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Chapter 16: Kitten (1)

Well, that was hot but embarrassing. He just fucked her to unconsciousness. He usually avoided doing that with virgins but looks like he couldn't control his beastial-side completely yet. At least he never fully transformed and therefore had transformed back to his normal form by now.

Also, he finished inside her.

["If you are worried about finishing inside her – that worry is unnecessary, I will take care of it. I happen to be the Goddess of Fertility as well, though that's not my forte. Mhm, when I get more believers I might lend you some of my juicy mating abilities as well."]

"…" Sometimes he wondered if she really could not read his mind. In any case, this got him curious about just how powerful she was. The second strongest Asgardian God, Thor only showed some hammer throwing and lightning summoning powers in MCU – but Mut here had talked about countless abilities (though they weren't all that strong). "Actually, question, how many abilities do you have?"

["Hm? Oh, a lot, apparently. I never bothered to count."] She replied. ["I see your knowledge of Egyptian myths does not stretch up to me. Anyways, I suppose you know about Freya of Asgard? You can imagine her as my Asgardian counterpart, but weaker. In the sense that both of us are mother goddesses, and that both of us are very good at using magic— though I am better, by the way. I may teach you some magic tricks someday, but not now in case any ‘unwanted’ person takes notice. Tch, that bald vixen…"]

She whispered the last words, but Enrique found it useless since the voice was being directly sent to his mind. The bald vixen, as in the fucking Ancient One? She could refer to that woman like that? …If so, he may have underestimated Mut.

He couldn't take her words for granted on how good her magic was— but since she dared compare herself to Freya, who taught Loki all his magic, then yes she was more than just the lightning-throwing part of her.

Also, it seemed she didn't like Freya very much. Enrique decided to strike a score in this. "Really? Then again, I should honestly have assumed so already, given you are so much more beautiful than her as well."

["...Right. You haven't even met her."] she scoffed before laughing and going silent.

"I mean it's obvious even if I haven't met her." Enrique shrugged his shoulders. "Who else but my Goddess?"

She just laughed it off.


Anna woke up later and had her lunch with him. Though he didn’t want to, Enrique cooked the food rather than ordering it as intended. After that, he watched some TV with her and finally decided to leave for a hero-stroll around the city.

“But why can’t I tag along?!” Anna complained as he prepared to leave. “I can subdue anyone – super-powered or otherwise – just by touching them!”

“The problem is you’d have to touch them. Are you confident in not getting stabbed or shot before you succeed?” he asked her. “Are you?”


“Look, you can't even walk properly.” he pointed at her shaky legs, the aftermath of the Battle of Bee.

“I-its your fault, though, Sugah!” she looked at him with a displeased frown.

“Alright. I will take you out tomorrow, okay? I have some special task to do today.” He told her. “How about this— while you stay here, google some good houses or apartments for rent since we can’t stay here for long. People are outside even now. Also, if you see men clad in black suits come to you, knock them out and call me. If the phone doesn’t work, try doing something to attract my attention.”

“The last one is too specific, don’t you think?” Anna said but didn’t argue with him. “Fine. I will do as you say. But it falls on you to make me a superhero costume, then!”

He sighed and took off from his balcony.


The ‘task’ he had wasn’t anything grand. He planned to drop by Peter’s school and give him a reputation boost. Teenagers loved popularity, and knowing Peter’s history in his school, Enrique was sure it would be a good thing. Oh, and he needed to make something up to not let people even consider Peter being Spider-Man.


One thing Peter Parker loved his superpower for was how fast he healed. His entire body was sore from the fight in the train yesterday, but when he woke up this morning not even an ounce of drowsiness was present. School today wasn’t the usual. People were too busy talking about yesterday’s incident to pay any real attention to classes. Peter liked it since he received no useless attention from any unwanted third parties.

It was October and Homecoming was just on the corner. He would like some alone time and a sound mind to build up enough courage to ask Liz out.


As he stood at the door of the exit, after school ended, staring at the waving flashy hero, Peter realised his school life would never be as quiet again.

Shit. Why was Enrique here?


“Ohh, it's Supernova!”

“Do you think he will let me take a selfie?”

“You wish!”

Supernova… There is already a guy with that name though.’ Enrique sighed in his head. That name had occurred in his mind, but he didn’t choose it for this reason in particular. But oh well, Garthan Saal had more aliases than just that. Enrique decided to keep this to himself. ‘Maybe I will go after the Nova Corps someday.

In fact, his company’s name in his previous world was Nova Corporations— in short, [Nova Corps]. The title of Supernova may suit him more than anyone.

“Hey, Peter.” Enrique ignored the other kids and walked forward to stand in front of Peter – the carbon copy of Tom Holland. “Thanks for your help on tracking down the ‘villains’ yesterday, really appreciate it. Spiderman says hi, and suggests we three grab dinner as promised.”

Though the students around them wowed in awe – learning that the nerdy Peter had somehow helped a Superhero – Peter’s own facial expression became flustered.

“Why are you here? No, how did you even find me?” Peter whispered to Enrique, pulling him to a corner.

Oh yes, he is not used to popularity.’ Enrique remembered. ‘He might even think of the current situation as bothersome.

Enrique knew Peter had to grow a bit more open-minded about these things if he wanted to help this dangerous world. Peter had charisma, just that he didn’t know how to bring it out while not under his mask— so Enrique decided to give him a heads start.

As Enrique had a small chat with Peter, suddenly, a feminine voice came from behind.

“Hey, Peter!” Looking past Peter’s shoulder, Enrique found a group of girls – led by Liz Allan – walking over to them. “Sheesh, dude! You never told us you’re friends with Superheroes?” one of the girls—a brunette who Enrique was pretty sure Peter had never talked to before (given his facial expression)—asked before she walked over to Enrique. “Sir, can I take a picture?”

It was his first time hearing the word ‘Sir’ directed at him in this world. He would lie if he said he didn’t miss it.

“Sure,” Enrique let her.

In the next minutes, the girls (except for Liz who chatted with Peter) took their turns on Enrique.

Enrique decided it was enough. Peter was being surrounded by a bunch of more girls by then, making him flustered, as Liz Allan walked over to Enrique.

“Um, Supernova?” she said as she reached out her phone, fidgeting on her spot. “I asked Peter if it's fine to ask you for your number, and he said probably. So, uh, I don't know of this is rude to ask but… Can I get your number?”

None of the girls had the courage to ask for his number until now, but she did. Enrique apologised to Peter in his mind for stealing his crush— but didn’t regret it since Liz was a beautiful girl and also since Peter still had MJ for himself. He accepted her phone and returned it after typing his ‘civilian’ number. He had three numbers, one for his civilian activities, one for business activities, and solely for super activities.

“Thanks.” she smiled brightly and Enrique was about to return her smile just when he noticed someone… strange.

“Hey,” Enrique called Liz and gestured his chin to point at a girl who moved through the crowd, looking somewhat annoyed and hasty to leave the school. Not only was her behaviour strange, her striking white hair as it flowed behind her like a snow avalanche was eye-catching as well. “You know who she is?”

“Oh,” Liz’s expression dimmed, realising he may have found someone else. “Yeah, I think. She’s in the third year, really secretive and doesn’t do much socialising. Some girls picked on her once for that, but one of them had their arm broken, and the others wounded. Name is Felicia Hardy, if I recall correctly.”

Aha… no wonder his tiger senses smelled a kitty in that girl.

It was the Black Cat.


Peter was grateful when he finally got themselves out of the crowd by grabbing him by the shoulder and flying off in the sky. The crowd had simply cheered.

Peter complained some more about how he shouldn’t have done that and whatnot but Enrique just gave him some life lessons on how being popular and having connections would help both his personal and heroic life. If he were to grow into a decently rich man in the future, like his rich Parker version, he would be able to do many things easily and also create stuff that'd help his heroic job. His own suit, even.

Peter stayed silent after that, and only when they were on top of a skyscraper, eating burger king as dinner, did he speak on that matter.

“Speaking of super suits,” Spider-Man spoke with his mouth stuffed. “Did you Goddess make that for you? Can I get one too?”

[“Tell him only if he becomes a devotee believer.”]

Enrique was surprised to hear Mut’s words. He expected her to refuse such a demand. But shrugged and said, “Only if you become her believer.”

Spider-Man chewed on his food as he stared up at Enrique. “Really?”

[“Tell him I can make him a suit in half an hour if he accepts, though if he doesn’t live up to the end of the promise the suit would disappear like Cinderella's dress.”]

She knows Cindrella?’ Enrique was stunned but did as asked nonetheless.

Peter drank water and looked at him in excitement. “Okay, so, what do I do to become a believer?”

[“Tell him this…”] Mut spoke and Enrique spread her words like a good prophet.

People actually didn’t have to do all those animal sacrifices and whatnot to become her believers – but she asked them to do so regardless since that gave extra faith points. But now that she had an active resource of faith from Enrique’s game, and also because a Superhuman was rare – she decided to tone out those points for Spiderman.

Basically, Peter had to pray to Mut every morning after waking up and every night before sleeping – for five minutes. Clasping his hands and praying in front of a statue of Mut. He would also do every ‘influential’ action in his life with a chant in his head—“For my Goddess Mut!”. By doing so Mut will receive all the faith points he would have earned by doing that action if he was a God, but since he was not and all that faith were all going to waste – it shouldn't hurt Peter by doing so either.

When Enrique let Peter know of this, Peter accepted immediately! Enrique manipulated his suit’s cape to form a makeshift statue of Mut and Peter did tonight’s prayer towards it— asking for a super suit. After that, Enrique and Peter sat down on the ground to sketch a classic Spider-Man suit and when done, the sketch vanished in thin air and less than half an hour later the exact suit appeared in place of the sketch.

“Woohoo!!” Peter threw his fist in the air. “It worked!” it fucking did. “Quick, quick, let's test it out!”

As Enrique (being told by Mut) instructed Peter what to do, the teenager made a small cut on his finger and dropped a droplet of blood on the suit. The costume shone bright red and instantly vanished, appearing around Spider-Man’s body and wrapping him up tightly, perfectly. The way his muscles were visible, it seemed the other suit he was wearing was teleported somewhere by Mut.

“Any cloth you are already wearing would be replaced by this when you summon it. You can summon it by sacrificing your blood like you did just now and calling forth the suit after that. Works with any blood— for example, your hands are tied and you can't move, just bite your tongue enough to bleed and call the suit, it will be there. You can un-summon the suit just by concentrating for 10 seconds, and your previous clothes will replace it.” Enrique explained the abilities of the suit. “It is not as powerful as mine, that is exclusive to me, but it is still bulletproof and is also technologically enhanceable, so if you want to do any add-ons, you are free to do so.”

Peter nodded at his word by word as he ran around the rooftop and checked himself out in his classic Spider-Man suit.

Enrique wasn’t expecting this tonight, but given the fortunate fact that this Peter is a 15-year-old, it was possible and he just recruited his 2nd Super Believer.






Robert Stevens

Somthing for the road 👵


Thank you for the chapter