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Chapter 24: Electric Festivity (1)

Enrique was having a bit of trouble controlling his beast form.

Trouble, as in it was hard to control his libido.

First, he had fucked Anna so hard that she lost her consciousness.

Now the same happened to Tigra.

Though, admittedly, he had also fallen asleep after Tigra. The synergy between their bodies made their sensual experience much more enjoyable and the end of it very relaxing, so it wasn't really surprising. The same went for when Anna had absorbed Tigra and Ava's powers earlier.

Whatever the case, Enrique was bound to get better at controlling himself over time, so he didn't worry about it too much. Rather, now he was focusing on making Subway Surfers better.

He couldn't train with Tigra all day, and he wasn't in the mood to go play Hero either. So doing this was the best choice.

It's been around 7 hours since he and Tigra finished their session and he had woken up 3 hours ago but she had yet to do the same. Grabbing this chance, Enrique had been working on his game for a while now.

["Ads are annoying."] he heard Mut speak in her soft accent. ["Why must you include them in the game? Isn't it also killing the growth of my faith?"]

In this Subway Surfers, when Players get caught by the police, they can either pray to Mut or watch an ad to resume the game right from that point. So from one perspective, Mut was right that it was killing her growth, but on the grand scale, she was wrong.

Enrique yawned out an answer as he uncapped a soda can. "Some people are quite religious. They will quit the game at once if they are forced to pray to some random goddess every time they want a second chance. This group of people can watch the ads, while people who don't mind praying to a presumably fake Goddess will still do it since that's a faster way. Besides, ads bring me the most money as of now, so it's not a bad thing."

Enrique gulped a mouthful of soda.

"On that note, I am working to add a shop feature. It will bring more money than this. A lot more. I plan to add a few Egyptian-theme items, too. Like outfits, skateboards, and maybe a character designed after you. Like a chibi version of Mut." Enrique said while looking at the air. "Goddess, you don't mind mortals controlling a lookalike puppet of you, do you?"

["In fact, I do."] Mut quickly confirmed. ["That’s disrespectful."]


["What is a boomer? I don't know why but that also sounds disrespectful."]

"It's nothing."

Enrique waved it off. He leaned forward to his monitor again, starting to work on some designs.

"By the way, you can keep talking this time. I don't mind distractions in this, since this is quite easy and boring."

["Hmm, alright. Ah! Hey, isn't this outfit a bit too revealing?"]

"This sort of thing attracts players."

["But isn't your game for 7-year-olds and above?"]

"It is. This might surprise you, but I take pride in myself by teaching those kids about the real world." Enrique chuckled maniacally as he slowly removed another piece of clothing from the female character he was designing.


"Don't worry, though, I know the limits of how far this can be pushed. Worst case scenario, I will just increase the minimum age."

["...What an imbecile."]

Mut gasped in stupefaction in his ears while Enrique continued working with a shrug.

"This is business, woman. You wouldn't get it."

* * *

After some long hours, Enrique finished his desk work. He was happy with what came out in the end. Finally, the 'Shop' was up to use for the general public.

He could already smell the money in the air.


He was stretching a little while planning his next moves, just when his phone rang.

"Hello? Enrique Nova speaking."

– Um, Mr Nova?

Enrique frowned when Peter's voice came from the other side of the phone.

Why was he calling him 'Mr Nova'?

Usually, Peter called him 'Supernova' when he was under the mask of Spiderman. However, in his civilian identity he just held out with 'Enrique'. So it was a bit weird for Peter to use this new term.

"Peter Parker?" Enrique decided to play along.

If he had to guess, Peter was in his civilian identity and was in a situation where people were around him, and so couldn't call out his suit. In such a scenario, he couldn't let the people learn that he was close enough with Enrique to be on a first-name basis.

– Well- ah, you know, this is October and it's our Homecoming?

Enrique frowned a little more.

It couldn’t be that Peter's classmates ask him to call the Superhero to the party?

Enrique sighed.

'So that's what the commotion in the background is about.'

"Yes, I remember. What about it?"

– Well- BOOM!


– I-It just so happened that a blue-skin supervillain came out of nowhere and started throwing lightning at our school! I suddenly remembered you have lightning powers, so maybe you can help out- bz#t?

Peter's call ended suddenly. Possibly due to the interference made by the electric villain.

'...An electric villain after Spider-Man? I think I know who it is.'

Enrique concluded as he stood up and started to walk out of his room, his casual attire changing into his super-suit as he walked.

'And here I was thinking there will be no problem in this year's homecoming because Vulture doesn't exist in this timeline yet.'

It made sense why Peter didn't enter his spiderman mode. It would be too suspicious, on top of that he wasn't really confident if he would be able to defeat such an enemy. The risks were too great. So he just reached out to the only reliable ally he had.

Enrique felt a little helpless that the kid had called him, but since he wasn't particularly busy he didn't mind making Spider-Man owe him one.

He ran through the hallway and stormed into Anna's room.

Anna Marie was sitting on her bed silently, her expression bleak, and her gaze on the floor– when Enrique suddenly barged in.

When the door opened with a thud, her body trembled as she jumped up.




"Sorry for barging in, but we need to move. Quick."

"O-oh, okay. Let's go."

Anna ran behind him as he went to find the two tigresses. It turned out both of them were in the living room, watching TV– in fact, the news talked about the exact incident Peter just reported.

– Breaking news! A possible mutant spotted in Midtown High!

Both of the girls had a frown on their faces as they watched the news, possibly regretting that they couldn't go out.

Fortunately for them, Enrique was here to help.

"Ava, can you lend your power to Anna for a bit?" Enrique stormed into the room and yelled, startling the two women at the same time. "I would have taken Greer's, but her physical change will confuse the people who saw the news from yesterday."

"Ah- well, that-"

"Be quick. I need to save those kids."

"Alright! Anna, come, touch me!"

Anna hesitated for half a second before running over and placing her hands on Ava's cheeks, making her let out a short gasp as thin veins popped up in her cheeks.

Around half a minute later, Anna released her as Ava gasped and fell down on her knees, though Anna caught her before that.

"Thanks, I will use it well," Anna muttered in Ava's ears as Enrique moved over to pick her up in his arms.

Before leaving, he looked at the two women one last time.

"Also, I am pretty sure you have no plans to– but please, don't make it hard for me by trying to flee."

Then, like a gust of wind, Enrique flew out of the main door with Anna in his arms.

As he left though, the scene on the TV flickered as the camera focused on a person with a thin cloak of blue lightning around his body.

By the time Enrique vanished on the horizon, the two women gasped as the camera shattered when a beam of lightning hit it.





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