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Chapter 19: Lady Tigers (1)

Enrique and Anna didn't fall asleep after that. They rather played on the bed for a few hours until it was morning.

Anna took the liberty to cook, saying she found a YouTube tutorial showing how to do so, and Enrique didn't see any problem with that since she was being instructed by the video.

"...Yet, what the hell is this?" Enrique asked, pointing at the plate that was served to him. "You had one job."

"W-what? It looks fine!" Anna tried, looking at the food with intense eyes. "I-it looks tasty! Here, come on, eat it!" She grabbed a spoon and tried to feed him, but he dodged her attack and jumped back. "Rude."

"Not in the mood to test if I am immune to food poisoning. That thing looks hideous." Enrique pointed his chin at the food as black smoke rose from it. "You should have said that you don't know how to cook."

Anna looked at him with a flustered face before scoffing and crossing her arms. "Fine, you try cooking the same thing."

"No," Enrique took out his phone. "I am ordering something."

"See? You are avoiding cooking it! It's a hard dish, that's why I failed!" Anna gave him a challenging smirk.

"Girl, I fed you yesterday." Enrique gave her a dry stare. "Also, that level of taunting doesn't work on me. Good luck next time."

He quickly ordered food before she could try out some new trick.


After they ate their breakfast, Enrique talked to Mut for the first time since that incident. As he had hoped she agreed to give Anna a costume too, as a gift of being the first Superhuman believer brought in by Enrique.

Enrique sat down in front of his computer desk while Anna sat on his lap. She and he then worked on his drawing tablet to draw her a suit. She was surprised he had a drawing tablet, given he looked homeless a week ago, so he showed her his revenue from his game. She had stayed dazed for an entire minute before regaining her senses.

After that, they focused on drawing. Except Anna wasn't sure what sort of suit she wanted. So Enrique just drew her the iconic green and yellow suit with a leather jacket that she wore in the comics.

She seemed satisfied (and somewhat impressed) at his work. He printed out the drawing and placed it on the table, and since Mut was observing the drawing from the start, she didn't need half an hour to make it unlike the Spider-Man suit. The drawing disappeared in a puff of smoke and got replaced by the exact suit.

Later, just like Peter did, Anna had to drop a droplet of her blood on the drawing. Except she was too scared to do so. Initially, she begged him and asked if there was some other way, a way where she won't have to cut her finger, but once Enrique just told her to sit at home and learn cooking if she was scared of that small of a cut, she shut up like a good girl and did as asked.

Smoke puffed out from where the clothing was a moment ago before it vanished and reappeared around her body, becoming her personal bullet-proof, summon-able super suit.

"Ah…" Anna blinked, looking down at her arms and then at the mirror. "It looks better in person, Sugah."

"Of course, how can my measly art compare to your beautiful body?" Enrique wrapped his hand from behind her as he looked at the mirror. She smiled as she watched him squeeze her in the mirror. "You look hot."

"Thanks… Mhm, but should we be wasting time like this?" Anna asked as she released a soft moan. "Don't you have someone to find?"

"Two people, and you are right." he said and withdrew his hands back. Unlike what she had said, she looked disappointed when he did that. "Now, don't give me that look, we have a job to do."

Few minutes later, they both left. On their way, they met his landowner. The old man looked somewhat frightened of him now. That's exactly why he couldn't live in a place like this. As he had told Anna before leaving yesterday, she had found some good houses from which he had chosen one of the better ones. It was still in Brooklyn, but it was on the outskirts, close to Highland Park.

So the two of them went there first, in their Supersuits, finding a very pretty two-story house.

The owner apparently had multiple real states around the city, but he didn't live in America. So Enrique met up with a broker who was in the management of the house. As a businessman, Enrique knew how real estate worked so he got a pretty good deal out of it.

He was only renting it for now, though he planned to buy it later on. For now, Enrique only had $60k from just three days of his game being out, so he had to make do with renting it. That number would only increase when he focused on it after finishing his current mission, then perhaps he may.

Enrique then hired a decent moving agency and gave them his current apartment's key. They were very respectful since he was in his costume. This essentially revealed his living residence to any rich person who wanted to know his location, but the agency was trusted enough to at least not reveal it to the public. He didn't care if supervillains or rich people, in general, knew where he lived, because no matter how many precautions taken, if someone capable enough wanted to know they'd know either way.

He and Anna then left the moving job to the agency, while going about their main mission themselves.

"Say," Anna said as he flew in the air with her in his arms. "It's also as if we are married, isn't it? Having cooking quarrels and now choosing houses. What's next, fighting over the idea of a daughter or son?"

She giggled and he just shrugged. "I don't plan to have children. Maybe in the very distant future, but no, not in a few decades."

"You didn't refuse my marriage claim though?" Anna smirked.

Enrique sighed. "I already told you. It would be weird to remind you that again just because of a joke."

Anna's smile froze and she closed her mouth. "...Right. Sorry."


White-Tiger and Tigra. They were part of a Dojo before it was closed off six months ago. Enrique and Anna went to where that Dojo was once located and asked the people around about the incident that killed the dojo's master.

People had almost forgotten the incident since it's been six months, so even after asking for an entire day, Enrique didn't learn much. Even when he asked people about the two women in White-Tiger and Tiger "costumes", he didn't learn anything of importance.

Just that they were labelled as criminals.

Night fell at one point, and Enrique and Anna had to leave for their new home.

The house, as they had seen, was fantastic inside. They still had to move things around, but it was much easier now with Enrique's increased physical strength from his Mutation that even his base-human form benefited from.

Anna insisted they check the quality of soundproofing in the bedroom, so they only fell asleep after trying out lots of noises. The next day, they continued their search however today wasn't looking that good either.

Night fell once again, and it was 7-O'clock when Enrique and Anna were eating dinner on top of a skyscraper. Right then, he received a message on his phone.

"Liz Allan?" Rogue munched on her burger as she narrowed her eyes at the girl who had sent the message. "She's asking if you're free and wants to meet you? Who's this girl?"

Enrique ate too and told Anna the story since there was nothing to hide.

Anna sighed in relief. "So just a fan. Oh well, I guess it can't be helped in your- our line of work." Anna corrected herself. After a short while, her eyes lit up and she smiled. "Hey, why don't you say you are free? Let's meet up with her."

"You want to show her that I am taken already?" Enrique guessed and she almost choked on her food.

"T-that's not–"

"It's fine, let's meet up with her. It can't hurt, can it?" Enrique suggested and she narrowed her eyes at him suspiciously.

However, she agreed to meet in any case. Her plan after all was just as Enrique had guessed.

Soon they reached the place of the meeting, a Starbucks located in Queens. Enrique had expected as much as this was a popular meeting place amongst teenagers but he was also expecting Liz to at least come with one of her friends. She was alone. Did she think of it as a date?


Liz was happy when she saw Supernova open the door of the café and walk inside, but she grew a bit more than awkward when she noticed another girl walking beside him. It didn't help that people in the café commented how good they looked together in their Supersuits. The manager quickly welcomed them as if they were some sort of celebrity, and Enrique handled everything pretty smoothly which gave her an idea that he may be used to all this, somehow, even though she never heard of him before the train incident.

He and the girl walked to the table then.

The girl was the first to greet her, reaching out a gloved hand. "Hello, nice to meet you. The name's An-"

"Rogue." Supernova interrupted. "That's her name. She's my sidekick."

Before Liz could take her handshake, "Rogue" pulled her hand back. "Wait, I thought we were partners?!" The girl yelled, looking shocked at his words. "Hey, I didn't sign up for this, Sugah!"

Liz blinked. They seemed close…

"You signed up to leave on patrol with me, that sounds like a sidekick's job to me." he shrugged as he took a seat opposite Liz. "Become stronger before you call yourself that. In any case, Liz, we just ended patrolling so don't worry you didn't interrupt anything. I can't believe I am late to see how beautiful you look tonight."

Liz quickly shook herself out of her daze at his words, smiling softly. Perhaps these two really were just a superhero and sidekick, probably no intimate sort of relationship, or he won't compliment her like that.

Hearing his words, Rogue took a grumpy seat beside him, clinging a bit too close to him as Liz narrowed her eyes. …Aha, she knew what's happening. This girl surely wasn't his girlfriend, or she would have said so by herself. Rather, she was also after Supernova and was trying to warn others to stay away. Typical. This girl was scared to lose him. Liz smirked in her mind. So he was free to be taken.

"Thank you," Liz put a smile on her face as she tucked a strand of hair behind her ears. "But no, you aren't late, I have only been here for a minute myself."

Well, that wasn't true. She had reached the cafe first and invited him after. If he rejected, she would have just called one of her friends, or maybe even her beautiful cousin, to grab a coffee.

But now that he was here, she didn't plan to waste this opportunity. She wanted to create a good impression on him.

Minutes passed as Liz, Enrique and Anna got to know each other. Liz was the one mostly talking about her personal life, while he not as much. She understood why though. He was a superhero after all, he couldn't be careless enough to trust a random high schooler he had met on a whim and tell her everything about his personal life. The superhero girl, Rogue, was more silent and said nothing except for some comments now and then.

The conversation at one point took a turn to what Supernova's current mission was. She didn't show too much interest, in case he thought of her as a villain or something like that, but he actually didn't mind sharing with her.

"Well, it isn't anything super secret, in fact, you may somehow know who they are and help me out. First of all, they aren't criminals, don't misunderstand." Supernova said. "I am searching for these two," he showed her two pictures. It was of low quality, but she could recognise them.

"I… have heard of them before. This one kid in my class, Flash Thompson,  is a nerd when it comes to superheroes and villains. He has a crush on these two and showed many of his classmates the pictures." Liz said with a shrug. "But no, sorry, I haven't seen them personally or know anything that may help."

"Hmmm," he tilted his head and nodded. "Alright. On another topic, have you ever heard of a woman named Greer Nelson and a girl, your age, named Ava Ayala?"

Liz was about to say no when he said the first name, but when he did the second, she blinked. "...Ava?" she asked. "That's… my cousin. How do you know her?"

Enrique blinked.

'Well well well…' Enrique snickered in his head. 'What are the odds that the olive-skinned Liz was the cousin of the olive-skinned Ava Ayala, aka my target White Tiger?'




Master4thWall Note: I think old readers missed this picture from chapter 2 since I hadn't added it yet. This is Mut.



Goodness gracious Mut


She's a beautiful harem member...errr... Goddess