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Chapter 26: Electric Festivity (3)

Enrique had flown to Midtown High as fast as possible with Anna in his arms.

In a breath, he was in the sky above the school, and looking down he found police cars coming to this area.

It would take them another few minutes for them to reach this place, and after that they will only make things worse.

Enrique decided he needed to move faster.

The reporter who was recording this situation Live until now was dragged away from the scene by his colleagues, and no other reporter dared to step here– fearing they'll lose their lives after getting hit by a stray bolt of lightning.

That wasn't in Enrique's favour, truthfully. He wished they would have recorded his heroic acts of saving innocent kids. But whatever. He would do it anyway.


Enrique muttered to Anna as he started to descend to the ground.

"I am dropping you to the side. I will grab the villain by his neck and fly off into the sky, you take care of the kids and take them to safety– alright?"

"A, Alright!"

Anna was a bit shaken, Enrique noticed. She wasn't in the best mood when he entered her room, after all. Yet now she was handed the responsibility to take care of a hundred or so students by herself.

"That's good."

Unfortunately, Enrique couldn't be bothered with it. This wasn't the time for it.

Not stopping his flight, he dropped Anna to the side, just outside the hole in the wall– as she landed on her feet and rolled forward skillfully.

Anna watched as Enrique made his way inside the building, and not long after a woman clad in a black suit was thrown out– soon followed by the electric villain and Enrique.

— -

Super-Nova flew forward and grabbed the villain, Electro, by the throat.

Then he flew upwards into the sky, his grip tightening around the villain's neck who started to struggle.

"W, why…!? Why are you doing this?!"

Enrique didn't reply as Electro cried helplessly, his blue hands slapping on Enrique's arm that was holding him.

But the hits didn't do any damage.

"I, I just… I just want help… I need…"

Electro kept speaking until his eyelids shook and it seemed he was losing consciousness.

All the while, Enrique was flying upwards at a fierce speed where oxygen was scarce.

"Then sleep," said Enrique finally. "Fall asleep and everything will be fine when you wake up."


"This is just a bad dream-"

Enrique was about to continue, when Electro's eyes regained focus and he pushed both his blue palms onto Enrique's chest.

– Bang!

There was a large shockwave made from that simple gesture as Enrique was forced to release Electro, rolling off metres behind in the air before he finally managed to get a hold of himself.

"Whew-" Enrique licked his lips. "Powerful."

The concussive force hurt.

The electricity obviously didn't hurt, of course. Otherwise he would lose faith in Mut.

"You are… just…"

The confused Electro spoke, his eyes somewhat clear now. As if replicating Enrique, he was floating in the air as well.

"Just trying to set me up… just like that girl… you all are… trying to set me up."

It was somewhat amusing seeing 'Jamie Foxx' speak in that confused tone at first, but at this point, Enrique was getting annoyed by it.

Now that he had saved the students from this villain, he suddenly had an idea.

Electro could be his battery.

Well, no, not 'Electro', but his powers could be.

Rogue could absorb all of Electro's powers– which would kill Electro, but at the same time it should be enough to give Rogue his powers permanently– and then besides becoming more powerful, she could also be a reliable battery source for him.

Enrique didn't overlook that Electro was just a confused villain in this timeline, that beneath all this he was just an innocent civilian– similar to what happened in the Amazing Spider-Man timeline. So, killing him might not be the morally right thing to do.

However, that didn't matter to Enrique.

Not at all.

If Electro could be useful to him by dying, then he really should die.

"I am trying to help," lied Enrique, looking deep into the man's eyes. "Calm down."

Electro's expression deformed in anger.

"You…are…not! Stop lying to me!"

With a beast-like growl, Electro raised both his hands in the air and channelled electricity into his palms. It seemed he was finally getting used to his powers. Then, he released power from his palms.

Enrique matched the technique step-by-step.

– Bzzt~

The dull night sky brightened as the four beams came in contact with one another.

Everything went bright white.

– Boom!

An explosion happened, clearing the bits of cloud that was around them, and throwing both the fighters to either side.

It was Enrique who regained his footing first– as he had closed his eyes before the flash of the explosion, knowing naturally that such a thing would happen.

The impact hurt. His suit could block direct attacks easily, but shockwaves such as this hurt internally. Enrique decided to be more careful.

Realising Electro hadn't yet regained his senses, Enrique flanked around him in the air very cautiously, however Electro noticed him soon.

"Why are you…running around?!"

Shouted Electro, his neck shifting from left to right to look at Enrique who was flying around him in a circle.

"Let me handle it… Max," said Enrique after a pause. "I am here to help."

Electro– Max Dallon– paused for a moment as his eyes widened. He didn't expect this suspicious man to know his name. So he was surprised and taken aback. Perhaps this man could really help him?

An opening.

That was the opening Enrique needed as he leapt forward and slammed his knuckles against the dazed Electro's cheeks.

Electro's cheekbones seemed to crack under the force as he was thrown back in the air again.

Enrique followed to attack again, but Electro had started screaming in rage of betrayal by then and bolts of electricity were dancing out of his body.

Fortunately, even as Enrique was stuck with the stray bolts, he felt no pain. They were too weak for him to get hurt.

Enrique swam through the storm of lightning and punched Electro under his chin, cutting the villain's scream and causing his body to fly up. Enrique followed Electro and then kicked him down in the head.

– Bang!

The next minute was Enrique going all out with physical attacks against Electro. A punch to the gut, a kick on the back of his head, an elbow on his nose– an all-out assault.

Yet, perhaps be sure Enrique hadn't transformed to his beast form, Electro didn't go down.

It was also possible that Electro couldn't be knocked unconscious in this manner, maybe because his electricity keeping his neurons hyper active.

So Enrique needed external help.

"Goddess, anytime now-!"

Enrique gave the signal, and immediately the thunderclouds around them that had formed because of this electric festivity all crackled at once.

In the very next moment, it started raining.

"Ah- agrh?!"

The rain washed over Electro and his eyes went wide. Electro yelled– louder than ever– in what seemed like excruciating pain.

It seemed like his body was short-circuiting.

Enrique had to do nothing else and only watch as Electro fell– finally losing his consciousness– while his bright blue body started to become mostly dim.

Watching his body start to fall from the sky, Enrique moved swiftly and grabbed him in his arms.

Electro was unconscious.

"This is a win, right?"

Enrique asked bumself. Technically, he cheated. He couldn't have called that rain without Mut's help, but it was a win nonetheless.

"Good then."

Now, it was time for Anna to win too.

* * *

Enrique was oblivious that from the distance, a reporting helicopter had recorded the ending of the fight on Live TV.

The clip wasn't that clear, but all the viewers were mesmerised nonetheless.

Including one Felicia "Black-Cat" Hardy.

Felicia hugged her pet cat, Onyx, as both of them watched the fight in her room.


She had managed to safely return home not long ago, and had turned on the TV soon after.

However, Felicia wholeheartedly regretted that decision now.

Initially, she had turned the TV on to make sure that no camera had caught her form, and luckily they really didn't. It seemed that because of the angle of the wall in the hole, where the cameras were focused, they missed her form when she conversed with the electric villain.

Later on, by the time Enrique had thrown her outside, the electric villain had shot a reporter's camera into flames, so no other reporter had dared to turn their cameras on– so her form was missed from there too.

That was good news for her, as Felicia didn't want her "Black-Cat" identity to look like that of a hero. That wasn't her job and she didn't want to get entangled in it.

However, she hoped that was all.

Though she was relieved seeing her fear not come true, at this very moment she regretted ever turning the TV on– because she had just seen Enrique's shiny fight.


Felicia hugged her little Onyx tighter, though surprisingly the cat didn't react harshly this time– it as well was mesmerised by the sight.

"Mommy's kleptomania is acting up, Ony…"

Felicia bit her lips as the bright scene in the TV reflected in her eyes.

"...Mommy wants that shiny man so bad~"

Felicia fell back on her bed and moaned in concern for her mental health.

On this particular day, Felicia Hardy's blue eyes had caught the biggest gem she had ever seen.






Of course... Now the cat burglar even wants to steal shiny men...

eat izza

I always felt bad for electro in the amazing spider man movies