn't worked. However, she understood the difference in the situation between her and Greer– who's been away from the open world for a long time– so she didn't complain.

Anna touched Greer softly as the older woman winced, and slowly her skin lost its mutant colour and regained its original, humane one.

Later, Enrique and Greer left together.

* * *

It took Enrique only a bit more than a single hour to get through the required procedures. Money spoke louder than words and so the broker didn't waste Enrique's time unlike most of his other customers.

Enrique was to receive his papers in five or so days.

At this moment, he was on a night out date with Greer.

"Seriously, you didn't have to bring me here. I was fine even if we just returned." Greer giggled a little as she took a seat opposite Enrique inside the coffee shop they were in. "Thanks."

Enrique smiled back at her but didn't say anything.

A while later, a waiter came to ask for their order and soon delivered the order. Greer was drinking a flat white coffee and casually chatting with Enrique when she suddenly paused, falling silent.

"Mhm, by the way…" Greer started slowly. "I am technically about to snitch on my friend, so I would appreciate it if you didn't make it obvious that I told you this."

"Hm? What are you talking about?"

"Ava doesn't like you. She proposed to me that she and I run away, and take Anna with us." Greer explained, pausing as she hesitated. "That… They saw us at the gym that day. Both of them. Ava thinks you are taking advantage of Anna thanks to her unique situation. Though I personally think you'd have done the same to any other girl, you heartless bastard, but that's beside the point."


Enrique just tilted his head casually while Greer narrowed her eyes as she looked at Enrique expectantly.

"...So what are you going to do? I am telling you, you can't hurt Ava. Otherwise, I will leave with her right away. I am only telling you this so that in return you tell me what you'd do."

Enrique started to chuckle suddenly, smiling at her.

"Thanks for telling me. Don't worry, I won't hurt her. It just means she has a good heart…? I don't know, it sounds kinda hypocritical and pretentious to me, but that's basically most heroes and good guys." Enrique shrugged, continuing. "I wouldn't actually do anything if you really decided to run away at this point. I will probably find someone else to learn Martial Arts, when you have money such a thing isn't that hard to learn. So feel free to leave if you think I am endangering you. As for Anna…"

Enrique laughed again, while Greer had started to sweat just a bit. The situation at the table shifted immediately when Enrique paused his laugh.

Enrique Nova looked at her with his grey, silver eyes shining very softly.

"I don't think she will leave. She's a good girl. She loves me, and I like her. She knows that. She has left me once, I highly doubt she has the courage to do that for another time… she knows what awaits her if she dares to." Enrique smiled. "And I don't mean it in a threatening way. It's just the truth."

Greer Nelson shrunk back a bit and straightened her back subconsciously as Enrique stared into her eyes, his grey eyes as cold as steel.


Half an hour later, inside a hotel, Greer was still being stared at by those grey eyes, except this time there was a pleasant glint in them as the owner of such eyes made her moan like a violin.




[1] In chapter 12, a crowd was outside Enrique's old house, indicating that common people had found out his address. They also named him SuperNova based on his true name.

Question: Do you like the character thoughts if they are in ‘italic’ or are in ‘normal’ font?



Italics makes it easier to see the transition from normal to thoughts, though i guess it could be confusing if thoughts and telepathy are in italics.


Either is fine for me personally, but I could see the appeal for some people if thoughts are italicized.