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Chapter 22: Bastard (1)

Felicia Hardy was in her room, tightly hugging her pet cat (black-furred, of course) as she watched the news unfold on TV. As it did though, her face paled more and more, losing all its colour, as she shuddered.

“Aw, shit.” she cursed as she bit Onyx, her pet cat, on its ears, making it meow. “Ony, did you know your mommy almost died two nights ago? Come give me a kiss to cheer me up.”

Kiss? The grumpy black cat rather scratched her arm and ran off.

“Ugh,” Felicia grumbled, stopping herself from running after the cat and looking at the TV hanging on the wall one more time. “But truly, I dodged a bullet there. This guy is dangerous.”

Supernova, as it turned out, really was dangerous. She had assumed that her identity as a hot female had given her a leeway against him, but there may be something else behind his decision to let her off. Because on the TV screen there was a video taken by a brave (and reckless) civilian where Supernova was seen violently beating up two women while being transformed into a beast, and by violently she meant throwing them around like ragdolls.

She doubted she’d survive one such throw.

He could literally pick her up and throw her, killing her instantly.

Felicia shuddered at that thought— once again thanking her luck that he was in the mood to let her off. Next time, she would be ten times more careful to not run across him.


*  * *

“So this is the place?” Tigra asked as she walked inside Enrique’s gym, looking around. “It’s empty. But it can do for now, we are starting with hand-to-hand combat anyway, it wouldn’t need any equipment.”

Enrique had a gym where he could train his body, a big one at that. It also was big enough to have fights, if he wished, like right now. Tigra had insisted they come to the gym and have a session right away. He was pleased that she was so serious about this.

“We are gonna fight to test your physical limits and also your techniques, I need a base to start from after all.” she said. “As you may know already, I was a martial teacher, the only other excluding the Master of the Dojo, so you can trust me on this.”

“I wasn’t doubting you,” Enrique said with a casual smile. He turned to Ava and Anna who had followed behind him. “What about these two, by the way? I want Anna to be trained as well. It may be somewhat careless to reveal this but, her power works when her skin comes in contact with a target, either by her own will or otherwise. I am immune to it, of course, but that means hand-to-hand training with another person excluding me would be awkward. Her hero suit covers her entire body though and she can just wear a helmet for the occasion, so it's not impossible for her to train with a partner. I am asking if Ava can train her.”

Though he said 'asking', he was just being polite. He would make Anna get her training anyway, somehow one way or another, even if Ava disagreed. Fortunately, after some thought, the olive-skinned girl nodded.

“Why not, when we agreed to train you anyway,” Ava said while glancing at Anna, slowly reaching out a hand for a handshake. “Ava Ayala, by the way, though I am pretty sure you knew already.”

“Thanks. It’s Anna Marie, and yeah I did.” Anna accepted the hand after covering her own hand with Enrique’s oversized shirt that she was wearing. “Let’s get along.”

Ava just returned a thin smile, though Enrique couldn’t see much sincerity behind it— given they had fought against each other just a few hours ago. So he got an idea.

“That reminds me, Anna, you need clothes right? So do Ava and Tigra due to, well, we kidnapped them from their home where all their clothes were previously. Since your body has returned to normal, how about you two go shopping? You can fight later after I and Tigra have a go.” He said, turning to Tigra. “Or do you wanna join them?”

The tiger woman shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. “No need. Ava knows my sizes, she can get me clothes. Yeah, Ava, the sun rose by now, it’s morning already, you should go grab some clothes for us.”

“Oh, by the way, Ava, you would like to check your phone too. Liz Allan sent you dozens of texts after seeing the clip on TV. Your face wasn’t really visible due to the trash camera used to take the footage, but the News just had to name drop the person who owned the house.” Enrique warned before Ava could leave, making her frown.

“Liz…” her eyes widened. “That’s right, I saw her post a selfie with you on Facebook. So that’s how you found me… Ugh, that idiotic girl!”

Saying so, Ava quickly stormed off the room to find her phone, and Anna followed behind her after waving at Enrique once.

“Okay, now that the distractions are gone,” Tigra said, loosening her shoulders and turning to him. “Let’s start.”

She took a fighting pose, and Enrique copied it— or at least he tried to, he knew his pose was a bit too awkward.

“Though, honestly,” Enrique couldn’t help but frown softly. “Two humanoid tigers, one male and one female, half-naked in a room alone, preparing to fight… what are the odds that this may end in a way too M-rated for those two girls?”

Tigra had jumped by then, spinning in the air with a cry as she clenched her jaws and kicked at his face. “Zero! I am married!”

Enrique ducked down to dodge. “I thought you were widowed?”

She tried to hit him once more, and though he managed to dodge due to his naturally higher physical powers, she kept sending flurried blows at him. She said she wanted to see both his physical powers and martial powers, so he was doing just that.

“That,” she hmphed a kick on his chest. “Doesn’t matter!”

This time, the kick hit him and sent him flying to hit the wall.

— - —

Ava sighed as she finished her conversation with Liz. Ava didn’t have a family of her own anymore, her parents had died years ago in a plane crash in the Himalayas, and her older brother had died a year ago as well. Liz’s family was the only relatives she had left, and even there Liz was the only person she cared about, so she was guilty of making her worry.

Ava explained that— yes, it was her in the video, and it was all a misunderstanding between her and Enrique’s group, and that she shouldn’t panic any longer. Liz was obviously curious and super interested in how she got involved in this superhero stuff, but Ava had to tell her to stay put for now as she didn’t have the luxury to explain stuff to her now.

As for how she really got her powers? It was from her deceased older brother, Hector Ayala. The reason she went to the Dojo was precisely because her brother had supposedly, as claimed by the master of the Dojo, left his ‘last treasure’ in there. The master of the Dojo, Master Kee, was a friend of her brother, so she didn’t doubt when the man claimed that. Yet, when she went to ask about her brother’s last belonging, the Master refused to hand it over.

“No,” he had said. “You aren’t ready. Not yet. Train under me until I deem you worthy for that.”

She had school, she was in high school, so she couldn’t waste time on a Dojo, but in the end she decided to give it a go anyway— it didn’t hurt to train her physical body, after all. She was doing pretty good too, and even met Greer there. Everything was going well, so well, but then those Hand bastards struck, killing Master Kee who had finally handed over her brother’s last possession before passing away— the White Tiger’s Amulet, giving her the powers she had now.

“Done?” startling her, Anna Marie asked as she leaned to take a peek at her phone where she chatted with Liz. Ava frowned. Rude. “Yeah, you seem done.”

They were already in the mall and people were giving them looks— because Anna was wearing an oversized shirt and pants, making her look almost homeless except she admittedly looked pretty cute.

“Yes,” Ava nodded. “Now let’s finish here soon. Despite how serious you saw Tigra be, she can be… a bit touchy sometimes. Their fight may take a weird turn if we take too much time.”

“Uh.” Anna blinked, and for a moment Ava thought the girl didn’t understand what she was implying before her eyes flashed and widened. “...Same with Enrique. Then they're not a good match. Yeah, let’s hurry.”


They had intended to be quick, but they were girls. How would their shopping ever be quick?

Around four hours later, they returned home with lots of shopping bags. Fortunately, nobody had recognised either of them earlier, so they didn’t have any stray fans on their tail— though Anna did take the liberty to stop a man who robbed a granny, which had caught the eyes of some. Either way, they finally reached their home and Ava was once again surprised at the size of the mansion they were staying in.

“Rich, aren’t you guys?” she asked, looking up at the building before walking in.

“We are just renting it, for now.” Anna said, following behind her. “Though he said if he decorated the insides too much he would just buy the property.”

Honestly, Ava’s impression of the girl was better now. She was a pretty fun girl to hang out with, though somewhat tomboyish at times, but she didn't mind. She also felt pity for the girl after hearing her story of how she awakened her powers. At least now she had found a man she both liked and could have a physical relationship with. Ava was happy for her.

“So you and Enrique are pretty close, huh? You even live together.” Ava asked, making idle chat as her senses picked the sound of strong blows coming from the gym. “It seems they are still at it, thankfully.”

“Well, we are close, but…” Anna shrugged. “I will tell you later, it’s somewhat childish of me to say that as that’d just sound like I am just complaining.”

That got Ava’s interest, but she respected her choice of secrecy.

Soon, the two girls reached the gym, and upon entering… both of them froze as Ava realised the sound of ‘blows’ she had heard wasn’t caused by fighting.

It was caused by Enrique’s hips descending on Tigra’s perky butt, her legs pushed above her shoulder as he took her from above. Moreover, Tigra was enjoying it— more than anything Ava had seen her enjoy, if her delighted expression wasn’t lying.

“Ah…” Ava gasped softly, though it was simply muffled by the tiger woman’s moans and dirty talk. Ava quickly realised Anna was beside her and turned to look at her. “Ah, sorry, you must be shock-”

Anna’s sigh interrupted her words. “This is what I was trying to say,” Anna said, looking at the scene dryly. “I am not his girlfriend, we are just friends, and so he isn’t really loyal to me because he technically doesn't have to.”

Anna bit her lip and just walked away. Ava frowned, her pity for Anna deepening. She looked at Enrique, a beast now, as he fucked her teacher and long-time roommate’s brains out. Truth be told, his confident attitude was pretty attractive and his appearance was pretty hot as well, those traits when coupled with his… exceptionally good skills at being ‘physical’ that she was seeing right now, Ava had to admit Enrique was the ideal male of many girls' fantasies. Enough to make her blush at the scene as well.

Except she just realised what a dick he was.

He is just taking advantage of Anna’s condition.’ Ava realised. ‘What a bastard.

Shaking off her blush, as she was unwilling to feel such a thing towards a man like that, Ava quickly followed behind her new friend hastily. Maybe she could convince Anna to leave with her and Greer when it’s time for them to leave?

She needed to consult with Greer for this, first.





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