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Chapter 21: Lady Tigers (3)

Police sirens rang not long after— as the neighbours had seen the fight and informed the police. However, Enrique had already left for his home by then. It wasn't that hard to fly with three girls since the now powered-up Rogue helped him hold on to the other two, unconscious girls.

After the short journey by the sky, Enrique reached his house located close to Highland Park. He didn't have security in front of the main door so nobody questioned him about the unconscious girls in his arms— though in place of security guards, he did have quite a few tech-based security systems that would warn him if any unwanted guest entered the mansion. It wasn't an absolute protection and could be bypassed, but the people who could do that would have an easier time bribing (or killing) a normal security guard.

It was nighttime, moreover, they were on the outskirts of the city— so he didn't have to worry about any prying eyes, either.

After going inside the house, Enrique took a deep sniff of the air to be entirely sure that no other person was inside the house. His nose was now very sharp and sensitive, so he could easily confirm they were the only ones here.

"Let's see…" with that done, Enrique got some ropes from another room and tied the two girls' hands and legs. "There."

"Wow," Rogue wowed from the side. "Would you have kidnapped and tied me like this too if I never came to you on my own?"

"You seem to be looking forward to it?" Enrique asked back as he took a seat on the sofa, grabbing her by the waist and pulling her to his lap. "Though I can still tie you up whenever I wish."

Anna scoffed at that. "I don't wish. Do I look like the type who wants to be tied up?"

Actually, she did, though not at this very moment. By taking the power of Tigra who was naturally bestial and dominant, Anna had absorbed some of her personality traits as well— that was one perk (downgrade?) of her power.

"You did before, but not now." Enrique said as he manipulated his cape to come forward and tie her hands together, above her head. She blinked at the sudden gesture but couldn’t break free. "We should test out which side of you is more dominant now, don't you think??"

"W-what? What if they wake up?" Anna asked, pointing her chin at the two tied-up girls, making him laugh out loud. He opened his mouth but Anna interrupted him. "I swear if you say— 'So you don't mind if there aren't other people around?' —I am going to smack you."

"..." Enrique closed his mouth, frowning. "Oh well, you pulled the trigger." Then he started violating her tied-up body.


The… ‘session’ lasted longer than any other since both Anna and Enrique were in their beast-form, allowing them far more stamina and a durable body to get sweaty with. Anna forgot the existence of the two girls in the side only five minutes into it, and just rhymed her movement with his.

Around six hours later, Enrique decided to stop when Tigra— now in her human form of Greer Nelson, started to open her eyes.

“Mmhm…” the woman with wavy ginger hair and an admittedly charming face mumbled something as her eyes slowly opened before she frowned at the scene ahead. “What the…”

Enrique understood her surprise. Waking up and seeing your lookalike getting fucked on the couch was ought to be confusing. Enrique pulled out and kissed Anna on her lips one last time before telling her to go and dress up. She moaned but nodded nonetheless.

“Now, with that done,” Enrique cleared his throat as he walked over to another, cleaner couch, while white clothes erupted from his chest and spread to form a white shirt and pants on his body. “Nice to formally meet you, Greer Nelson.”


Ignoring the greetings of her kidnapper, Greer looked around the house— cleaned and well decorated, and frowned once she noticed Ava unconscious beside her. It didn't help that both of them were tied. However, her eyes shook when she noticed her body— her skin that had returned to normal. She didn't have any fur so she hadn’t noticed the change earlier, but now she did. Even her tail was missing.

“…What did you do to me?” Greer turned to look at the kidnapper. Did he have a Cat’s Amulet on him? Hers was lost six months ago, in that Dojo fight, so she couldn’t revert back to human whenever she wished. Truthfully, she missed this human form of her somewhat… since she couldn’t get outside the house in her tigress form. “Who are you, really?”

“Enrique Nova,” the man said, looking at her with a polite smile. “Oh, your teammate is waking up too. Is she your teammate? Asking because you look half a decade older than her, maybe she’s your sidekick.”

Greer was somewhat confused at his casual tone. She considered if she should even converse with him before shrugging. “We are friends. Before that, she was one of my students at the Dojo. But I expect you already knew that?”

“I actually didn’t.” The man who introduced himself as Enrique—possibly a made-up name—said while Ava woke up on her side, blinking and looking around in confusion before her eyes locked on Enrique. “Good morning.”

“Where is this? What have you done to us?!” Ava yelled, her reaction much more aggressive and louder than Greer. She shook in her spot, trying to break out of her binding, but just Greer had expected— she didn’t have her powers either.

“Argh, teenagers." Enrique gave Ava a disappointing look. "You should follow your master's example and be calm. Anyway, I suppose you two take me for The Hand? Was that why you attacked me?"

Both Greer and Ava fell silent at that, with the former narrowing her eyes. “If you were going to pretend that you didn't know what Hand was at all, that may have a better chance to manipulate us— but to say you know them yet you had come after us, let's just say it blew your cover."

Enrique blanked. “It did?" He sighed. "Look, if I was Hand when I captured you, I wouldn't have taken you to this nice mansion. I don't know why they’re after you two— but I am not one of them, no. In fact, I have a deal for you regarding them.”

Greer exchanged glances with Ava and scowled. “...You got a point, you don't seem to be working with them, the style doesn't match. In my defence, they have some super-powered individuals in their ranks and you just debuted out of nowhere as a superhero, so we got every reason to believe you may be connected with them when we suddenly found you at our door. Still, you have my apologies for acting rashly.” Greer justified her actions. She was much calmer in her current human form. “However, I would much prefer if you released us as we don't have any interest regarding anything to deal with Hand.”

“That I expected, yes, but hear me out,” Enrique said in a convincing tone. “Look at this for a minute.” He then turned on the TV where a female reporter talked about Spider-Man's new costume, before the news changed to the incident around Ava’s house. “Looks like some kid captured a video of our skirmish and it spread all around by now. Except both the police and people know that I am a Hero, and you two are labelled as villains from before. So this doesn't affect me negatively. However, people, and in turn, Hand is now aware of your residential location. If I release you and you return there, Hand will send more people after you, much stronger than last time, to capture you."

“Who said we will return to our previous house? We'll be on the run,” Ava growled as she glared at Enrique.

Greer also felt her fangs inside her mouth. Her powers were starting to return.

“Doesn't matter, they will find you now that they have a lead.” Enrique said seriously. “You underestimate the Hand.”

That’s when the other girl returned, in a baggy shirt and pants too big for her. The girl still looked like Greer when she was a tigress…

She looked at Enrique. “Hey, I don’t have clothes. Yours are too big.”

“Order some,” Enrique let out. “Or how about this, Anna, all three of you girls can go shopping later since Greer and Ava left their clothes in their home.”

“I am not staying here!” Ava snapped from the side, making Greer sigh and look at Enrique.

“What’s your deal? Speak.”

Enrique chuckled at her tone but started to speak nonetheless. “I will help you get Hand away from your tails.” He said. “You, in return, will train me in martial arts.”

Greer narrowed her eyes. After a minute, Ava calmed herself and exchanged glances with Greer who spoke to Enrique, “And what’s the catch?”

“Catch is that— you train me first and I help you after since I am too weak to fight them as of now,” Enrique said, making Greer growl this time, as she felt her skin colour returning to her beast-like form. “You may think I am lying given I defeated both of you quite easily, but I am telling the truth.”

“That right there is suspicious,” Greer said. “You defeated us. Meaning you are stronger than us. Why would you want to learn how to fight from people weaker than yourself? You are stronger already.”

“A man with a sword may lose to a man with a bat if the former doesn't know how to use the blade.” Enrique smiled at her. “Look, not only do you not have anything to lose— since you plan to be on the run anyway and staying hiding in this mansion is a better choice in my opinion— but you also get the possibility of getting Hand away from you, forever. After that you can just leave, stay, run a business— do whatever, it's up to you since you’ll be free.”

After a while, Ava spoke, but this time she sounded much calmer than before. “How can we trust you?”

“Well, I am a religious man,” he pointed at a life-size statue of a goddess in the middle of the room. “You can expect me to live by my words.”

Greer was about to point out how he, a self-proclaimed religious man, was enjoying his time with a minor, but Ava spoke first. “Alright. Fine. We will… do it. But you better treat us properly while we stay here, we are not slaves.”

Greer sighed and shrugged. Oh well, the little girl had spoken.

“Thank you for making this easy.” Enrique smiled.

“Don’t thank us yet,” Greer flexed her arms as the rope around her hands snapped and she stood up, her skin changing to that of Tigra in real-time. “One month. If your learning talent isn't good enough, we are leaving, we can't waste time on you.”

“That is understandable,” Enrique said while walking over and undoing Ava’s ropes.

Tigra hated how confident he was in releasing them— even though they did agree to help him, what if they attacked? Well, she already knew the answer to that so she didn't try anything funny.

In the end, she had made up her mind, living by the deal didn't hurt her in any way. So she would go with it. Unless he tried anything funny.






1 month to learn martial arts to a degree were he can effectively use it in combat? Unless he is a wuxia protagonist thats quite a challenge...


Aha, yes. The intention behind her words was that she will SEE for one month if he had good enough talents. I suppose the wording is to blame here.


He has the goddess's love(probably), nothing is impossible 😉